NCIS Chaminade — Reality, not TV
It’s not a spinoff of the television series NCIS: Hawai’i. They don’t go around pointing guns at people or detonating bombs. They certainly don’t solve major crimes in an hour. But, five Chaminade University of Honolulu alumni do help keep Hawaii safe.
As special agents for the Hawaii Field Office of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) headquartered at Pearl Harbor Naval Base, Chris Meana ’12, Pia Teves ’85, Tamara Kenessey ’16, Olivia DeQuiroz ’12 and Kay Een ’02 are tasked with monitoring crime, conducting polygraph tests, supporting criminal investigations, providing analytical support, and technical surveillance countermeasures.
“When I attended Chaminade, I was really into my religious classes, and I thought that was my calling,” says Meana, who’s been with NCIS since 2015. “But then I served with the Hawaii National Guard, and I refined my calling, wanting to make an impact in my hometown.”
For DeQuiroz, it was not so much a calling but a necessity that led her to the NCIS Hawaii Field Office. “I needed to pay for college, so I applied for an administrative position,” says the Polygraph Examiner.
Today, she provides counterintelligence, monitoring spies, terrorists, and any matter pertaining to our national security across all military branches. She’s also involved with “Operation Keiki Shield,” which is part of the Hawaii Department of the Attorney General’s Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.
A former electrician with his family’s business, Teves started as a Technical Investigative Specialist (TIS) Agent in 1987 and became a Technical Enforcement Officer in 2014. He is now the sole provider of technical support for the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force and technical security for the entire Pacific Command.
“Before there was the internet, I was looking at an actual bulletin board while I was on campus, and I came across this poster that read: Naval Investigative Service (NIS), overseas travel, worldwide locations,” recalls Teves. “I had no idea what it was, but it sounded sexy, so I applied.”
A Special Agent since 2020, Kenessey deals with death investigations, child enticement, fraud, arson, and all federal-level investigations that involve criminal and security matters with the Navy.

Kay Een praises Chaminade for her current position, saying the school’s welcoming atmosphere and experiential learning help her as NCIS’ Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer.
“Much like my time at Chaminade, I believe there is great value in being surrounded by people with different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives,” says Een, who is now in her 20th year with NCIS. “Being in a place that fosters diversity through inclusion is key to growing an innovative and agile workforce.”
As far as the authenticity of CBS’ popular NCIS franchise, they all agree that the drama doesn’t always get it right. “We have a close relationship with the show and work with them,” Meana says. “They try to stay close to reality but do add their own fictional twist.”
In The News
Marianist World Day of Prayer
The World Council of the Marianist Family has declared that this year’s Marianist World Day of Prayer on Sunday, October 15, will be focused on the Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto at Mount Saint John in Dayton, OH. The annual Marianist World Day of Prayer originates from the Lay Branch.
During the 1970s, affiliates in St. Louis, MO, began a prayerful gathering on the Sunday closest to October 12, the feast of Our Lady of the Pillar. This gathering in prayer modeled Father Chaminade’s sacred prayer time in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar in Saragossa, Spain. The Provincial at the time, Fr. Quentin Hakenewerth, invited the whole Province of St. Louis to share in this annual prayerful gathering. When Fr. Quentin was elected the General Assistant for Religious Life at the 1981 General Chapter of the Society of Mary, he invited the worldwide Marianist Family to share in the annual gathering.
When Fr. Jose Maria Arnaiz was elected General Assistant for Religious Life in 1991, he began identifying a specific Marian shrine each year as a focal point for the day of prayer. The Marian shrine at Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto on the property of Mount Saint John in Dayton, OH, is the focus this year.
Click here to read more.
Doctor, Founder, and Marianist Brother
A special tribute was made to Bro. Bob Donovan for his founding vision and years of service to the Center for Respite Care in Cincinnati, OH, as it celebrated its 20th anniversary.
After being in private practice for four years, Dr. Donovan entered the Society of Mary and became the Medical Director of the Cincinnati Health Care for the Homeless Program in 1988. He delivered primary care to the homeless on a Mobile Medical Clinic as part of his duties. From this effort, the Center for Respite Care was born.
