The call to serve the Blessed Mother and the Church is a gift to be treasured!
This gift may take many forms; we encourage you to value it, pray over it and most importantly, explore how you should use it.
Have you received the gift of a calling to join the Marianists as a brother, priest, sister or lay person? Let us help you explore this vocation and the lifelong satisfaction it can provide.
Stay in touch and see where God takes you.
Download a free adoration resource here. Marianist Holy Hour for Vocations
Join our mailing list and stay connected to Marianist vocations. We will provide news about upcoming events, opportunities to support those in formation and resources for discerning a vocation.
Follow the brothers Marianist Vocations on Instagram and YouTube.
Follow the sisters FMI Marianist Vocations on Instagram.
You can find more information on all of the Marianist Family vocations on the navigation to the left including, Marianist Brothers, Marianist Sisters and Marianist Lay Communities.