Lenten Resources

There is no better time to reconnect with or deepen one’s faith than Lent, which begins on March 5 this year. As Ash Wednesday draws near, many wonder what to “give up” for Lent, but it’s also a time to recommit to your faith, focusing on reflection, repentance, and reconciliation. It’s a time to discover how to confess, the power of God’s forgiveness, and ways to renew and retain hope.

The Society of Mary offers several resources as you navigate your own path through the Season of Lent.

The North American Center for Marianist Studies provides podcasts and the following Lenten meditations, developed and written by Bro. Tom Redmond, SM, narrated by him and Gabby Bibeau.

Throughout Lent at the Marian Library this year, visitors can reflect on Mary’s grief at the death of her son, Jesus, with artwork depicting the Pieta. On loan from the Sacred Art Pilgrim Collection, the exhibit will be on display in the Stuart and Mimi Rose Gallery from March 3 to May 9, 2025. “Amidst the sorrow in these scenes, some may find glimmers of hope — hope that must have given Mary strength, too,” said Curator Bridget RetzloffClick here for more details on this free exhibit and virtually view some of the artwork.

The Marianist Retreat and Conference Center, located in Eureka, MO, holds monthly prayer gatherings on the first Tuesday of every month. On March 4, the focus will be on Praying as a Busy Person during Lent. Click here for more information.

At St. Mary’s University, various student groups and organizations will commit to a 40-day service event. The school’s Office of Community Engagement also suggests the following ideas for getting everyone involved.

  • #40Days40Items is a commitment to a simpler lifestyle by decluttering one item a day.
  • #FeelGoodFriday is a way to share your commitment to Laudato Sí with a moment in nature or a new or compelling prayer from this Lenten season.
  • #MeatlessMonday is a commitment to earth-friendly meals, reducing meat intake, and sharing simple or creative meal options that highlight diverse and unique flavors.
  • #SpringClean is a commitment to a simpler lifestyle and self-renewal through eliminating clutter by donating, recycling, or upcycling things.
  • #WalkItWednesday or #WonderfulWednesday is a commitment to ecological spirituality by connecting with nature.

Click here for a short YouTube video from Formed, an outreach program of the Augustine Institute, on “How to Lent.” Four episodes will be available on this topic, each about 12-13 minutes long. You can click here to sign up to receive the episodes.

In The News

New Appointments for Marianist Brothers

The Provincial Council, with the approval of Superior General Rev. André-Joseph Fétis, has ratified the appointment of Bro. Ed Brink as the Director of Novices for the Province. Bro. Ed is currently the VP for Mission and Rector at Chaminade University of Honolulu (CUH). He joined CUH in 2016 after previously serving on the Board of Regents. Brink plans to wrap up his work at CUH by June 2025 to relocate to the Novitiate in Dayton, OH.

His new assignment left a vacancy in a vital role. The President of CUH, Dr. Lynn Babington, in consultation with the Chancellor, appointed Fr. Marty Solma to complete Bro. Ed’s term, which ends in the summer of 2027.

Please join us in expressing our sincere gratitude for Bro. Ed Brink and Fr. Marty Solma’s service.

St. Mary’s University Inaugurates 14th President

L-R: Fr. Oscar Vasquez (Chancellor), Dr. Winston Erevelles, Dr. Christine Erevelles (Wife of Winston), Lynda Ellis (Board Chair at podium)

St. Mary’s University inaugurated Winston F. Erevelles, Ph.D., as the institution’s 14th president during a Eucharistic Celebration and Investiture Ceremony on Feb. 14, 2025.

Erevelles began his presidency on June 1, 2024. Previously, he served 12 years as Dean of the St. Mary’s School of Science, Engineering and Technology and Professor of Engineering. During his tenure as dean, he significantly enhanced the school’s STEM capabilities, raised more than $45 million, and initiated a project that would become the Blank Sheppard Innovation Center. In Fall 2024, the St. Mary’s community celebrated the opening of the three-story, cutting-edge Blank Sheppard Innovation Center as well as the start of a new Nursing Program.

At the Eucharistic Celebration, Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller, M.Sp.S., Archbishop of San Antonio, was the principal celebrant. Fr. Martin Solma, S.M., Trustee Emeritus and the former university chancellor, delivered the homily. Also in attendance were board members Provincial Fr. Oscar Vasquez and Assistant Provincial Bro. Bernie Ploeger, as well as many other Marianist Brothers.

$1.5 Million Donation for Catholic Education

The University of Dayton’s Center for Catholic Education received a $1.5 million donation from Peggy and Victor Dubrowski to help prepare the next generation of Catholic educators with a strong Catholic worldview.

“Catholic schools need educators who teach and inspire, blending faith and learning in ways that truly shape students’ lives,” said UD Provost Darlene Weaver. “This generous gift will help us support Catholic educators and students for the long term.”

The center’s three flagship programsECHOLalanne, and the Saint Remy Initiative—address critical needs in Catholic education. 

“Catholic schools face sustained pressure from a culture that opposes the truth and beauty of our faith. Catholic educators need the tools to integrate this faith into every subject with bold clarity and confidence,” said Peggy Dubrowski, a UD alumna and longtime Catholic educator. 

“The Dubrowski’s generosity will directly impact the formation of K-12 teachers, giving them the tools to create distinctively Catholic learning contexts across our region,” said School of Education and Health Sciences Dean Ali Carr-Chellman.

Click here for more information about the Center for Catholic Education.

R to L: Bro. Dan Klco, Anna Steck, Emily Do, Ulises Rodriguez, Nick Urbina, Brianna Baladez, Paul Pruski, and Julieta Sanchez.

New Marianist Lay Community

Join us in welcoming a new Marianist Lay Community (MLC)—the Mis Pequeñitos, which means “my little ones.” It’s comprised of six students from St. Mary’s University. They made their commitment in the Guadalupe Chapel on campus during Marianist Heritage Month. Esmeralda Lopez, who graduated in December, was unable to attend the Mass and so will make her commitment at a later date.

Aspirant Paul Pruski and staff member Julieta Sanchez assisted in forming the community along with the guidance of Bro. Dan Klco. The name of the MLC was taken from Our Virgin of Guadalupe’s words to St. Juan Diego, where she calls him “my little one.”

Marianist Ministries in Action

Renewing Commitment

Marianist Educational Associates (MEAs) at St. Mary’s University recently renewed their pledge to enrich the university’s Marianist character. It is a commitment to strengthen, sustain, and develop the Catholic and Marianist mission and identity of our educational institutions.

St. Mary’s President, Dr. Winston Erevelles, offered a prayer for the MEAs at a Mass concelebrated by Fr. John Thompson, Fr. William Meyer, Fr. Neville O’Donohue, Fr. Richard Villa, Fr. James Tobin, and Fr. Sudhir Kujur. 

The Marianist Educational Associates is an initiative among the three Marianist universities to form strong partnerships with members of the Society of Mary. Each year, faculty, staff, and administrators are invited to deepen their understanding of and commitment to Marianist Charism. MEAs participate in a one-year formation program filled with readings, reflections, and insights sharing. Click here to learn more.

A Marianist Moment

Pray for the Causes

Faustino Pérez-Manglano

The General Council of the Society of Mary in Rome asks that you continue praying for the Marianist Causes as they move through the canonization process. To visit the U.S. Province site on the Causes, click here.

One of the more modern Causes is Faustino Pérez Maglano. Faustino was a student at the Colegio del Pilar, Valencia (Spain). He died of cancer when he was just 16 years old (1963). Fr. José María Salaverri was the director of the school and his spiritual companion. Pope Benedict XVI proclaimed him Venerable. In order to make Faustino known, to propose him as a witness of Jesus, and to pray for his beatification, the Faustino Commission consisting of Vowed and Lay Marianists was created by the Province of Spain.

Faustino Diary Entry

Click here for the latest submission from the Commission.

From the Archives

History of Marianist Magazine

In July 1901, in Dayton, OH, the Society of Mary, Province of America, began a newsletter called The Marianist. It was published by the Cincinnati Province and included articles on the Society of Mary, its works, and its members. Many of the articles were of a pedagogical nature.

The periodical was published under that title until January 1905, when it was renamed The Apostle of Mary: Echo of the Labors and Missions of the Society. Publication was suspended in July 1921 but revived in January 1927. Then, beginning with the January 1944 issue, the magazine changed its name back to The Marianist.

In 1964, the Marian Library at the University of Dayton took over publication responsibilities and changed the title to Mary Today. Publication ceased in 1967, but records are retained at the Marian Library.

Today, the Provincial Office of the Marianists Province of the United States publishes a magazine called ALIVE. The first issue was released in the winter of 2005. ALIVE features stories about the Marianist Charism, community, and culture. It is published three times a year. Click here to sign up to receive it via mail or digital copy. 

If you’d like to see images from the archives, visit and “like” this Facebook page.

Pray With Us

Please join us in prayer for these members of the Marianist Family.

Date Unknown

Bro. Richard Dix, 92, died on Feb. 2, 2025, in San Antonio, TX, with 75 years of religious profession. Brother Richard was a beloved teacher and administrator in high school and college settings for more than two decades. He also served for many years in community and province leadership positions. Throughout his life of ministerial service, Brother Richard drew great satisfaction from physical work—the maintenance and construction projects he took on almost every Saturday, everywhere he lived. This practice continued in his retirement years when, as he joyfully reported, “I have all Saturdays!”

