Teaching Transcends Borders and Time
A creative seed planted by Bro. Bob Resing in 1970 has today blossomed into a flourishing art curriculum and a new building named after him in Australia. Bro. Bob received a letter this summer from Emmanuel College, a Catholic high school in the Marianist tradition located in Melbourne, where he once taught.
He was floored. Not only would his name be emblazoned on the building, but they flew him to Aussieland in October for a special dedication and blessing ceremony. “I was blown away,” he said, having never fully realized the impact of his presence and influence at the school.
Bro. Bob first arrived in Australia in the 70s to teach art at St. Paul’s College, an all-boys school that is now a part of Emmanuel College. “I was an inexperienced 24-year-old fresh out of the Marianist Scholasticate,” recalled Bro. Bob.
Living and teaching in the land down under for the next 17 years left an indelible impression. “I loved just about everything – the people, the place, the multicultural makeup of the students,” he said. “I loved the flora, the fauna, the nearness to the ocean, the newness of the country, the laidback manner of the people, and Australian football. My time there was a wonderful gift from God.”
St. Paul’s students, faculty, and families mutually shared that gift. “Bro. Bob’s creative presence as a member and leader of the art program played a central role in developing and diversifying our art curriculum,” said Mark Sciberras, deputy principal-mission integration at St. Paul’s.
He was also a catalyst for expanding the school’s commitment to artistic creativity by working closely with architects on a new arts building at St. Paul’s in 1979. He served as chief consultant in creating Our Lady’s Chapel, where he designed the stained glass windows that adorn the sacred space.
Those who worked closely by his side in those years claim it was his “warm, sometimes cheeky smile, and his humility, kindness, and respect for others” that drew people to him and cemented long-lasting friendships, said Sciberras. “As part of his legacy, with strong Marianist foundations, Bro. Bob helped Emmanuel College grow into the increasingly imaginative and inclusive community that we are today.”
Bro. Bob currently works at the Marianist Province of the U.S. office in St. Louis, MO, and continues cultivating art, making handcrafted jewelry. Click here to explore his designs and inquire about his pieces.
Click here for more photos from the dedication ceremony.
Click here for a video honoring Bro. Bob and his contributions to the college.
In The News
Marianist World Day of Prayer
Marianist World Day of Prayer on, October 15, focused this year on Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto at Mount Saint John in Dayton, OH.
Staff at the North American Center for Marianist Studies (NACMS) produced a prayer booklet for the occasion, and the International Marian Research Institute contributed an interesting Mary food fact.
Did you know the hazelnut chocolate Ferrero Rocher was created to honor the Virgin Mary and a little girl’s miraculous vision of her in Lourdes, France?
Michele Ferrero, the Italian businessman who owned the Ferrero Group and turned it into the global candy corporation behind Nutella, Kinder, and Tic-Tac, was a devout Catholic and made a pilgrimage once a year to Lourdes, according to The Guardian. Executives also claim that every Ferrero plant and office in the world has a statue of the Madonna. Michele Ferror has stated, “The success of Ferrero we owe to Our Lady of Lourdes. Without her, we can do little.” Click here to read more.
Click here to see pictures from Marianist World Day of Prayer celebrations in Kenya and Honolulu.
Lay Community Continues to Grow
From Dayton, OH, to San Antonio, TX, our Marianist Lay Community (MLC) is growing!

In correlation with the Marianist World Day of Prayer, a group of young adults made their commitment to a new MLC named “Embrace” at the Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto at Mount Saint John.

The following Sunday in San Antonio, another new Marianist Lay Community made its Consecration to Mary. The St. Mary’s University students have been preparing using Fr. Quentin Hackenewerth’s consecration materials. This is their first step in forming their MLC, with their final commitment scheduled for Sunday, January 21, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. Mass in Assumption Chapel at the university.
Want to become a Lay Marianist, join a new community, or form your own? The Marianist Lay Community of North America is running a formation program from Jan. 9 to June 4, 2024. Sessions will be held virtually.
Cultural Exchange Experience
Pope Francis encourages the Church to be a community that takes initiative. In accepting that challenge and utilizing the Marianist understanding of “radical hospitality,” Chaminade-Madonna College Preparatory is proud to initiate a cultural exchange experience for two new faculty members.

Junreyglen (Glen) Briones and Ernest San Jose, from the Philippines, have committed to a five-year cultural experience of working and living in the United States. Glen stated that he embarked on this journey because “I was driven by a profound desire for personal and professional growth. I had always been intrigued by venturing into the unknown, particularly American culture, to gain a deeper understanding of the world and learn from its diversity.”
