Marianist vocations

What is a brother?

In today’s world, a religious vocation is a unique path where faithful Catholics can live out their calling from God according to their own gifts and abilities. Marianists have a special charism, based on a devotion to Mary, that emphasizes community, family spirit and service as we seek to imitate Christ. Marianists can have many professions and our community includes doctors, lawyers, skilled tradesmen, artists, teachers and priests, just to name a few. Together, we use our talents and gifts in service to God’s people.

If you have a passion for science or art, an advanced degree, a professional certification, a love of music or any special talent that you believe God wants you to use in service to His Church, Marianist life could be for you.

Check out this video to learn some basics.

Are you called to become a Marianist?

This is a great question to be asking yourself. The Marianists – members of the Society of Mary – are a joyful, prayerful community of men. We represent a wide range of ages and cultural backgrounds. We share a devotion to the Blessed Mother and a commitment to service.

The Marianists are:

  • Men of faith: We are moved by the Holy Spirit to follow Jesus.
  • Dedicated to Mary: She is our model of discipleship. We are inspired by her example to bring Christ to the world.
  • Men of community: We believe that living simply, praying daily and supporting each other as a community enriches our faith and strengthens our ability to grow and meet challenges.
  • A discipleship of equals: Brothers and priests serve side by side and serve each other. Priesthood is seen as a ministry, not a step up the ladder.
  • Leaders in mission: Our mission is to bring Christ to the world and to work for the coming of his kingdom.

Are you called to become a Marianist? We look forward to helping you find out.

Stay in touch and see where God takes you.

Download a Marianist vocations adoration resource here.

Downloadable Marianist Holy Hour for Vocations


Join our mailing list and stay connected to Marianist vocations. We will provide news about upcoming events and resources to help support men in formation and discern a vocation.

Follow Marianist Vocations on Instagram and YouTube.

If you would like to get in contact with our vocations director and learn about next steps for your discernment, please click here to fill out our interest form or contact:

Bro. Mark Motz, SM, vocation director
By email or at 314.250.4505