Read his full obituary here.

Click here to see pictures of Bro. Richard through the years.


Bro. James Vorndran, 84, died on Feb. 22, 2025, in Dayton, OH, with 65 years of religious profession.

His obituary is forthcoming and will be posted here as soon as possible.

Click here to see pictures of Bro. James through the years.


Bro. Donald Neff, 94, died on Feb. 23, 2025, in Dayton, OH, with 74 years of religious profession.

His obituary is forthcoming and will be posted here as soon as possible.

Click here to see pictures of Bro. Don through the years.

Good to Know

Best Practice Award

Fr. John Thompson (middle)

St. Mary’s University received the Program of Best Practice Award at the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities (ACCU) conference in Washington, D.C., last month.

The honor was for its work in “embracing Catholic, Marianist, and Hispanic serving identity” in the many aspects of campus life. Vice President for Mission Fr. John Thompson thanked all his colleagues in University Ministry, Admissions, Student Life, Inclusive Excellence, the Center for Catholic Studies, the Offices of the Provost, Deans, and Communications for contributing to this recognition.

The university’s liturgies, cultural events, print material, lectures, teach-ins, student initiatives, and programming all provide opportunities to share the Marianist Mission with students.

The award was presented by the Catholic Higher Education Mission Officers Network (CHEMON), an affinity group of the ACCU.

Prayers & Support

The Marianist Province of the U.S. extends its prayers and support to the newly appointed Archbishop-designate Robert G. Casey to the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Prayers of gratitude are also offered to Archbishop Dennis Schnurr for his devoted service and for good health. Schnurr, the 10th archbishop of Cincinnati, had been the area’s shepherd since December 2009. He is currently battling cancer and recovering from chemotherapy and surgery.

Click here to read the announcement from the archdiocese.


Click here to discover job opportunities within our Marianist Ministries across the United States. 

New listings include:

Archbishop Moeller High School (OH) – Campus Ministry

Archbishop Moeller High School (OH) – Band Director

Archbishop Moeller High School (OH) – Religion Teacher

Archbishop Moeller High School (OH) – Multimedia Production Teacher

Association of Marianist Universities – Executive Director (OH, TX, or HI)

University of Dayton (OH) – Executive Director of the Center for Catholic Education

Chaminade College Preparatory (CA) – Vice Principal Academics and Curriculum  (High School)

Chaminade College Preparatory (CA) – Social Science Psychology Teacher

Chaminade College Preparatory (CA) – Academic Counselor

Purcell Marian High School (OH) – President

Chaminade College Prep (CA) – Assistant Director of Student Activities

St. Vincent-St. Mary High School (OH) – Director of Advancement

Check Out More Marianist News

Via Latina from the General Administration of the Society of Mary

Sharing Our Marianist Stories podcast from North American Center for Marianist Studies

Justice Jottings from the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative

AMU Newsletter from the Association of Marianist Universities

Region Update #89 from the Marianist Region of India

FatherSide Chats is a web video series featuring Fr. Gene Contadino. Discover new episodes every Tuesday about a variety of topics. Click the graphic to view episodes. Click here to read more.

Follow Us On Social Media


FamilyOnline Submissions

We welcome and encourage submissions of interest to our nearly 3,600 subscribers. Please send them to Theresa Petry.


Stay in touch with the Marianist Province by downloading our new mobile app!

Download your free copy today for easy access to information that supports the work of Marianist-sponsored ministries. Compatible with Apple iOS and Android devices.

Offering Hope Amid Ashes

A tidal wave of furious flames ravaging cities, “go bags” prepared but no clear destination in sight, devastation escalating, and loss of life reported daily, if not hourly. This is not a scene from a Hollywood horror action film; it is the harsh reality of many in California, including members of our Marianist Family.

Ominous smoke clouds from the Palisades and Eaton wildfires
Fr. Michael Chiuri

Chaminade College Preparatory in West Hills first closed both campuses on Jan. 8 as Los Angeles declared a state of emergency. On Jan. 9, the Marianist West Hills Community was told to evacuate as the Kenneth Fire quickly crackled its way closer. “Fortunately, the wind changed direction, pushing the fire in the opposite direction and away from the school. The evacuation order was lifted hours later, but residents were asked to be ready to evacuate just in case the fire changed direction again,” relayed Chaminade Chaplain Fr. Michael Chiuri, S.M. Thankfully, the Kenneth fire was 100% contained by Jan. 12.

President Robert Webb

However, tensions, fear, and sorrow continue as more tragic stories are uncovered, new fires ignited, and many are still unable to return home or have no home in which to return. “In our school community, one middle school faculty member lost her home in the Eaton fire, and two high school families lost their homes in the Palisades fire,” reported Chaminade President Robert Webb.

The constant crisis mode has everyone in the area still on edge, not knowing day-to-day what might be in store, and it’s taking a toll. “The plan is to have a ‘go bag’ with important documents such as passports and a couple of days worth of clothing and hopefully stay away from the fire zones. Unfortunately, no one can get more specific because it all depends on where the fire is burning. As I write this, a new fire, the Hughes fire, just erupted near the 5 freeway in Castaic,” wrote Fr. Michael on Jan. 23.

Although that community is almost an hour and a half drive from the school, he said the skies were already darkened and air quality likely affected by the newest fire. “Faculty/staff and students living there were allowed to leave early just in case the freeway was closed, and they could not get into the area to get whatever they needed in case of an imminent evacuation,” said Fr. Chiuri.

A junior retreat was also scheduled at an organization in that area, which needed rescheduling. It’s just one more upheaval in what has begun as a very trying year. Paradoxically perhaps, Pope Francis declared “Hope” as the theme of this year’s jubilee of the Catholic Church, encouraging us to share the “hope that has been given to us and help everyone to gain new strength and certainty by looking to the future with an open spirit, a trusting heart, and far-sighted vision.”

Chaminade Campus Ministry has been key to offering hope through prayer, counseling, updated communications, efforts to organize donations, and a response to all those affected.

“The Chaminade community appreciates your concern and support and continues requesting prayers. Even for those not directly affected, it has been a stressful time for the school community. For them, it is sad to see parts of their beloved city in ruins. They also have many parents, alumni, parents of alumni, and employee spouses who serve as first responders and are risking their lives,” conveyed Webb.

If you would like to donate to help the teacher who lost her home, you can go to the Chaminade Employee Assistance Fund.

Below are also some vetted organizations supported by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

Chaminade’s Campus Ministry teams are also assessing the needs of the larger community and will create service opportunities for students and employees. While not everyone may be able to provide financial support, we can all contribute by flooding the area with prayers and offering hope.

In The News

Camp and Retreat Center Closing

It is with heavy hearts that the Marianist Province of the U.S. announces the closing of the TECABOCA Camp and Retreat Center. The center has seen its utilization dwindle in recent years, a nationwide trend facing similar facilities. Options for long-term sustainability were considered but to no avail. The closure will allow the Marianists to bolster other ministries and programs across the Province.

A farewell celebration of gratitude for its more than 85 years of ministry is scheduled for Sun., May 4, 2025, before the ministry closes in late Spring 2025. This is an opportunity to share fond memories and give all those associated with the center a chance to connect and reminisce. Click here to view the press release, and check this website for more details as they become available.

If you would like to share pictures and testimonials of blessings lived at TECABOCA, please send them by Feb. 25 to [email protected]. They will be compiled and shared at the closing ceremony.

Let us pray together in gratitude for the many blessings received at this beautiful site that many call holy ground!

Blessed Chaminade Day

The Marianist Family remembers founder Blessed William Joseph Chaminade on Jan. 22, the date of his death in 1850, with Masses and celebrations across the Province. At Central Catholic High School in San Antonio, TX, Provincial Fr. Oscar Vasquez ’82 concelebrated Mass with Fr. Patrick McDaid, S.M.

In St. Louis, Marianists gathered at the Chaminade Community on Sat., Jan. 18. Fr. George Cerniglia, S.M., celebrated Mass at St. John Vianney High School while Fr. Sean Downing, S.M., officiated at Chaminade College Preparatory.

Fr. Robert Bouffier, S.M., celebrated at Chaminade-Madonna College Preparatory in Hollywood, FL, where after Mass, members of the Marianist community and some lay members renewed their vows.

At Archbishop Riordan High School in San Francisco, Provincial Assistant for Religious Life Fr. Tim Kenney presided at Mass. The school is celebrating 75 years and presented him an award as one of the 75 influential people in its history.

The Founder’s Day Mass at Archbishop Moeller High School in Cincinnati, OH, presided by Fr. Oscar on Jan. 21, recognized those in the Moeller community who demonstrate and live out the spirit of Blessed William Joseph Chaminade and the Marianist Charism with a Founder’s Award.

For many schools in the Province, this day also marked the beginning of Founders Week, which is dedicated to Blessed William Joseph Chaminade, Blessed Marie de la Conception, and Venerable Marie Thérèse Charlotte de Lamourous.

Chaminade University of Honolulu

The week kicked off at Chaminade University of Honolulu with a special lei-draping ceremony and prayer service on its front lawn. Its neighboring St. Louis School also participated, with fourth graders leading the music and LIFE team members doing the readings. Fr. Chris Whitman, S.M. led the prayer service.

Founders’ Week allows us to affirm our Marianist spirit and carry forward the Marianist values. Let us recommit ourselves to living out our Marianist Charism – today and throughout the year. Let us pray for each other and all members of the Family of Mary. Let us join together in this prayer for his canonization.