Ernest echoed that sentiment, adding that many fellow Filipinos leave their homeland to help with the financial needs of their families who remain in the Philippines. For him, it’s a spiritual voyage, “we immerse ourselves in kaleidoscopic cultures, each a symphony of existence. Departing home is not a mere farewell but a tender invitation to a grander voyage of heart and spirit.”
Click here to read more in a write-up from Bro. Jack Ventura.
Who Let The Dogs Out?
Some of our Marianist schools went to the dogs earlier this month! It was part of Emotional Wellness Month, observed in October, and reminds us to disconnect and take time out for our brain.
According to Healthline, “Interacting with a friendly pet can help reduce blood pressure and improve overall cardiovascular health. It can also release endorphins that can calm, alleviate pain, reduce stress, and improve your overall psychological state.”
At St. John Vianney High School, students snuggled and played with puppies as part of a Wellness Awareness Week. Lucky Chance Rescue provided the puppy therapy. The bonus is that all puppies are available for adoption and were introduced to potential new pet parents.
At Chaminade University of Honolulu, Wellness Week culminated with a “Puppy Love” event, where students had the opportunity to unwind and get some pet therapy from K9 TheraPets of Hawaii.
St. Mary’s University invites therapy dogs to visit campus each semester to help ease students’ stress of midterms and finals and, of course, to receive cuddles.
Want to see more puppy pictures? Click here.
Marianist Ministries in Action
Charism Conquers Competition
On October 2, 1817, the Society of Mary was formed. It’s a day fondly referred to by many students and supporters as simply Marianist Day! To commemorate it, the three Marianist-sponsored high schools in St. Louis leave any rivalry on the playing fields and gather for a Mass that has become an annual tradition.
This year, St. John Vianney High School hosted faculty and staff from Chaminade College Preparatory School St. Louis and St. Mary’s South Side Catholic High School to its campus to celebrate Marianist Charism and grow as Marianist educators.
Dr. Steve Neiheisel, an author, guest speaker, and longtime Catholic educator, encouraged participants to form young men to be men of character. Provincial Fr. Oscar Vasquez thanked attendees for their dedication. “Please know that you are in the thoughts and prayers of all our brothers as you move forward in hope. Blessed Chaminade’s vision to rechristianize our world is in our hands.”
Vianney’s Campus Ministry Director, Grace Burnworth, said that while they may come from different schools in different areas of St. Louis, they are journeying together. “We have a shared mission and were able to discuss similar challenges and triumphs. It was a reminder that as we educate in the formation of faith, we have colleagues beyond the walls of our individual schools. The Marianist family spirit transcends rivalries and provides us with partners in education and faith. “
Fr. Oscar furthered that sentiment, “St. Louis is the only city with three Marianist high schools. This is a blessing and a challenge. The blessing is that we can gather as professionals to share the story and support one another. The challenge is that there is always a natural competition. But that allows us to model for our world that competition (or differences) doesn’t mean we have to be at odds. We can model how to coexist and thrive for the world as long as we keep what is at the foundation in mind. “
A Marianist Moment

Our Lady of the Pillar and Fr. Chaminade
In October, the Marianist world celebrates an important Marian Feast, Our Lady of the Pillar. The feast commemorates the tradition that Mary appeared to St. James the Greater Apostle in A.D. 40. It is considered the first Marian apparition in recorded Church history and also the only one that occurred while Mary was still alive. It was actually a bilocation since she was living in Jerusalem.
During the early ministry (post-Pentecost) of the Apostles, James traveled to Roman Hispania (modern-day Spain). He was not very successful in his evangelization efforts and was frustrated and discouraged by the lack of conversions in the area. He was sitting on the bank of the Ebro River in Caesaraugusta (modern-day Saragossa) when Mary appeared with thousands of angels surrounding her. Her purpose was to console and encourage James in his ministry. Mary, with the child Jesus in her arms and standing on a pillar, asked James and the other disciples to build a church on the site, promising that “it will stand from that moment until the end of time in order that God may work miracles and wonders through my intercession for all those who place themselves under my patronage.” And so the Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar is the first church dedicated to Mary in history and remains standing to this day. (see “Why Our Lady of the Pillar is the patroness of Spain and the Americas,” by Alejandro Bermudez on www.catholicnewsagency.com)
As we know, Blessed Chaminade arrived in Saragossa in 1797 when he was exiled from France during the French Revolution. He and his fellow exiles, no doubt, had feelings of frustration, disappointment and even anger because of their situation. But the fruits of Blessed Chaminade’s prayers before Our Lady of the Pillar can be seen today in the Family of Mary.
