Marianists 2024 Jubilarians
Each year, the Society of Mary recognizes brothers and priests who are marking milestones of their first profession of vows or their priestly ordinations. Thank you to our 2024 Jubilarians!

80 years of profession
I was born on September 2, 1925, in Brooklyn, NY. I have three brothers and one sister. I professed my first vows on August 20, 1944, at Marianist Prep in Beacon, NY. I was blessed to serve in many schools before I retired in 2008 to the Cupertino Marianist Community in Cupertino, CA. I learned quite early in life that I would not be able to do everything for everybody but would be able to do something for somebody. Click here to read more.

75 years of profession
I was ordained on June 11, 1961. There were four of us: me, Don Cowie, a Japanese Marianist, and a Spanish Marianist, who went to a nearby German diocese to be ordained with their ordination class. I returned to the United States and celebrated my first Mass at my home parish, Holy Redeemer in Detroit, with my family present. In all my ministries, I continue to know that there is no end to God’s mercy and that He never gives up on us. It has been a blessing. Click here to read more.

75 years of profession
I first met the Marianists during my freshman year at Don Bosco High School. The school was just opening, and I was the sixth student to register. I had all Marianist teachers and was impressed by their cheerfulness, happiness, and caring attitude toward the students and each other. This was impressive since they were temporarily living and sleeping in empty classrooms with bedsheet partitions. I was very impressed by what they were doing and how they were doing it. I could see myself doing this. In my junior year, I became a postulant in St. Louis and, a year later, went to the novitiate in Galesville, Wisconsin. Click here to read more.

75 years of profession
As a senior at Purcell High School, I was approached about a vocation to be a Marianist. God gave me the grace to devote my life in service to Mary — doing her work — which has been a challenge ever since. I accomplished this by serving as a teacher in the United States and in the missions. In living out my religious life, I have found the need for a solid prayer life which, with God’s grace and Mary’s help, I have tried to do. I thank God for all the graces he has given me, and I pray for Mary’s help to continue to cooperate with them. Click here to read more.

75 years of profession
I first met the Marianist brothers at a very young age, they taught at my grade school, Immaculate Conception, in Washington D.C., of particular influence was Bro. Joe Weber in eighth grade. I probably also developed a special devotion to the Blessed Mother at that time. When I asked my parents if I could go to the Postulate at Mount Saint John in Dayton, OH, they were very supportive. After seminary in Fribourg, Switzerland, I learned to love the Church in a special way because of my years of service at the Vatican writing letters to various bishops regarding Vatican II. Click here to read more.

75 years of profession
Bro. Leo Slay came from a family that had been in the restaurant business since 1911 and has been actively engaged in food service in the Society of Mary since 1949. He’s been a consultant for all types of food service operations, has organized and directed numerous culinary institutes and workshops, and has served as a food service director at Marianist schools. Bro. Leo says, “I believe there is no better way to be happy than to be of service to others.” Click here to read more.

70 years of profession
As I look back, I could never have imagined what has unfolded: a variety of teaching positions in various settings and levels, a vast experience of ministries, writing three published volumes and professional articles related to U.S. Catholicism, traveling the United States, Europe, Asia, and elsewhere, while in Province leadership, on pilgrimages and study tours, meeting and interacting with such diverse peoples, having a variety of ministries, two of which encompassed 13 years each, and even a foreign assignment. Click here to read more.

70 years of profession
Thinking back over these years, I’ve come to realize how important “family” has been throughout my entire life. I was born an only child but into a large extended Irish-American family. I don’t think I was ever very conscious of being an “only.” We actually referred to our family as a “tribe” – parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and numerous cousins. We belonged to each other. So, family was important to me from the beginning. Click here to read more.

70 years of profession
I have enjoyed my life as a Marianist. My life as an active Marianist could be seen as a life as a teacher, a counselor, and a coach. My life as a Marianist is a constant backdrop to this life. Over time, I discovered that being a Marianist, I took in more than the students I taught, counseled, or coached and all whom I met. When I retired from working in high schools and moved to Cincinnati, I realized more clearly my life as a life of service to the people with whom I work and to my community. Click here to read more.

70 years of profession
A neighbor’s family had a son who was a Marianist whom I admired. I entered the postulate at Maryhurst, which led to the novitiate. I was always interested in things scientific and technological, and I enjoyed providing for the physical needs of the community and institution wherever I was assigned. It has been a fulfilling life dedicated to the advancement of the kingdom of God. Click here to read more.

60 years of profession
Bro. Roger Bau was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on September 1, 1945. He attended Holy Redeemer Grade School and St. John Cathedral High School, graduated from St. Mary’s University with a B.A. in history, Notre Dame University with an M.B.A. in Not-for-Profit Institutions, and Loyola University with a Master’s in Pastoral Studies. Click here to read more.

60 years of profession
Thank you, Lord, for helping me to choose to remain a Marianist religious, a member of a community of men as part of the larger Family of Mary, consecrated to her, calling others to work together to bring life. With Mary as our model, we are helped to carry in us the care and tenderness that welcomes and heals, the courage to “Do whatever He tells you,” and the faith and endurance to stand at the foot of the cross. Click here to read more.