Click here to see more pictures from events across the Province.

Archbishop Moeller High School
Archbishop Riordan High School
Central Catholic High School
Chaminade-Madonna College Preparatory

Largest Student-Run Investment Fund Marks 25 Years

The University of Dayton is celebrating its 25th year of a student-run investment fund, the largest in the country, with more than $80 million in assets under its management.

The Davis Center for Portfolio Management is home to the Flyer Investments Fund, which allows undergraduates to manage a portion of the University’s endowment and a pool of assets for The Dayton Foundation. Since 1999, student managers have generated more than $60 million in capital gains for the University and The Dayton Foundation.

“This isn’t theoretical; it’s about real dollars,” said Nate Jabaay, senior manager. “Managing the Flyer Investments Fund empowers us to make impactful decisions for the University and The Dayton Foundation. This experience launches our careers in finance.”

The Davis Center, made possible by the vision and gifts of UD alumnus Dick Davis and his wife, Sue, provides student managers with an environment similar to a Wall Street asset management firm equipped with industry-leading technology.

“The Davis Center opened my eyes to the future of finance,” said George Eckerd, a 2007 graduate and now research director at JPMorgan Chase.

Click here or the image to watch a YouTube video about this program.

Marianist Ministries in Action

Gather Around the Marianist Table

January is Marianist Heritage Month, and the Marian Library is displaying a new piece to kick off the new year. The artwork, gifted by seniors in a University of Dayton honors program known as the Chaminade Scholars, displays just how far and wide the Marianist Family extends.

It is a coffee table they built to illustrate the worldwide presence of the Marianist spirit. The creators include Patrick Szubryt, Matt Garcia, John-Paul Bugada, Jordan Marsh, Ben Vierheller and Miley Azbill, with the help of Bro. Gary Marcinowski, S.M., professor emeritus of art and design. The piece titled “Marianist Table” was part of a project to explore faith and vocation and highlight the Marianist Charism.

A world map under a glass panel symbolizes the Marianist spirit of welcoming people of all cultures and traditions to the table to be nurtured, to celebrate each other as family and friends, to share in spirited conversations, and to feel the special bond of unity as brothers and sisters in the Family of God.

If you’d like to see the newly acquired piece, you can find it in the reading room of the Marian Library.

A version of this article originally appeared in Volume 2 of Tidings: An Annual Comminiqué from the Marian Library.

A Marianist Moment

You’re Invited!

In honor of Mary’s fiat – her “Yes” to God, the Marianist Lay Community of North America (MLC-NA) is proud to announce its Fiat Initiative. It is a new 3-year plan to build the lay branch of the Marianist Family, focusing on some of the following goals:

  • Welcome and form at least 100 new Lay Marianists each year
  • Provide new resources for Marianist Lay Communities (MLC) and share best practices
  • Connect all Lay Marianists in search of an MLC with a new or existing community
  • Launch Community Animation Series, a strategy designed to bring our MLCs together quarterly

Click the image to learn more in a YouTube video.

You’re also invited to build community through shared reflection and prayer within the Marianist Family in an online monthly prayer group via Zoom called Gathering in the SpiritPlease join us for this prayerful experience on the first Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. CST.

The next meeting will be held on Wed., Feb. 5, 2025. Click here to join the Zoom. The password to enter the group is: Marianist.

From the Archives

A Legacy of Colorful Love

From large murals to clip art, sketches to sculptures, landscapes to abstract pieces, Bro. A. Joseph Barrish enjoyed creating all sorts of art until his earthly parting at age 95 earlier this month.

Barrish’s works can be found in many public and private collections, adorning the pages of books and walls, and for purchase on eBay and Amazon.  He served as assistant professor of fine arts and commercial design coordinator in the University of Dayton Fine Arts Department, helped supervise Gallery St. John, and worked with Birgit Skoild of the Print Workshop in London, England.

In addition to artfully crafting images of Mary and the gospel, Bro. Joe had a fondness for capturing the landscape around him, often highlighting Dayton, OH. His creations captivated viewers and grabbed the attention of local news and magazines too.

Click here to get a glimpse of the colorful legacy of love he leaves behind.

If you’d like to see images from the archives, visit and “like” this Facebook page.

Pray With Us

Please join us in prayer for these members of the Marianist Family.

Unknown Date

Fr. James Allen DeLong, 92, died on Jan. 18, 2025, in Cupertino, CA, with 71 years of religious profession. Father Allen was a beloved teacher, administrator, chaplain, campus minister, vocation director, and religious formator who cherished the decades he spent in the Society of Mary.

Although much of his ministry would focus on work in California and Hawaíi, he also served in Kenya and India. While still a novice, he wrote that he could not “conceive of another way of life that could be more perfect…”

Read his full obituary here.

Click here to see pictures of Fr. James Allen through the years.

Unknown Date

Bro. Andrew Joseph Barrish, 95, died on Jan. 20, 2025, in Dayton, OH, with 77 years of religious profession. An acclaimed visual artist and dedicated teacher, Bro. Joe joyfully recognized how the Marianist way of life energized his artistic vision and deepened his personal spirituality. “Throughout my years as a Marianist, something wonderful has happened to me,” he once wrote.

Read his full obituary here.

Click here to see pictures of Bro. Andrew Joseph through the years.

Click here to view some of his artwork.

Good to Know

Now Accepting Applications for Summertime Family Time

Apply now to enjoy a seashore setting for a unique and Christ-centered family experience at our Marianist Retreat Center in Cape May Point, NJ.

It’s an opportunity to enhance your family’s spiritual growth by joining other families and the Marianist Community in a week-long family retreat offering family and peer group activities, Eucharist and other family and community prayer, plus 4-5 hours of free time daily with ocean swimming!

These retreats always fill up fast, so consult your calendar to find a week between June 23 and Aug. 16 that works best and apply online today at www.capemaymarianists.org

Music and Theatre Arts Unite

St. Mary’s University has created a new academic unit that unites the university’s music and drama programs.

The merger between the Department of Music and Theatre Arts reflects the university’s commitment to fostering interdisciplinary creativity and educating leaders for the common good. New opportunities stemming from this department will include professional-level experience, high-impact learning for students, innovative performances, arts festivals, and community engagement.

The department will debut its first performance under the new structure with Legally Blonde: The Musical in March 2025, in collaboration with students and faculty from the St. Mary’s University School of Law.

For more information about the Department of Music and Theatre Arts, upcoming performances and academic programs, please visit www.stmarytx.edu.

Announcements to Celebrate!

Jason Niehaus – President Moeller High School

Archbishop Moeller High School welcomes a new president. Jason Niehaus will begin on Feb. 3, 2025.

A proud alumnus of Moeller, Class of 1993, Jason is no stranger to the school’s legacy of excellence – his father, Bob Niehaus, was a graduate of the Class of 1965. Reflecting on his new role, he shared, “Returning to Moeller is deeply personal for me. This school helped shape my values, character, and faith. I am humbled and honored to lead this extraordinary community, and I look forward to building on its rich tradition and continuing the momentum that has been building over the last decade.”

In other exciting news, Moeller recently received a transformational multi-million dollar planned gift to its endowment, marking a historic moment in the school’s 60-plus years of excellence. This generous commitment, made by Bill Fette and his wife Janet, long-time supporters of the Moeller community, ensures the continued growth and accessibility of the school’s mission to educate young men in the Marianist tradition.

Their son, Tommy Fette, class of 2002 alumnus, stated, “It’s an honor to invest in a school that has meant so much to us and so many others. Our hope is that this gift will open doors for future generations and ensure that every student who desires a Moeller education has the opportunity to experience its transformative impact.”


Click here to discover job opportunities within our Marianist Ministries across the United States. 

New listings include:

• Association of Marianist Universities – Executive Director (OH, TX, or HI)

•  Purcell Marian High School (OH) – President

• Chaminade College Prep (CA) – Assistant Director of Student Activities

• St. Vincent-St. Mary High School (OH) – Director of Advancement

Check Out More Marianist News

Via Latina from the General Administration of the Society of Mary

Sharing Our Marianist Stories podcast from North American Center for Marianist Studies

Justice Jottings from the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative

AMU Newsletter from the Association of Marianist Universities

Region Update #87 from the Marianist Region of India

FatherSide Chats is a web video series featuring Fr. Gene Contadino. Discover new episodes every Tuesday about a variety of topics. Click the graphic to view episodes. Click here to read more.

Follow Us On Social Media


FamilyOnline Submissions

We welcome and encourage submissions of interest to our nearly 3,600 subscribers. Please send them to Theresa Petry.


Stay in touch with the Marianist Province by downloading our new mobile app!

Download your free copy today for easy access to information that supports the work of Marianist-sponsored ministries. Compatible with Apple iOS and Android devices.

Joy to the World!

“Joy to the World” is more than just one of the most famous Christmas carols of all time; it is a song about the second coming of Christ. The verses remind us that Jesus will return to Earth as King, celebrating the joy of God’s faithfulness to His people. The song’s lyrics were written by English poet and clergyman Isaac Watts in 1719 and were inspired by Psalm 98:4-9

Joy to the World is also the title of the Marian Library‘s new exhibit, which brings together two treasured holiday traditions: Christmas crèches and carols.

