b'T H E M A R I A N I S T U R B A N S T U D I E S P R O G R A MGIVE URBAN AT-RISKSTUDENTS A CHANCE by investing in their future.WHAT IS MUSP? WHY HELP?The Marianist Urban StudentsIts a sad fact that in many of Americas cities roughly one third ofProgram (MUSP), created in 1992, all students who enter U.S. high schools today do not graduate. Theidentifies at-risk students in urban odds are even worse for inner-city youth. Without a high schoolelementary schools and provides diploma, thousands of young people face a future of poverty andthem with financial, academic,lost potential. With the unusual circumstances surrounding the startand social support so they canof school this year, many students are at even greater risk of notsucceed at Marianist high schools.graduating from high school. WHO ARE THE STUDENTS? HOW TO HELP? MUSP scholars are typically students Your donation helps our dedicated teachers and counselors workwho have the potential to do well in with these students and their families to provide the growth inhigh school, but, because of their environment, are at risk of un- learning and enrichment in scholarship that the young men andderperforming or dropping out. women in the program both need and deserve. Your gift towardhigh school tuition will make a significant impact on a youngWHERE IS MUSP OFFERED? woman or mans future.The Marianists operate this program at: TO MAKE YOUR DONATION, OR FOR MORE INFORMATION, Purcell Marian High School in Cincinnati visit marianist.com/MUSP. Villa Angela-St. Joseph High School in Cleveland MUSP impacted me by giving Central Catholic High School in San Antonio St. Marys High School in St. Louis me the support I needed tostay on top of my academics. I couldnt have attended a Catholic high school without Going to Purcell Marian andMUSP. I still remember how my mother cried when we being in MUSP has been onefound out Id been accepted. of the best experiences. I amM.L., graduate of theso grateful.first MUSP class J.J., recent graduate of MUSP'