b'A Messagefrom the ProvincialGreetings,PHOTO: MIKE BIZELLIAs an adolescent, I was privileged and felt blessed toencounter the Marianist brothers at Central CatholicHigh School, a Marianist-sponsored school in SanAntonio. That encounter changed my life, and I experi-enced and grew to love the Marianists passionfor education. One of my first recruiters, a Marianist who introduced me to thiswonderful approach to life, helped me understand that Marianist education is not only about teaching the subject matter,but also about teaching a way of life.Teaching a way of life is important toMarianists as we prepare the next generationof leaders. We sponsor schools and univer-sities so that students can discover Marystenderness and Gods infinite patience.More than ever, tenderness and patience As part of a quality Marianist education, Bob Prost, a geometryare vitally important in our world, so we teacher at St. John Vianney High School, uses innovative techniquesto teach math, page 16.continue to be called to help infuse theworld with a Catholic Marianist viewpoint.educate in family spirit;As you probably know, the Marianists areeducate for service, justice and peace; andFather Oscar Vasquez, SM celebrating 200 years of Marianist education. As provin-educate for adaptation and change. cial, I have the opportunity to oversee, experience and As we celebrate 200 years of Marianist educationwitness our educational efforts on many levels. and on behalf of the Marianist Province, I thank eachAs featured in this edition of ALIVE, I write to share of you for the many ways that you support Marianist-with you the value of a Marianist education. I am sponsored schools and universities. Please continueamazed by the many wonderful experiences andto support us as we continue to provide Marianistopportunities that our three universities and 18 high education to fortify the faith and enlighten the mindsschools/middle schools provideways in which they of future generations of the Marianist Family. allow students to experience life and an educationfounded on Marianist and Catholic values.In the Marianist tradition,To fully experience Marys tenderness, Gods patience and the Marianist approach to life, our schoolsoffer an education based upon the Characteristicsof Marianist Education established specifically to:Father Oscar Vasquez, SM educate for formation in faith; Provincial provide an integral quality education;2 Call 1.800.348.4732'