This free, family-friendly event on the University of Dayton campus is open to the public until Jan. 17, 2025. Visitors are invited to explore a collection of Nativity sets, artwork, rare books, and archival materials that celebrate the songs of the season.

“Music helps us celebrate and tell the story of the Nativity,” said Marian Library Director Kayla Harris. “We invite the community to enjoy the variety of Nativities pulled from our 3,600-set collection and keep the tradition of the crèche alive for new generations.”

The exhibit highlights song lyrics paired with corresponding Nativities—from familiar classics like “Jolly Old Saint Nicholas” and a Nativity with Santa to lesser-known pieces like “The Cherry Tree Carol.” This medieval carol tells of Mary asking Joseph for a cherry on their journey to Bethlehem. When he refuses, the tree miraculously bends down, allowing Mary to pick cherries herself. You can also learn about Los Posadasa religious procession celebrated in Mexico and parts of the United States.

To see all areas of the exhibit, you are encouraged to visit the Marian Library between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Tuesday through Friday through Jan. 17, 2025. Click here for more information to help plan your visit. An audio guide will be available to allow you to listen while you look. Bringing young children? In addition to an ornament craft and seek-and-find activity, you can find books, coloring sheets, a magnet board Nativity scene, and more in the reading room on the seventh floor.

Can’t make it to the exhibit in person? No problem. Click here to travel the world by browsing the crèche collection online.

In The News

UD Grad Named Cardinal

Pope Francis named Archbishop Francis Leo of Toronto, a two-time graduate of the University of Dayton, among 21 people from around the world as a cardinal. The installment ceremony, known as the Ordinary Public Consistory for the creation of new Cardinals, was held on Dec. 7 in Vatican City, Italy. Click here to watch a recording of the ceremony.

Leo graduated from the joint International Marian Research Institute (IMRI) program between UD and the Marianium in Rome. He earned his Sacred Theological Licentiate in 2002 and his Sacred Theological Doctorate in 2004. His dissertation, The Virgin Mother in the Sermons of Fra Girolamo Savonarola, was directed by Fr. Thomas Thompson, S.M. and may be downloaded through the UD eCommons website.

Beyond his service as an ordained minister of the Church, Cardinal-elect Leo has maintained an active scholarly life. Gloria Dodd, research professor in IMRI and the UD Department of Religious Studies, recalled Cardinal-elect Leo as a “wonderful colleague” during his tenure teaching at the International Marian Research Institute, which marks its 50th anniversary in 2024. Click here to read more, including a prayer for all the cardinals.

Congratulations to Moeller High School Educator

Congratulations to Dr. Justin Chmiel on his acceptance as a member of the International Boys School Coalition Action Research Team for 2025-2026, researching Foundations for Learning: Facilitating Boys’ Executive Foundation and Self-Regulation in the Classroom.

As part of the action research cohort, Dr. Chmiel will attend the annual conference in Boston, MA, this year and the annual conference in Sandton, South Africa, in 2026. This continues to be a phenomenal professional learning opportunity available for all Moeller educators. Moeller English teacher Mr. Eric Eble has participated in this for the past two years. Click here to read more about the organization.

Christmas on Campus

St. Mary’s University’s annual Christmas celebration transformed the Texas campus into a wintery wonderland as carolers sang around the Nativity and the Christmas tree was lighted. The Alumni Association collected unwrapped new toys from guests to support the St. Mary’s University Miracle on 36th Street toy drive.

The University of Dayton (UD) celebrated its 61st Christmas on Campus with more than 1,000 Dayton Public School students. Undergraduates were paired with students for a free night of fun, which included pictures with Santa, a live Nativity, crafts, model trains, treats and more.

“Christmas on Campus is a time for us to spread joy and connect with our community,” said co-chair Claire Ogburn. “UD’s Catholic and Marianist heritage places an emphasis on community, and we are so lucky to have the opportunity to continue this tradition.”

It has become one of the nation’s largest single-day, on-campus community service events. It has a student organization devoted to preparing and running this event, which is considered an integral part of the campus spirit.

St. Mary's University – Tree Lighting
St. Mary's University – Mascot with Students
University of Dayton – Live Nativity
University of Dayton – Guest Meets Santa

Marianist Ministries in Action

Advent Retreat

Bro. Esteban Reyes, Bro. Stan Zubek, and Fr. Dave McGuigan, members of the Cape May Point Community, facilitated an Advent Retreat at Divine Mercy Parish in Vineland, NJ. Fr. Dave put his recent Spanish studies in Puebla, Mexico, over the past few months into immediate action – the retreat was 99% conducted in Spanish.

Bro. Esteban says the brothers consider it a blessing and a call from God to serve the Hispanic community. This commitment extends to their relationship with the Marianist Lay Community in Bridgeton, NJ. The retreat helped parishioners to prepare their hearts for the Advent journey.

Click here to listen to a song composed by Bro. Esteban that he played at the retreat.

A Marianist Moment

Mary’s Trust

Fr. Renny Markose is one of three Marianist Specialists-in-Training at the North American Center for Marianist Studies (NACMS) this year. He created the following reflection for the NACMS newsletter.

By Fr. Renny Markose, SM (Region of India)

Growing up in a hot and humid part of the world, where power outages were very common, I spent many hours as a child outdoors on starry nights to escape from the heat indoors. With it came my hobby of counting the number of stars. Needless to say, I never succeeded beyond a few hundred stars. Later in my school years, I learned that there are not just stars but also constellations of stars, and then there are galaxies, and there are billions and trillions of such galaxies.

Once, my science teacher made a staggering claim that if we could count all the galaxies in the universe, they would be more than the sands of the earth in number! And then came the stunning revelation from my catechism teacher just before Christmas that a tiny child named Jesus, lying in a manger, is the Creator of this unimaginably gigantic and massive universe! What shocked me the most was her statement: “He came down to save the little, minute, micro creatures called the human beings!” Who would believe this? No one but a little girl named Mary of Nazareth!

Though Mary never comprehended the size of the universe, she certainly understood the magnitude of God’s love for humankind! That’s why, though uncertain of her future, she said her famous “yes” to the Creator. In complete trust, she then surrendered herself completely to be guided by God’s Spirit and God’s ways. Perhaps her “science of faith” is what we need as we walk this Advent—the knowledge that no one else but God, the Creator of the Universe, is the best guide for one’s life. The best thing I can do is to allow God to take control of my life. Let the loving will of God be done!

Click here if you’d like to sign up to receive the NACMS monthly online newsletter.

From the Archives

Last Moments of Fr. Chaminade

This month’s archival treasure takes you into the archives vault located in Treadaway Hall on the campus of St. Mary’s University. Bro. Henri Vabre, SM (1895-1984) created the oil on canvas painting seen below, which is titled and depicts “The Last Moments of Fr. Chaminade” as imagined by Bro. Henri. This is one of two renditions of the same painting showing the scene of Blessed Chaminade in his final hours.

If you’d like to see more images from the archives, visit and “like” this Facebook page.

Pray With Us

Please join us in prayer for these members of the Marianist Family.


Bro. DuWayne Brisendine, 89, died on Dec. 18, 2024, in San Antonio, TX, with 71 years of religious profession.

His obituary is forthcoming and will be posted here as soon as possible.

Click here to see pictures of Bro. DuWayne through the years.

Good to Know

Adopt-a-Family Harvest Food Drive

Students at Chaminade-Madonna College Preparatory in Hollywood, FL, participated in the 16th Annual Adopt-a-Family Harvest Drive. The school’s Interact Club sponsors this long-standing tradition, which involves working with the St. Vincent de Paul Society of Little Flower Parish to feed families in the greater Hollywood area. This year, they collected enough food products and personal items to feed and help more than 100 families in the community.

“This event manifests our school’s Marianist Charism, especially in its social justice dimension. As Marianist educators, we are called to educate for service, justice, peace, and the integrity of creation. The Adopt-a-Family Harvest Drive inspires students to apply what they learn about God, work toward a better world, and put it into practice through concrete actions,” said the school’s Director of Mission Integration Bro. Jack Ventura.

Students Respond to Call of the Poor

St. Mary’s South Side Catholic High School in St. Louis, MO, answered the call to help a local food pantry whose stocks were critically low going into the holiday season.  With no time to spare, a school-wide food drive was launched.  Despite a fair portion of the students being underserved themselves, they responded immediately, delivering a carload of food to the pantry well before their Christmas break began.


Click here to discover job opportunities within our Marianist Ministries across the United States. 

New listings include:

• Association of Marianist Universities – Executive Director (OH, TX, or HI)

•  Purcell Marian High School (OH) – President

• Chaminade College Prep (CA) – Assistant Director of Student Activities

• St. Vincent-St. Mary High School (OH) – Director of Advancement

Check Out More Marianist News

Via Latina from the General Administration of the Society of Mary

Sharing Our Marianist Stories podcast from North American Center for Marianist Studies

Justice Jottings from the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative

AMU Newsletter from the Association of Marianist Universities

Region Update #87 from the Marianist Region of India

FatherSide Chats is a web video series featuring Fr. Gene Contadino. Discover new episodes every Tuesday about a variety of topics. Click the graphic to view episodes. Click here to read more.

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FamilyOnline Submissions

We welcome and encourage submissions of interest to our nearly 3,600 subscribers. Please send them to Theresa Petry.


Stay in touch with the Marianist Province by downloading our new mobile app!