The Transformation Awards ceremony was a virtual event emceed by WKRC’s medical reporter earlier this month. Click the image to watch.
Latest Podcast Available
Did you know the North American Center for Marianist Studies produces podcasts?
It just wrapped its 29th episode featuring Bro. Jesse O’Neill in a broadcast titled, “What We Gave Them Lives On.”
Want to tune in and take a listen? Click here.
You can find all 29 episodes by clicking here.
The podcast is available on your preferred platform, including its YouTube channel.
Marianist Ministries in Action
Milestone for Marianist Social Justice Collaborative
The Marianist Social Justice Collaborative (MSJC) was formed 25 years ago among the three branches of the Marianist Family (SM, FMI, and the Laity) as a unique place of connection to keep the fires of justice burning.
Since then, MSJC has addressed the signs of the times, focusing on national and international issues such as ending sweatshop labor, caring for our environment, and working to eradicate racism.
Today, more than 80 volunteers advocate and create opportunities for engagement around seven distinct social justice initiatives. The MSJC encourages everyone to participate in its “Next 25 Years of MSJC Visioning” Jamboard. Find the Jamboard here!
You can also join a virtual celebration on Tuesday, October 10, 2023, from 8-9 p.m. (ET). During this virtual event, the MSJC will reflect on its accomplishments over the past 25 years, pray together, have some fun (trivia and prizes!), and spend time envisioning the future. Click here to RSVP.
A Marianist Moment
Marianist Causes Campaign
The Provincial Council’s desire to engage youth in its Marianist Causes has hit the walls of Marianist-sponsored schools, parishes, retreat centers, and ministries across the country.
“Causes are very important to us,” says Provincial Fr. Oscar Vasquez. “We hope and pray in our lifetime that Blessed Chaminade becomes a saint, but there are many other Blesseds as well.”
Marianist Causes are Blesseds whom the pope has beatified after an investigation by the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Causes of Saints — one step from being canonized as a saint.
Last Fall, Fr. Oscar Vasquez invited Dr. Noël Pretila and Ryan Slattery of Chaminade College Preparatory School in St. Louis and Andrew Shipp of St. John Vianney High School to create a poster with striking visual elements and biographies geared toward young people concerning the Marianist Causes. These Causes include Blessed William Joseph Chaminade, Blessed Maria de la Conception, Blessed Martyrs of Ciudad Real, Blessed Martyrs of Madrid, and Blessed Jakob Gapp.
With the emphasis on presenting eye-catching and interactive visuals for students in 6th to 12th grades, Pretila was amazed at the artistic talent of Ryan Slattery, a 6th-grade, theology teacher.
“When you look closely at the poster, he creatively re-cast the images of the various Marianist Blesseds in what I would best describe as a classy ‘animated’ style that makes these likenesses relatable to the youth,” says Pretila. “We were simply in awe of his work!”
The posters reveal the stories of several Marianist Blesseds, and the team devised the idea of using designated QR codes for each so that students can scan a code on their phone and be directed to a short, engaging write-up on the given Blessed.
“This world needs role models of virtue and faith. While I had heard the names of some of these individuals, I was amazed to learn more about their lives and the risks these people took in order to share the love of Christ,” says Shipp. Adding, “The students like the artwork on the posters, and I am excited to witness them learning more about the Marianist Causes and Charism. “
Click here for our Marianist Causes media kit to read more, get a digital copy of the poster, and explore more resources.
The Marianist Martyrs of Ciudad Real are honored by the Society of Mary on September 18th. The late Bro. Robert Wood (1927-2016) wrote hymns for them in 1999 and updated them in 2007 with the same lyrics but set to a different tune.
Click here to view and download.
From the Archives
Inventor Orville Wright Connected to University of Dayton
Did you know Orville Wright (1871-1948), who, along with his elder brother, Wilbur Wright, invented the world’s first successful airplane, has a degree from the University of Dayton?
On December 19, 1943, he received an honorary doctorate in engineering from the university.
Making the presentation is Fr. John A. Elbert, SM (1895-1966), the
President of the University of Dayton. Looking on is Dr. John J. Craig, the
commencement speaker that day.
If you’d like to see more images from the archives, visit and “like” this Facebook page.
