b"thinking the Marianists were good educators. At thetime, he says, I didnt fully understand the beautifulMarianist charism.Taking a cue from his hardworking parents,Brother Allen enrolled at Hawaii Pacific Universitywith the goal of educating himself and, by extension,honoring his parents. He earned a bachelors degree in justice adminis-tration and became a circuit clerk for the Hawaii StateJudiciary where he worked on criminal hearings andsentencings. I learned its a rough world, but I alwayskept faith in the accused, Brother Allen says. Eventually, he earned a masters degree in pastoralministry at Santa Clara University in California beforemoving back to Honolulu where he served as a pastoralassociate at a large parish, sharing his gifts for music,church administration and connecting with youth viahis welcoming personality. Then, at age 42, he decided on something that hadlong tugged at his heart: He answered the call to enterMarianist religious life. I havent physically met all my students. So, I remind During the pandemic, BrotherA ray of sunshine them to tell me hi if they see me, he says.Allen Pacquing, SM, admits hisFor the next 10 months, Brother Allen was an aspirant, In this manner, as a newly perpetually professed work hasnt been easy. I haventphysically met all of my students,the first step in formation, living in the Casa Maria Marianist, Brother Allen believes his duty is to remain he says. Community at St. Marys in San Antonio where he a spark of lightlike the Hawaiian sunshineforassisted in music liturgy. He struck up a friendship those he encounters. with Maria Smith, minister of pastoral music, chapel Allen brings the classic sense of hospitality to thechoir director and mentor, whom he calls one of his table, says Marianist Father John Thompson, pastorclosest confidants to this day.at Holy Rosary Parish. From the little old lady whoHe spent the next two years at the Marianist sits by herself in church, to the cashier at Walmart, toNovitiate in Ohio, completing his novitiate studies the students who dont look up from their phones, tobefore returning to Hawaii and serving as campus new faculty and staff at St. Mary's, to the person whominister at Chaminade University of Honolulu. walks around campus for exercise at night, Allen en-What assisted him most during these busy years? gages with everyoneand all love him for it.Saying yes to this way of life without any conditions,he says. Alex Z. Salinas is associate director of communications at Now, in his new role at St. Marys, Brother Allen St. Mary's University.primarily oversees students in the Marianist LeadershipProgram, helping them form leadership skills basedon the Marianist charism, with an emphasis on social Help our vocation ministry.justice and vocational goals. My hope is theyll become To donate now, use the enclosed envelopeglobal citizenscompassionate advocates always or go to marianist.com/donate, or contactworking for the common good, he says.Brother Alex Tuss, SM, 937.222.4641,In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, Brother ext. 3003, or
[email protected] admits that his transition hasnt been easy. If you know of anyone considering religious life or would like more God is calling information, please contact Brother Mark Motz, SM, at
[email protected] or call 314.250.4505.marianist.com/donate 15"