Download your free copy today for easy access to information that supports the work of Marianist-sponsored ministries. Compatible with Apple iOS and Android devices.

Mission: Possible – Youth Now

You’re probably familiar with the phrase, “It takes a village.”

The following mission is no different – it requires the whole Marianist Family.

General Chapter of the Society of Mary
Fr. Bob Jones at General Chapter meeting

This past summer, the General Chapter of the Society of Mary met in Rome, as it does every six years, to discuss issues and plan for the future.

For 21 days, 34 brothers from 18 countries, speaking different languages, focused on Marianist Ministry with and for young people. The endeavor of evangelizing to young people is a priority for the Society of Mary, and it involves you, as detailed in a letter to the entire Marianist Family.

“We all have a responsibility for the evangelization of the young, and we take it seriously. So, we are truly thankful for all who further the faith development of the young and provide accompaniment on their spiritual journey,” said U.S. Provincial Fr. Oscar Vasquez.

In fact, it is fundamental to the Marianist Charism. “One thing I hear from young people is that they are looking for guides to help them on their spiritual path and to help them navigate life’s opportunities and challenges,” explained University of Dayton Chaplain Fr. Bob Jones.

How does the Society of Mary intend to embark on this mission? It proposes a four-fold path of Encounter, Mercy, Accompaniment, and “Todos” or unity that is laid out in a Letter to the Young, which in part states, “We want to create a culture of encounter where we discover together who we are and where we are going.”

Rather than alluding to young people as the future, it reiterates that youth are the “now” of the Church. “They are the Church of today. The young are called to step up to the plate and get involved. I encourage them to attend Church, read at Mass, volunteer, be a part of the youth or young adult group or help teach CCD (PSR – Parish School of Religion). This initial involvement allows them to meet people and be a part of the parish, Church, or school family,” said Fr. Oscar.

“Young people are full of energy and creativity, seeing the world with a fresh new perspective. They have much to offer to our Marianist Mission, and there is much to learn from them as well as all of us learning from each other and growing in faith with each other,” said Fr. Bob.

Marianists are keen on education of all kinds, offering accompaniment in their high schools and universities, listening and being present. Click here or on the video image below to hear from today’s youth and learn about the plan to address their desires.

Everyone is asked to do their part— “Invite the young to get involved in your Church, create a warm, welcoming, and accepting environment, assist them in their faith-filled journeys, but also be willing to step aside,” requested Fr. Oscar.

In The News

Enhancing Worship for Children With Disabilities

The University of Dayton received a nearly $1.2 million grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. to create and enhance worship opportunities for children with disabilities.

The funding comes from Lilly Endowment’s Nurturing Children Through Worship and Prayer Initiative, which helps Christian congregations engage children in meaningful intergenerational worship and prayer practices.

“We want to make worship come alive for children with disabilities, whose needs and gifts are often overlooked,” said Jana Bennett, chair of UD’s religious studies department and initiative leader.

The work will address accessibility concerns such as cost and space that often prevent churches from including these children in worship in meaningful ways. UD faculty from disability and ministry is working with 12 congregations in the Dayton region to address this during the next five years to test and develop new worship practices using Montessori-based materials. The team aims to produce 24 practical worship aids that enhance participation for children with disabilities. Additionally, they will develop a resource book with theologies of children and disability and adaptable prayer practices.

Click here to read more.

Lay Marianist Community Makes National News

The Lay Marianist Community, called Spiritus, was created when the Queen of Apostles parish in Dayton, OH, closed last December. The first Spiritus gathering occurred on Epiphany, and its debut was successful. While about 80 people of the 120 original congregation continue, members realize they need younger members in order to remain sustainable.

The National Catholic Reporter delves into the work it requires and highlights how it may be a model for other parish communities facing similar situations. Click here to read the full story.

Saluting Our Veterans

Veterans were honored across the campuses of many Marianist schools. At the University of Dayton Research Institute, a breakfast was held to honor the many veterans among the ranks there. A drive, in collaboration with the local Blue Star Mothers, was also held to collect and provide items for troops currently serving overseas. At St. Mary’s University, veterans and their families were welcomed to the Barrett Memorial Bell Tower for a prayer service and show of gratitude.

University of Dayton Research Institute hosts Veterans breakfast
VFW 8312 Honor Guard attended UD Breakfast
St. Mary's University Veterans Celebration

Marianist Ministries in Action

Promise of Life

The General Chapter of the Society of Mary recently released a document titled The Promise of Life. It is, in part, a handbook to help bring new life to and for young people through meaningful encounters. One section reads:

“Together with the Marianist Family, go with young people to meet the poor and those who remain on the outside. Let young people take their own initiatives, at the risk of upsetting us, on their own themes (ecology, the common home, justice and peace, etc.)”

The Marianist Family Encounters Project, now in its third year, took this tactic to heart, inviting the public to an immersive conference in October. More than 70 participants attended the gathering at Bergamo Center, Mount Saint John, in Dayton, OH.

Marianist Encounters co-chairs Sr. Leanne Jablonski, FMI, and Bro. Jesse O’Neill, SM, were joined by various members of the Marianist Family who contributed to the conference as presenters, Marianist ministries site coordinators, and Mount Saint John tour guides.

Bro. Steve O’Neil shared a slideshow with images of inspiring Marianist Encounters stories from throughout the Marianist Family – its schools, universities, retreat centers, institutions, lay communities, and more.

The three-day event included workshops on a wide range of topics, from ecological education, nature-based spirituality, sustainable development and solar power to social justice. Sessions focused on the Marianist Charism, with its gifts and challenges in encountering the cry of the poor, the earth, and the youth today. Prayer services, tours, and time for meditation and reflection also filled the function. “The Marianist Family Encounters Project supports not only Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ Action Platform but also the call from our General Chapter document for pastoral ministry with and for young people in the context of the Marianist Family. May God continue to bless this most important initiative in our life as Marianists,” said Bro. Jesse O’Neill.

Click here to experience a day-to-day schedule of activities. Click here to view more photos from the conference.

A Marianist Moment

All Saints Day With a Sing-Along

Fr. Oscar Vasquez concelebrated All Saints Day Mass at Archbishop Riordan High School with San Francisco’s Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone and School Chaplain Fr. Greg Heidenblut, O.S.A. “We learned that it was Fr. Oscar’s birthday on November 1, and so after Mass, the student body sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to him. Afterward, several faculty members and I took him to lunch to celebrate with a special dessert,” said Director of Campus Ministry Alex Datoc.

The North American Center for Marianist Studies (NACMS) recently released a Community Meeting Kit, “Spectacle of Saints,” which explores Marianist candidates on the path to sainthood and examines how we are blessed with ordinary saints in our lives today. The meditative and prayerful resource is a wonderful way to engage your community with the themes of Christian sainthood. Click here for the free and downloadable kit.

We ask that you pray for our Marianist Blesseds in their cause for sainthood. God gives us the saints to encourage and guide us on the path of Christian life. It is important not to let this help be lost, especially when it concerns our Marianist Family. Beatification or canonization is, above all, the fruit of the people’s devotion and attachment to this witness whose power of intercession we use, bringing about graces and miracles. Click here to explore ways you can help promote these causes.

L to R: Aly Garcia, Fr. Michael Rocha, Danielle Jow, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, Danny Curtin, Therese Halsey, Melanie Aguas, Deacon Iwan Soegiharto, Tim Reardon, Fr. Oscar Vasquez
L to R: Alex Datoc, Melanie Aguas, Fr. Oscar Vasquez, Cara Garcia, Aly Garcia, Leo Magnaye, Danielle Jow, Deacon Chris Mariano
Fr. Oscar Vasquez enjoying birthday desserts

From the Archives

Baby Boom Build

Did you know the Marianists were asked to build a high school to accommodate a baby boom?

Maryhurst, sitting on more than 100 acres in Kirkwood, MO, served as a Marianist novitiate beginning in 1921, but the landscape was transformed in 1960 when St. John Vianney High School was built on the tract.

By the late 1950s, the first wave of Baby Boom babies started crowding the local high school, so St. Louis Archbishop Joseph Ritter proposed a new private Catholic high school for boys in south St. Louis County. At the archbishop’s request, the Society of Mary agreed to sponsor the school built on the grounds of Maryhurst. Classes began in the fall of 1960 with 33 seniors, 35 juniors, 35 sophomores, 215 freshmen and a faculty comprised of 13 Marianists and two lay teachers.

Today, the Marianist novitiate is located in Dayton, OH, on the grounds of Mount Saint John. However, a Maryhurst namesake remains in MO—the Maryhurst Memorial Cemetery remains on the grounds in Kirkwood. Click here to discover some of those memorialized there.

Maryhurst Vow Class of 1936 Kirkwood, MO


If you’d like to see images from the archives, visit and “like” this Facebook page.

Pray With Us

Please join us in prayer for these members of the Marianist Family.


Fr. Timothy Dwyer, 89, died on Nov. 18, 2024, in San Antonio, TX, with 70 years of religious profession.

His obituary is forthcoming and will be posted here as soon as possible.

Click here to see pictures of Fr. Timothy through the years.

Good to Know

Advent Retreats Available

All three of the Marianist retreat centers are offering retreats for the Advent season.

On Sunday, Dec. 1, 2024, the Bergamo Center for Lifelong Learning invites you to gather around its cozy fireplace lounge and enjoy time for prayer, crafts, and yummy treats. The family-friendly event is free and open to the public.  Click here for more information.