60 years of profession
Looking back on my 60 years as a Marianist, the one word that keeps coming up is ‘CHANGE.’ Change in the World, Church, Society of Mary, The Province, Community, Ministry, and Self. The only thing that did not change was the Lord’s love for me. There were times when I questioned this love, but Mary would remind me that Her and the Lord’s love was there. Click here to read more.

60 years of profession
The brothers at Archbishop Riordan High School in San Francisco were my inspiration for joining the Society of Mary. Their commitment to the students was part of it, but the fraternity they showed us in their life together and the masculine religious tone they gave to the school were what convinced me that I wanted to join them. It is the Society that taught me how to love scripture and has sustained me throughout the years. And it is the Society that taught me to love Mary and appreciate the power of her presence and meaning in the church. Click here to read more.

60 years of profession
“Now there are varieties of gifts but the same Spirit, and there are varieties of service but the same Lord, and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone.” That quote from Corinthians sums up much of my life as a Marianist. I’ve been blessed with many opportunities and experiences these past 60 years.
I look upon the experiences and ministries in the past and realize that each one brought unique and gifted people with whom to work. I was blessed to have so many generous people as colleagues. I think the Society of Mary mirrors the quote from Corinthians, we have many gifts and a variety of ways of using them for the ministry of the Church. Click here to read more.

60 years of profession
I became impressed with the Marianists while a student at Cathedral Latin School. They were a very happy community of Marianists. I can remember them standing on the porch of the Marianist residence laughing. I was thinking of joining the Marianists when a brother encouraged me to do so. I joined a group of students who talked with the Marianists about joining. The rest is history, I went to novitiate in July 1963. I know I still have a lot to learn, a lot to share with my brothers. I am extremely grateful to Mary and to my brothers for all I have learned through my years as a Marianist. Click here to read more.

60 years of profession
What attracted me to Marianist life? The Marianist Brothers and Priests who taught in my high school inspired me to live this life. I liked how they went out of their way to help others, treated everyone as equals and lived a strong faith and community life. They were the teachers who were really alive at the school. They made me and everyone else feel important and worthwhile. I liked how they prayed, lived in community and were very happy with their lives. As I celebrate this 60th year of my Marianist profession, I am so grateful for my Marianist vocation and for the many brothers, family and friends who helped, challenged and walked with me to live this sacred and wonderful Marianist life each day! Click here to read more.

60 years of ordination
From my first year with the Marianists, my Marianist family in the Society of Mary was involved in my formation. I felt a warmth of welcome from them and the presence of Mary in my life. This developed from decade to decade. I think it never stops. It is our permanent mission to be apostles of Mary, so too, Marianist formation is always at work in us and as my spiritual director puts it, “the most formative years are the years we celebrate as Jubilarians. We begin to pause in the seventies, and each decade in life, we are given by God.” Click here to read more.

60 years of ordination
Working with young adults in high school and university ministry has been enriching, and parish ministry has given me a strong sense of compassion for those struggling with difficult life situations. Expressions of appreciation from others remind me that it is the Lord and not I who has been the minister. I am profoundly grateful for having been called to the Marianist life – a life of ministry and service flowing from faith and Fr. Chaminade’s charism. The motto I chose in the novitiate was “Behold your Mother.” I thank God for Mary’s presence and action in my life and ministry. Click here to read more.

50 years of profession
I first met the Marianists in Kalamazoo, Michigan, in 1970 when I needed a place to stay while attending Western Michigan University. At the time, I was discerning the diocesan priesthood, but the experience of prayer, community, and ministry in the community and the example of the brothers’ lives changed everything. I have been blessed with wonderful Marianist spiritual directors and friends who have helped me to grow spiritually and as a Marianist. To quote Dag Hammarskjold, “For all that has been – Thanks! To all that shall be – Yes!” Click here to read more.

50 years of ordination
Fr. Robert Bouffier entered the Marianist Novitiate in Rose Hill, VA, in 1966 after graduating from Chaminade High School in Mineola, NY. His assignments included teaching in high schools and universities, chaplaincy for troubled children, theatre work as both an actor and director, and ministry in the Brazilian Apostolate of the Archdiocese of Boston. He is deeply devoted to our Blessed Mother and attributes his love of beauty, art, poetry, and drama to her quiet and powerful influence. He is most grateful to all who have walked with him during the years. Click here to read more.

50 years of ordination
In the book of Proverbs, we read: “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Marianist life has given me a vision. It is a vision expressed well in the opening chapter of our Rule of Life: “Our goal is to be transformed into His (Christ’s) likeness and to work for the coming of His kingdom.” (article 2). In whatever I have done as a Marianist religious, the vision and dream of God’s kingdom have been the inspiration for my ministry and life. During my years, we have seen a world of alienation, hatred, and violence (human beings at their worst). But the dream and vision have stayed the same. Our world still needs to see caring, sharing, and forgiving (human beings at their best). Click here to read more.

25 years of ordination
It has been a joy to serve the Church and the Society of Mary as a priest these past 25 years. Celebrating the sacraments, preaching, accompanying youth and young adults on their faith journey, and being with people in their most joyous times and in their most vulnerable times have been a gift to my life. Serving as a Marianist priest in schools, parishes, positions of leadership and in the missions allowed me to share the gift of our Marianist Charism in various cultures and different languages. Click here to read more.