Click here to read more.
From the Archives
Marianist Archives On Display
The San Antonio Regional Archivists (SARA) hosted its first-ever bazaar on October 7, 2023, and invited the well-established Marianist Archives to participate. It was an opportunity for area archival repositories and community archives to showcase collections. It was free and open to the public. Participants learned about and explored collection tables, listened to presentations, and enjoyed regional musical entertainment.
If you’d like to see more images from the archives, visit and “like” this Facebook page.
Pray With Us
Please join us in prayer for these members of the Marianist Family.
Bro. Albert Kuntemeier, 92, died on October 13, 2023, in San Antonio, TX, with 75 years of religious profession.
Bro. Al, born in St. Louis, MO, was a teacher, a counselor, a coach, a chaplain, a tennis player, and a joyful extrovert. Over the course of more than 60 years of ministry, he touched the lives of all those in his orbit with his friendliness, positive spirit, and dedication to the Blessed Mother.
Click here to read more.
Click here to see more pictures.
Bro. James Brown, 82, died on October 15, 2023, in Dayton, OH, with 63 years of religious profession.
Bro. Jim, born in Cleveland, OH, was a teacher, a business manager, a fundraiser, and a storyteller who generously dedicated his life in service to Mary. He was a person of deep faith, gratitude, and prayer whose smile and humor delighted and inspired those who were blessed to know him.
Click here to read more.
Click here to see more pictures.
Bro. Francis Heyer, 102, died on October 19, 2023, in San Antonio, TX, with 83 years of religious profession. Bro. Francis was revered as a teacher – one who credited his “mature alliance” with Mary as the reason his own work bore fruit in the classroom. Following his professional career, he planted trees and tended to landscaping around his communities, wanting to provide a welcoming environment for all.
Click here to read more.
Click here to see more pictures.
Fr. Gerald Chinchar, 80, died on October 28, 2023, in San Antonio, TX, with 61 years of religious profession.
His obituary is forthcoming and will be posted here as soon as possible.
Click here to see more pictures.
Good to Know
Women’s Retreat
Women need time to pause, reflect, and be with other women who seek God’s voice in their lives. At Tecaboca, you can find all of that and more.
Tecaboca Women’s Retreats offer time to relax and rejuvenate, make new friends, enliven your faith, and return home with a sense of spiritual inspiration and calm.
This year’s retreat will be held Dec. 1-3 and explore the many types of goodbyes and hellos that we say in our lives. The Tecaboca team, using the book “Praying Our Goodbyes,” will guide you through the healing of “goodbyes.”
Click here for more information and to register today.
The Best of Quest
Bro. Bob Moriarty is on a quest—literally and figuratively—and he wants you to join!
In collaboration with the North American Center for Marianist Studies, Bro. Bob has digitized and published The Best of Quest, featuring handpicked material from almost 30 years of the popular Quest publication. The new compilation contains prayers, reflections, and conversation questions based on the Sunday readings from the lectionary for each liturgical year.
Liturgical years A and C are available as free downloads by clicking the corresponding links below. Liturgical year B is still in process.
Volunteers Needed
The Marianist Social Justice Collaborative is looking for volunteers for our Issue & Project Teams. You can volunteer from wherever you are (no specific location required) and with whatever experience you have with the Marianist Family. Read the full volunteer role description here and pursue the next steps by going here: [email protected]
Rise From the Ashes
You may recall the Findlay Street Marianist community in Cincinnati, OH. The community in the Over the Rhine neighborhood was dedicated to living among and serving the poor, working for social justice and offering urban plunge retreats. Unfortunately, a fire and subsequent burst of water pipe forced the brothers to abandon the building in 2007, which has stood empty since.
But, Bro. Bob Donovan reports that reconstruction work has recently begun on the building. There is no indication of who the new tenant might be, but it is suspected it will be turned into apartments. The developer’s adopted motto is “positively transforming communities.”
Check Out More Marianist News
Via Latina from the General Administration of the Society of Mary
Sharing Our Marianist Stories podcast from North American Center for Marianist Studies
Justice Jottings from the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative
AMU Newsletter from the Association of Marianist Universities
District Update #74 from the Marianist District of India
FatherSide Chats is a web video series featuring Fr. Gene Contadino. Discover new episodes every Tuesday about a variety of topics. Click the graphic to view episodes. Click here to read more.
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