
Sponsorship is the organizational model adopted by the Marianists to maintain and continue the Catholic, Marianist mission and identity of its apostolic ministries.

Sponsorship is a ministry of service, a collaborative effort on the part of the province with its lay collaborators – including administrators, board members, staff members and volunteers – to embody the characteristics that make those educational institutions and retreat centers distinctly Marianist.

Marianist Office of Sponsorship
4425 West Pine Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63108

Pat Wheadon, director

Marianist App HomeMarianist Province Mobile App

Stay in touch with the Marianist Province by downloading our new mobile app!

The app provides easy access to information to support the Catholic, Marianist mission and identity of Marianist-sponsored ministries.

Click here to learn more.

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