Pray With Us
Please join us in prayer for these members of the Marianist Family.
Jubilee Celebrations
Each year, the Society of Mary recognizes brothers and priests who are marking milestones of their first profession of vows or their priestly ordinations. Thank you to our 2023 Jubilarians!

50 years of profession
I was born August 3, 1954, in Euclid, OH. I took my first vows on September 8, 1973, in Dayton, OH. I received a BA in English from the University of Dayton and a Master of Science in administration from the University of Notre Dame. For 14 years, I was a high school teacher in Memphis, Kalamazoo, and Cincinnati. I served as the director of operations at Bergamo Center for three years and assistant treasurer for Cincinnati Province for five years. Since then, I have served as the Provincial Assistant for Temporalities.
Click here to read more.
50 years of ordination
In July of 1961, I left Cleveland on a train destined for Marcy, NY. I thought I wanted to become a Marianist brother and teach high school. Why? Because I saw Marianist brothers who taught me at St. Joseph’s High School. I really admired them and wanted to be like them, more than becoming a medical doctor or a lawyer. It now baffles me why I, and so many others at that time, were willing to make such bold decisions. It also saddens me why so many young people today have such difficulty not just choosing religious life, but even remaining active in the Church. The prophet Bob Dylan was right, “the times are a changin’.”
Click here to read more.
50 years of ordination
At heart, I am a teacher. As a pastor, I would fulfill that passion, especially in writing the weekly bulletin message. Marianist educators are both brothers or priests (ordained). I accepted the invitation in the Novitiate to consider ordination. I never lost the desire to learn. After attaining my master’s degree, I continued learning, obtaining various certifications in Clinical Pastoral Education and Mission Orientation, a fellowship at Boston College’s Lonergan Institute, and a certification in Spiritual Direction.
Click here to read more.
25 years of profession
I was born on September 29, 1963, in Veracruz, Mexico. I took First Vows on August 15, 1998, and Perpetual Vows on August 6, 2005, both in Querétaro, Mexico. Currently, I live at Comunidad Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe in Querétaro, where I previously served as the community’s director. I now work as the Administrator at Capilla Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe and Centro de Espiritualidad Marianista, Adela, both in Querétaro, Mexico.
Good to Know
Happy 102 Birthday
Bro. Francis Heyer celebrated his 102nd birthday on September 1. He is the oldest living member of the Society of Mary. Brothers and sisters in the San Antonio area celebrated with him over the Labor Day weekend. We are grateful to God and Mary for his life and teachings and offer many blessings to him!
Net Points

St. Mary’s University Men’s and Women’s tennis teams opened the 2023-24 season with the Brother Al Invitational. It was named for Bro. Al Kuntemeier, who became team chaplain for the Rattlers in 2014.
The tournament featured teams from Our Lady of the Lake, Schreiner, Texas Lutheran, Trinity, and Western New Mexico, in addition to St. Mary’s.
This is the sixth straight season the Rattlers have hosted a fall tournament, but this was the first time the Men’s and Women’s tournaments were run concurrently.
Reminder: Mark Your Calendars
Chaminade University of Honolulu and co-sponsors St. Louis School and the Marianist Center of Hawaiʻi will host a free lecture by Bro. Guy Consolmagno, S.J., titled “God’s Mechanics: How Scientists and Engineers Make Sense of Religion.” The presentation will cover the connection between science, faith, and religion.
Bro. Consolmagno is the Director of the Vatican Observatory and President of the Vatican Observatory Foundation. He earned his undergraduate and masters’ degrees from MIT and a Ph.D. in Planetary Science from the University of Arizona.
WHEN: Sunday, October 8, 2023, 4 p.m. HST
Can’t make it in person? Livestream is available through the Mystical Rose Oratory Facebook page.
Check Out More Marianist News
Via Latina from the General Administration of the Society of Mary
Justice Jottings from the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative
AMU Newsletter from the Association of Marianist Universities
District Update #74 from the Marianist District of India
FatherSide Chats is a web video series featuring Fr. Gene Contadino. Discover new episodes every Tuesday about a variety of topics. Click the graphic to view episodes. Click here to read more.
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