The Marianist Retreat and Conference Center near St. Louis, MO, is holding its annual Advent retreat Friday, Dec. 6, through Sunday, Dec. 8, 2024. The theme is “The Word is Still Becoming Flesh,” and it will have a trio of presenters, Steve Givens, Lucia Signorelli, and Fr. Tom Santen. It will include time for silence, fellowship, scripture-opening teaching, experiences of various kinds of contemplative prayer, opportunities for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Sunday Mass, and small group sharing. Click here for more information.

Family retreats are a focus this Advent at the Marianist Family Retreat Center in Cape May, NY. Eight to ten families will come together for a week or weekend to form a Christ-centered community. Here is what you can expect: Mass and other family liturgies complemented by skits, presentations, family sharing, peer group discussions, and fun activities. Click here for more information.

Lyrical Lessons from Rapping Teacher

No PhD in rhymes and beats,
but she mixes lessons with metrical feats.
With chalk in her hand and a beat in her soul,
Making grammar lessons rock is her ultimate goal.

When Chaminade University of Honolulu (CUH) graduate Donna Kay Fisher, MA ’16, EdD ’24, was a kid, she couldn’t get enough of “Schoolhouse Rock” with cadences like “Conjunction Junction, what’s your function?”

Fast forward to Fisher’s life in the classroom today at Kapolei Middle School and she’s got her own catchy rhymes. You can check them out on YouTube; her handle is @Englishraps4u. There, you’ll find her rapping about clauses and adjectives, fragments and run-ons, and even dangling modifiers—all with an electronic keyboard backing her up. “I hope my rap lessons are just as enduring as ‘Schoolhouse Rock,’” said Fisher, who dubs herself the “educational rapper.”

Fisher, who this past spring was part of the inaugural cohort at CUH to graduate with a Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership for Adaptation and Change, is a veteran English teacher in Hawai’i public schools with a passion for engaging her students.

Click here to learn how even a heart attack didn’t stop her from pursuing her dreams and dropping her beats.

ALIVE Magazine – Fall Edition

The new fall edition of ALIVE magazine is now available.

Inside, you will discover why an 85-year-old former St. Mary’s University employee refers to Marianist giants, the reason the Marianist Novitiate is compared to a reality show, and how a Black Orchard cake is a cause for celebration.

Click here to read those stories and more in the digital version.


Click here to discover job opportunities within our Marianist Ministries across the United States. 

New listings include:

• Purcell Marian High School (OH) – President

• Archbishop Moeller High School (OH) – President

• Chaminade College Prep (CA) – Assistant Director of Student Activities

• St. Vincent-St. Mary High School (OH) – Director of Advancement

Check Out More Marianist News

Via Latina from the General Administration of the Society of Mary

Sharing Our Marianist Stories podcast from North American Center for Marianist Studies

Justice Jottings from the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative

AMU Newsletter from the Association of Marianist Universities

Region Update #86 from the Marianist Region of India

FatherSide Chats is a web video series featuring Fr. Gene Contadino. Discover new episodes every Tuesday about a variety of topics. Click the graphic to view episodes. Click here to read more.

Follow Us On Social Media


FamilyOnline Submissions

We welcome and encourage submissions of interest to our nearly 3,600 subscribers. Please send them to Theresa Petry.


Stay in touch with the Marianist Province by downloading our new mobile app!

Download your free copy today for easy access to information that supports the work of Marianist-sponsored ministries. Compatible with Apple iOS and Android devices.

Pilgrimage of Listening Proves Lifechanging

On far left is Kelly Adamson; Mason Hennessy is fifth from left in white shirt
UD faculty and students gathered with other university delegates at the Synod in Rome

“Lifechanging. That is the word I heard most often from University of Dayton students who were in Rome during the Synod on Synodality,” said UD Campus Minister Kelly Adamson.

Earlier this month, 11 UD students and three faculty members were among more than 120 college youth from across the U.S. who participated in Pope Francis’ Synod on Synodality in Rome. They met with Roman Catholic Church leaders, attended Pope Francis’ general audience, and participated in communal prayers and a live question-and-answer session.

“The fact that UD Campus Ministry chose students from all different majors, ethnicities, and life paths to go on this pilgrimage, I think, exemplifies the idea of synodality within the Marianists. One of the main charisms of the Marianists is that everybody has an equal place at the roundtable. What could be more synodal than that,” stated Mason Hennessy, a UD theology and communication student.

Each university invited to attend was asked to bring a symbol of the school’s spirituality. UD representatives brought a model of a Marianist round table, signifying inclusion and deep listening. Inside that table were the names of UD community members they held in prayer and those praying for them. “As we encountered members of other universities, delegates, Marianists, and others in Rome, we added their signatures to our circle of prayer. Our Marianist and synodal round table continue to expand,” explained Adamson.

They also brought other Marianist symbols to accompany them on their journey, including replica dolls of Marianist Founders Blessed William Joseph Chaminade, Marie Thérèse Charlotte de Lamourous, and Venerable Adèle de Batz de Trenquelléon taking pictures with the poppets around Vatican City.

The pilgrimage proved to highlight the path the Church is taking from just listening to young adults to acting with them, realizing they are not the Church’s future but rather the “now” of the Church. It was a vital topic of the Society of Mary’s General Chapter meetings in Rome this summer, where a Letter to the Young was composed, in part stating, “We want to create a culture of encounter where we discover together who we are and where we are going.” A video based on this letter will be released soon, stay tuned!

The UD students toured where those meetings took place, visiting the Marianist Generalate while in Rome and meeting with members of the General Council. “The Marianist Generalate was full of love and hospitality. From the moment I stepped in the doors, I felt the warmth of smiles and laughter gleaming at me. Afterward, we all agreed that the same feeling of homeyness we feel at UD was identical to the one we felt eating dinner at the Generalate,” said Hennessy.

He went on to say, “My experience was one of feeling listened to. My biggest takeaway from this pilgrimage is that our Church is one of encountering and experiencing the faith in a way that cannot be taught.”

The findings from the three-year Synod on Synodality process were finalized and voted on on Oct. 26, 2024. It was the first time in history that non-bishops, including lay women and men from more than 110 countries, had voting rights on what was recommended to the Pope, which may suggest doctrinal changes. Pope Francis will ultimately decide what will come of the recommendations and how to proceed. Click here to view more pictures.

In The News

Marianist World Day of Prayer

This year, Marianist World Day of Prayer was observed on Oct. 13, 2024, and highlighted the National Marian Shrine of Our Lady of Africa, Mother of All Graces. Located in Abidjan, the economic capital of Ivory Coast, this shrine is a place of prayer, spirituality, and pilgrimage – welcoming 4,000 pilgrims a week. The brothers in that community place particular emphasis on welcoming pilgrims as part of the Pastoral Care program.

During the 1970s, Lay Marianist affiliates in St. Louis, MO, began a prayerful gathering on the Sunday closest to Oct. 12, the feast of Our Lady of the Pillar. The Provincial at the time, Fr. Quentin Hakenewerth, invited the whole Province of St. Louis to join in prayer. When Fr. Quentin was elected  General Assistant for Religious Life in Rome in 1981, he invited the worldwide Marianist Family to share in the annual gathering. Fr. Jose Maria Arnaiz, elected General Assistant for Religious Life in 1991, extended the annual day of prayer by identifying a specific Marian shrine each year. Click here to read more.

Ribbon Cutting Unveils Cutting-Edge Innovation Center

St. Mary’s University and its School of Science, Engineering, and Technology officially opened its new $20-million Blank Sheppard Innovation Center.

The 30,000-square-foot facility, which broke ground in the fall of 2022, will support Advanced Manufacturing research and instruction. It features laboratories, including Robotics and Smart Manufacturing, Data Science and Machine Learning, Engineering Design, and classrooms. The Center will also house labs and classrooms dedicated to the new Nursing Program, which St. Mary’s University launched this fall. The School of Science, Engineering, and Technology plans to offer a Bachelor of Science in Nursing

“So many partners — our St. Mary’s University family, donors, area officials and more — created the momentum to bring the vision of the Blank Sheppard Innovation Center to reality,” said St. Mary’s University President Dr. Winston Erevelles. “This incredible new facility represents one of the tenets of a Marianist education: to educate for adaptation and change.”

St. Mary’s University was also recently ranked number one in U.S. News & World Report as the Best Value in the West. The 2025 ranking also highlights the university’s excellence in social mobility and serving veterans. Click here to read more.

Catholic Bioethics

Chaminade University of Honolulu (CUH) hosted a Marianist Lecture Series featuring a presentation by a professor known for her work in the fields of bioethics, ethics, medicine, and theology.

Therese Lysaught, PhD, is a tenured professor at Loyola University Chicago, teaching in the Stritch School of Medicine’s Neiswanger Institute for Bioethics and Health Care Leadership, as well as the university’s Institute of Pastoral Studies.

Her lecture, titled “Catholic Bioethics: Catholic Social Tradition and Human Flourishing,” was held in the Mystical Rose Oratory at CUH and focused on how Catholic social tradition “can help expand how we think about the moral dimensions of illness, health, and medicine and their ethical implications.”

Click here if you’d like to listen to a recording of the lecture.

Tidings For You

Did you know that in its inaugural volume last fall, the Marian Library’s updated newsletter, Tidings, won a national public relations award?

