
February 2025

Recent Deaths

Please join us in prayer for these members of the Marianist Family

Sherwin Ancheta, the uncle of Andrew Ancheta (Vocation Contact), who entered eternal life recently.

Bro. Gary Bernard Eck, SM (Province of Meribah), who died in the service of the Blessed Virgin Mary on February 25th at the age of 79 with 59 years of religious profession.

Bro. Donald Eugene Neff, SM (Centerville, Ohio), who died in the service of the Blessed Virgin Mary on February 23rd at the age of 94 with 74 years of religious profession.

Bro. James Vorndran, SM (Centerville, Ohio) who died in the service of the Blessed Virgin Mary on February 22nd at the age of 84 with 65 years of religious profession.

Tom Oles, Jr. (San Diego, California) the father of Bro. Tom Oles III, SM, who entered eternal life on February 18th.

Rev. Robert Witwicki, SM (Bordeaux, France), who died in the service of the Blessed Virgin Mary on February 13th at the age of 82 with 62 years of religious profession.

Eveline Wilson, the aunt of Bro. Tom Oles, SM, who entered eternal life on February 9th.

Laura Meixner, wife of Dan Meixner, President of Chaminade Julienne High School (Dayton, Ohio), who entered eternal life on February 9th.

Jim Cooper, the brother-in-law of Kathy (John) Cooper, who entered eternal life on February 7th, after a long battle with cancer.

Bro. Friedrich Pachinger, SM (Freistadt, Osterreich), who died in the service of the Blessed Virgin Mary on February 6th at the age of 92 with 74 years of religious profession.

Samantha Trautman (St. Charles, Missouri), family of Mary (Jim) Holtmann, who entered eternal life on February 3rd. Samantha leaves behind a 12-year old daughter.

Bob Askins (Dayton, Ohio), member of Common Bond and former faculty member of the University of Dayton, who entered eternal life on February 3rd.

Bro. Richard Joseph Dix, SM (San Antonio, Texas), who died in the service of the Blessed Virgin Mary on February 2nd at the age of 92 with 75 years of religious profession.

Lisa Vega (San Antonio, Texas), a counselor at Central Catholic High School, who entered eternal life on January 24th at the young age of 42 years.

Those in need of prayers for healing

Dale Waller

Bro. Jim Christiana, SM

Steve Nichols


Bro. Gary Eck, SM

Stacy Ohlendorf Hartzog

Grandmother of Joseph Nugent

Judy Bittner

Bob Heyl

Archbishop Dennis Schnurr

…and for healing through the intercession of Blessed William Joseph Chaminade. May our public prayers joined with Blessed Chaminade’s bring comfort and healing to…

Leina’ala Jardine, for the healing of pancreatic cancer through the intercession of Blessed William Joseph Chaminade.

Elaine Lunne, for the healing of cancer through the intercession of Blessed William Joseph Chaminade.

Juan Ignacio de la Cruz Avila (Apaseo El Grande, Mexico), for healing of paralysis caused by a gunshot wound to his head.

Marilena Gallo (Rome, Italy), for healing of the effects of a malignant brain tumor.