The Office of Sponsorship provides ongoing formation opportunities for Marianist-sponsored ministries. These programs help participants grow in understanding and appreciation of the Marianist charism to help them be animators of the Marianist spirit in their ministry.
Here is a list of current formation programs:

Teaching as Ministry Workshop
June 9-11, 2025, Marianist Retreat & Conference Center – St. Louis, MO
If you would like to understand Marianist education as a ministry and want to strengthen the Marianist character of your school, you should participate in the Teaching as Ministry workshop. TAM is designed for teams of two or three teachers, administrators or staff members who have not previously participated in the TAM experience and have at least one year’s experience in Marianist education.
Click here to register.

Marianist Administrators Conference
October 19-21, 2025, The Marriott San Antonio Airport Hotel – San Antonio
The Marianist Administrators Conference is a great opportunity to gain professional and spiritual insights and to network with leaders from other Marianist-sponsored ministries. Participants include presidents, heads of school and principals of sponsored schools and directors of sponsored retreat centers.

Head to Heart: Marianist Spirituality Workshop
November 3 – 5, 2025, Marianist Retreat & Conference Center – St. Louis, MO
This workshop teaches ways to live Marianist spirituality in everyday experiences. It provides practical applications to deepen the expression of the Marianist charism within a Marianist-sponsored ministry. The workshop is designed for all lay collaborators in Marianist-sponsored schools and retreat centers.