Marianist Affiliates

A public commitment to a life of prayer, faith, love and service

What is Marianist affiliation?

Marianist affiliation is a unique expression of commitment to the Marianist Family and the Church. Spiritual affiliation is a special vocation in the Church and the Marianist Family of following Mary’s example — her trust in God’s promises, her openness to God’s action in her life, and her faithful response to God’s call.

Marianist Affiliates are part of the lay branch of the Marianist Family, but they are guided by a vowed Marianist.

What is the mission of the Marianist Affiliates?

Affiliates embrace Mary as a model of how to live. Through her faith, Mary conceived and brought Jesus to anyone who would believe. By living out their faith, Affiliates also bring Christ to the world anew.

Just as Mary welcomed all people, Affiliates are open to spreading God’s Good News to all people, welcoming them to a life of devotion to Christ’s teachings. Becoming a Marianist Affiliate is a public commitment to live a life of prayer, faith, love and service.

The role of a Marianist Affiliate

Affiliation is a lifelong commitment and is regarded as a true vocation. In the spirit of this consecration, Affiliates commit themselves to a way of life that includes:

  • Dedicating time to personal and community prayer
  • Listening to the Word and celebrating Eucharist
  • Developing in faith and growing in the assimilation, living and teaching of the Marianist charism
  • Being open to spiritual guidance from others
  • Developing skills that lead to personal and community action for a more just and humane world
  • Actively participating in the life of a community

Becoming a Marianist Affiliate

The Marianist Family embraces women and men in all stages of life and with varied backgrounds and training. The first step to becoming a Marianist Affiliate is an informal introduction to Marianist spirituality through a Marianist brother, priest or sister.

Those choosing to pursue membership in the affiliation program are asked to fill out a formal application. They are then assigned a mentor who will journey with them through their time of discernment and initial formation.

For more information, please contact the Marianist Affiliate liaison at the Marianist Office of Religious Life: 314.533.1207, or