In its newest publication, the Marian Library celebrates the 25th anniversary of one of its most popular — and largest — sculptures, introduces you to some of the new items added to its collections, reflects on a special day with Catholic educators, and provides a by-the-numbers look at the past year’s successes. Click here to read Tidings: An Annual Communiqué from the Marian Library.

Click here if you would like to sign up to receive the annual Tidings.

Also, mark your calendars for Sunday, Nov. 10, at 3 p.m.! The Marian Library is co-sponsoring a musical performance by The Marian Consort in the Roger Glass Center for the Arts. The concert will be perfectly in tune with the Christmas exhibit Joy to the World!, which will feature nativities and artwork accompanied by beloved Christmas music from around the world. Visit go.udayton.edu/christmas-exhibit for updated information.

Marianist Ministries in Action

Crucifix Crusade

It’s a problem, albeit a good problem. The Marianist Retreat & Conference Center (MRCC), located in Eureka, MO, ran out of crucifixes.

MRCC offers a table of free stuff, including stickers, prayer cards, and, oh yes, crucifixes this year.

“Teens flock to our free stuff table, which is a sign that they’ve experienced some kind of spark or fire in their hearts during their retreat experience with the MORE Team,” reported MRCC Program Director Paul Masek.

Masek says he’s stopped keeping track, but just since initiating the project in early August, they’ve given away more than 150 crucifixes. Having depleted its supply, they took to social media asking for donations. “It’s been amazing; crucifixes keep arriving here almost every day, some from anonymous sources,” said Masek.

He said the endeavor means the world to him personally. He has had many powerful prayer experiences simply staring at the crucifix, knowing Jesus thought his life was worthy of dying for – a message he believes many teens need to hear. “I don’t know for sure why so few teens seem to own a crucifix, but one thing I do know for certain is that if we can get crucifixes to as many young people as possible, we are helping them to more deeply understand the great love God has for them.”

That sense of worth, great love, and sacrifice symbolized in the crucifix is one many youth want to share.

“On a retreat, a young man took a crucifix and then sheepishly asked if he could take an additional one because he wanted to give one to his girlfriend. We think that is absolutely amazing; what a beautiful thing to do for someone you care about,” exclaimed Masek.

Click here or use the QR Code to discover ways you can help in this Crucifix Crusade.

A Marianist Moment

A Review of Our Marianist Saints

By Bro. David Betz

As we approach November again, the Church spends time to reflect on the men and women who have gone before us in faith. Nov. 1 recognizes the official Communion of Saints, and we are invited to see particular saints for whom we may have an affinity as role models in our lives.  We are also called to remember the unofficial saints who have impacted our lives because of the holiness that they demonstrated. Nov. 2 is the day when we honor the men and women that we personally have known before they died and pray for them since they were important people in our lives. Because of my role as the promoter of the Marianist Saints, I have become more aware of these individuals, and remembering them has become a part of my prayer life.

An important resource in this endeavor has been Daniel Ellsberg’s “Blessed Among Us” short articles in the monthly Give Us This Day missalette published by Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN. He gives snippets of saints’ lives, official and unofficial, for us to reflect upon six days each week for the month. Examples have been Saint Luke, St. Teresa of Avila, Blessed Carlo Acutis, Amos the Prophet, Thomas Keating, and Maura O’Halloran. It has been fascinating to see how holiness has been enacted in the lives of men and women who we may have never been aware of in the world. Click here to read more.

From the Archives

Memory Lane Provides History and Health Benefits

The Marianists have 175 years of history in the United States, which means 175 years of documents, photographs, blueprints and buildings, artwork and members. Keeping track of all these items, researching them, and correctly identifying them is a monumental task. Who better to help recollect than those of an older generation?

That is why the National Archives of the Marrianist Province of the United States recruited members of the Marianist Residence Community in San Antonio to help identify some of the countless photos in its collection.

The trip down memory lane, with the brothers adding anecdotes and life stories to the pictures, also provided health benefits to the assistants.

According to Psychology Today, nostalgia is a social-cognitive-emotional experience that can motivate us to reconnect with and enhance our appreciation of loved ones in our present. Research also shows that reminiscence therapy, or storytelling, is a form of therapy that can improve quality of life and life satisfaction and help alleviate symptoms of depression in older adults.

The Marianist Province Archives is indeed a “place of memory” where the life of the Province in the United States, within the larger body of the Society of Mary, is documented.

If you’d like to see images from the archives, visit and “like” this Facebook page.

Pray With Us

Please join us in prayer for these members of the Marianist Family.


Bro. Kevin Whelan, 83, died on Sept. 27, 2024, in Cupertino, CA, with 65 years of religious profession.

Brother Kevin was a beloved teacher, guidance counselor, vocational mentor, social worker, and driver’s education instructor who devoted his professional career to shaping young lives, and who cherished the opportunity to help people embrace a path of salvation in Christ. Brother Kevin took to heart the motto he chose upon taking first vows – “Duc in altum” (Launch out into the deep) – joyfully accepting every assignment he was offered as a Marianist, even those he found
personally challenging.

Click here to read his full obituary.

Click here to see pictures of Bro. Kevin through the years.

Good to Know

Marian Consecration

Earlier this month, six students in the current Marianist Lay Community in San Antonio, TX, made their Marian Consecration at St. Mary’s University. They were joined by a student in an earlier MLC who was not able to make her consecration with her MLC. In addition, Paul Pruski, an Aspirant, and Julie Sanchez of the Stella Maris MLC, who are helping form the group, also made their consecration. In the photo, the students are holding their signed consecration forms.

Seen in picture Back Row: Arlene Chaidez, Paul Pruski, Nick Urbina, Ulisis Rodriguez, Brianna Valadez, and Fr. John Thompson; Front row: Bro. Dan Klco, Julie Sanchez,  Anne Steck, Esmeralda Lopez, and Emily Do

Silverswords Gather for Aloha ‘Āina Event

Vice President for Mission and Rector of Chaminade University of Honolulu Bro. Ed Brink proudly shared information about students, faculty, and staff gathering on Indigenous Peoples Day for a special Aloha ‘Āina Kalaepōhaku event. It celebrated the Hawaiian value of mālama ʻāina with community service projects, hands-on activities, educational workshops, and lectures.

“Our Marianist mission and values of the university really focus on community,” said University President Dr. Lynn Babington.

As part of the daylong event on campus, supported by a grant from Kamehameha Schools Kaiāulu, participants planted native flora and weeded community gardens on Chaminade’s campus. A group of students also ventured to Cromwell’s Beach to conduct invasive limu removal.

Check It Out Now – Funk Soul Students

CLICK THE IMAGE to watch the documentary.

University of Dayton (UD) students won the collegiate equivalent of an Emmy award for their documentary about Dayton’s funk music scene. Funk: The Sound of Dayton won in the non-fiction long-form category of the 2024 National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Student Production Awards, Ohio Valley Chapter. The film explores the origins of funk in Dayton and its cultural impact.

“It’s about the music — the fusion of jazz and blues and rock — but the real story is about the people and the history they built around that type of style,” said Brayden Chayer, ’24, who is credited as a writer, audio editor, and production manager for the film. “It was really great to be recognized for highlighting the voices of people in the community who still live here and had such an important impact,” Chayer said. Read more on UD’s website.


Click here to discover job opportunities within our Marianist Ministries across the United States. 

New listings include:

• Purcell Marian High School (OH) – President

• Archbishop Moeller High School (OH) – President

• Chaminade College Prep (CA) – Assistant Director of Student Activities

• St. Vincent-St. Mary High School (OH) – Director of Advancement

Check Out More Marianist News

Via Latina from the General Administration of the Society of Mary

Sharing Our Marianist Stories podcast from North American Center for Marianist Studies

Justice Jottings from the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative

AMU Newsletter from the Association of Marianist Universities

Region Update #85 from the Marianist Region of India

FatherSide Chats is a web video series featuring Fr. Gene Contadino. Discover new episodes every Tuesday about a variety of topics. Click the graphic to view episodes. Click here to read more.

Follow Us On Social Media


FamilyOnline Submissions

We welcome and encourage submissions of interest to our nearly 3,600 subscribers. Please send them to Theresa Petry.


Stay in touch with the Marianist Province by downloading our new mobile app!

Download your free copy today for easy access to information that supports the work of Marianist-sponsored ministries. Compatible with Apple iOS and Android devices.

Marianist-Sponsored High School Garners National Attention

L-R: Instructor Kelly Stokes, Student Roderick Brown, Instructor Tracy Hykes
L-R: Instructor Kelly Stokes, Student Michael Gallaway
L-R: Students Omar Navarette, Roderick Brown, Samuel Wynn

An unconventional high school program at St. Mary’s South Side Catholic High School in St. Louis, MO, is being touted in Labor Tribune and IBEW publications, Tech Ed Magazine articles, local TV news stories, and most recently, in the National Catholic Reporter.

The Marianist-sponsored high school began an elective pre-apprenticeship curriculum for juniors and seniors in the fall of 2022. The skilled trades education program is the first (and currently only one) of its kind in the state. The Missouri Works Initiative partnered with the school to create courses and schedule guest instructors as well as fully fund it for the next four years. The Federation of Area Trades donated $250,000 to purchase equipment, supplies, and certifications for enrolled students.

