2 • Call 1.800.348.4732 Dear Friends, It is a bittersweet moment as I write to you for the first time as Provincial of the Marianist Province of the United States. The Province is deeply saddened and ashamed by recent revelations of abuse allegations in our Church, including some Marianists. In all places where we minister, we are called to provide a safe environment for all people. In response, 16 years ago, we established a robust program for protecting minors, led by an independent review board of lay professionals. While the Marianists have no religious members in ministry against whom a substantiated claim of abuse of a minor has been made, we are committed to cooperating with law enforcement for any reports of sexual abuse and protecting minors from this grave evil. Looking to the future, the Provincial Council began its new mandate on Aug. 1, 2018. As Provincial, I am assisted by six new Council members: Brother Bernard Ploeger, assistant provincial; Father Timothy Kenney, assistant, religious life; Brother Jesse O’Neill, assistant, education; Brother Joseph Markel, assistant, temporalities; and Brother Charles Johnson and Father Charles (Kip) Stander, councilors. One of the Council’s primary responsibilities is ministering to our fellow Marianists, joining them in serving the people of God. The Marianist Province of the United States is comprised of 33 religious com- munities in the U.S., as well as communities and ministries in India, Ireland and Mexico; three univer- sities; 19 high schools/middle schools; six parishes; four retreat centers and the Marianist art galleries. We also engage in ministry through MUSP (Marianist Urban Students Program), LIFE (Living in Faith Experience), PULSE (Partners in Urban Leadership, Service and Education) and Lay formation. With such vast ministries, this may seem like an impossible task. Yet, Marianist leadership is based on a system developed by our founder, Blessed William Joseph Chaminade, that employs a shared team approach. Our ministry uses the Three Offices: religious life, education and temporalities to look at issues based on areas of expertise and competence. And because we approach matters from a discipleship of equals, we realize a wonderful division of labor and strong support. We continue to give thanks that the Church has recognized the contributions of Adéle de Batz de Trenquelléon, the founder of the Marianist Sisters, who was beatified in June 2018. The Church now officially recognizes that Blessed Adéle was ahead of her time, showing solidarity with the poor and a strong com- mitment to service. She noticed those needs, and she addressed them. She recognized things that needed to change, and she acted upon them. Congratulations to the Marianist Sisters! I echo the gratitude that Marianist Father Martin Solma expressed in each issue of ALIVE. We are thank- ful for your continued generosity in partnering with us as we serve the people of God. Our world is in such great need of our Marianist approach to life. Please continue to support us by your ongoing generosity and prayers. May our Blessed Mother continue to bless us all! Father Oscar Vasquez, SM Provincial Father Oscar Vasquez, SM A Message from the Provincial