“We were the first school in Missouri to offer this pre-admission program,” said Principal Valerie Todd. This is not something new at St. Mary’s. “We have had, over the years, some kind of trade opportunities,” said Todd, who has been at St. Mary’s for 27 years. “We used to have electricity and HVAC classes for a while. Probably since the 2019-20 school year, we have had a partnership with Ranken.” Ranken Technical College in St. Louis specializes in degrees and certifications for automotive, electrical, construction, IT, and manufacturing. Todd stated that St. Mary’s students could participate in “dual enrollment,” spending half days at both the high school and Ranken.

President of MO AFL-CIO and St. Mary’s alum Jake Hummel jumped at the opportunity to get involved in the program.  He reported that the class travels off campus to job sites to visit apprentice training centers across the St. Louis region.

The high school would like to extend this emerging program, possibly adding a new building on campus dedicated to supporting students pursuing skilled labor trades.

Click here to read an in-depth article on this “vocational education” in the National Catholic Reporter.

In The News

Marianist Educational Associates Launch New Year

Top: Jason Pierce, Celine Jacquemin, Michael Losiewicz, Angel Tazzer Rodriguez, Liza Sánchez    Bottom: Tim Bessler, Linda Muller, Patricia Garcia, President Winston Erevelles, Julie Sanchez

St. Mary’s University Marianist Educational Associates (MEA), President Winston Erevelles, and Marianist Religious gathered at Holy Rosary Catholic Church in San Antonio, TX, to celebrate and launch the 2024-2025 academic year.

The Marianist Educational Associates is an initiative among the three Marianist universities to build strong partners with members of the Society of Mary. Each year, faculty, staff, and administrators are invited to deepen their understanding of and commitment to the traditions and beliefs of a Marianist community.

The formation program includes readings, reflections, and insights sharing. MEAs meet once a month from Sept. to May to continue their formation by developing, strengthening, and advancing our Catholic and Marianist philosophy of education. At the end of the academic year, during a special service, MEAs make a public commitment to sustain and enrich the university’s Catholic and Marianist character.

National Merit Scholars and Acing the ACT

L-R: Alexander Rose, William Bimonte

Two students at Archbishop Moeller High School in Cincinnati, OH, have been named National Merit® Semifinalists. A certificate from the National Merit® Scholarship Cooperation will be presented to William Bimonte and Alexander Rose on Oct. 28, 2024.

These academically talented high school seniors now have an opportunity to continue in the competition for thousands of scholarships worth nearly $26 million. The nationwide pool of semifinalists, representing less than one percent of U.S. high school seniors, includes the highest-scoring entrants in each state.

Alex Rose earned another impressive honor – a perfect ACT score! The ACT consists of tests in English, mathematics, reading, and science, each scored on a scale of 1-36. Only about one-quarter of 1% of students who take the ACT earn a top score. In the U.S. high school class of 2023, only 2,542 out of more than 1.39 million students earned a score of 36.

“We are so proud of Will and Alex. They earned this honor through hard work, dedication, and intellectual curiosity. They exemplify what it means to be a Man of Moeller through their dedication and commitment to excellence. We can’t wait to see what they accomplish beyond Moeller,” said Dr. Christine Brookbank, provost of Archbishop Moeller High School.

The Legacy of Chaminade University – Honolulu

The first Marianists arrived on the island of Hawaii in 1883. A new video recently released pays homage to the Society of Mary’s deep roots in Hawaii. It delves into the bond Marianists made with the royal family before the monarchy was overthrown and how that relationship helped create an educational venture that celebrated the unique cultural aspects of the islands. Click here to experience the Chaminade Mission Tour, which takes you from ‘Iolani Palace to the original Saint Louis College to the current university and beyond.

Marianist Ministries in Action

Grieving Grandchildren Create a “Wee-Woo” Fund 

Kathleen Wicker

Even through times of disorientation and confusion as she battled triple negative breast cancer and then dementia the past few years, Kathleen Wicker‘s face would light up saying, “Wee Woo,” mimicking ambulance sirens when she’d see her two EMT-certified grandchildren.

Emily Burgess, Kathy’s granddaughter, is a Crew Chief/Lead and the Assistant Chief of Personnel for University of Dayton Emergency Medical Services (UD EMS). Her grandson, Joseph Niederschmidt, is a crew member and a second-year organization member.

Cousins Joseph Niederschmidt and Emily Burgess

UD EMS is a non-profit organization comprised of approximately 42 full-time undergraduate students and 18 students-in-training who volunteer their time serving the campus community as nationally-registered and state-certified Emergency Medical Technicians. The students — 24 hours a day, seven days a week — help provide basic medical care and ambulatory rides to the hospital to students on campus for free.

In loving memory of their grandmother, Kathy, who passed away in St. Louis, MO, on Aug. 27, 2024, Burgess and Niederschmidt created a GoFundMe page in lieu of flowers, with proceeds benefiting UD EMS and new uniform shirts to help observe Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October. Click here if you would like to donate.

“We hope to honor her legacy and bring comfort to others facing similar battles. Every contribution will help keep her spirit alive and support a cause close to our hearts,” said Niederschmidt.

“Our cherished grandmother’s warmth and wisdom touched every soul she met. Her life was a beautiful story of love, kindness, and unyielding strength. She always had a special way of making everyone feel valued and understood. Her legacy of compassion and grace will forever remain a guiding light and path of service,” added Burgess.

A Marianist Moment

Nurturing Teachers Through Community and Faith

Magdiel Perez finished a hard day during her first year as a classroom teacher, exhausted, embarrassed, and unsure how to calm her busy mind. Fortunately for Perez, she is starting her second year in a program designed to help with the intricacies of teaching and provide encouragement.

The Lalanne program at the University of Dayton offers two years of mentored teaching experience while earning a master’s degree. It is specifically designed to support educators by combining service and teaching in Catholic schools.

Students in the program are placed in a Catholic school, receive intentional support from their school administrators, take master’s coursework in the summer, live in community with other Lalanne teachers and grow in their faith with the guidance of spiritual mentors.

“I truly believe that the community aspect is very important and beneficial,” Perez said. “We’re all teachers, so we understand how draining and exhausting our days can be. If we need our time alone, we understand that. When we need advice, we’re able to listen and give tips where needed.”

The program celebrated its 25th anniversary last summer. It reports that 90 percent of its alumni are still working in education, which is impressive considering that many teachers seek out a new career after about five years, citing burnout, stress, inadequate preparation and unrealistic expectations.

Click here to read the full story.

From the Archives

Blue Army: Joining the Ranks of Our Lady

What do Our Lady of Fatima and the apparitions in Portugal have to do with Russia? Michele Jennings, an archivist in the Marian Library, researches the history of this image.

In 1946, the head of the Scapular Apostolate, American John Haffert, traveled to Portugal to meet with Lúcia dos Santos who witnessed the apparitions, and the origins of the Blue Army came into focus. Joining forces with Monsignor Harold Colgan in 1947, the two worked to found the Blue Army and bring the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fátima on a tour of the United States. Millions of American Catholics honored the Pilgrim Virgin and prayed for the conversion of Russia. Devotion to Fátima in the United States took off during the Cold War and made anticommunist sentiment a mainstream aspect of American life as well as American Catholic religious and political practice. This included pop culture, such as the popular song “Our Lady of Fátima,” originally performed by Gladys Gollahon and eventually covered by jazz singer Tony Bennett.  By 1952, membership had reached two million.

Click here to read more.

If you’d like to see images from the archives, visit and “like” this Facebook page.

Pray With Us

Please join us in prayer for these members of the Marianist Family.


Fr. Christian Aloysius Janson, 83, died on Sept. 14, 2024, in San Antonio, TX, with 64 years of religious profession. Father Cris, born in St. Louis, MO, was one of 14 siblings. He was a beloved teacher, pastor, chaplain, campus minister, and vocation director who considered learning “the core passion” of his life. As a young man in formation, Cris noted that he had “no special desire to be sent to the missions.” Still, his priestly ministry would take him to Mexico for 16 years. He literally came to be identified by this mission work, adopting “Cris” as his nickname because it was easier for Spanish speakers to pronounce.

Click here to read his full obituary.

Click here to see pictures of Bro. Christian through the years.

Good to Know

A Spectacle of Saints” Community Meeting Kit

The North American Center for Marianist Studies has released a new Community Meeting Kit, “A Spectacle of Saints.” It explores the Marianist candidates on the path to sainthood and how we are blessed with ordinary saints in our lives today. As we approach All Saints’ and All Souls’ Day, this meditative and prayerful resource can be a wonderful way to engage your community with the themes of Christian sainthood.

Click here to download the free kit.

Retreat on “Seeing God in All Creation”

The Marianist Retreat and Conference Center (MRCC) is offering a weekend retreat based on Laudato  Si’. The focus will be on the call for action to protect the Earth. It will be held Oct. 11-13 and will include large group presentations, small group discussions, and plenty of time to enjoy the beautiful grounds of MRCC. It is located on 120 acres in Wildwood, MO, and offers ample opportunities to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation through personal reflection, outdoor prayer experiences, and hiking. Click here for more information and registration.

Statue Dedication Ceremony

Chaminade College Preparatory in St. Louis, MO, cordially invites you to the Fr. Ralph Siefert statue dedication ceremony on Oct. 11 at 4:30 p.m. in the Skip Viragh Center Rotunda. Fr. Ralph (1945 – 2021) was a pillar of the school community where he served as president for 33 years. He is credited with putting the school on firm financial footing and for helping secure a transformative donation of $28 million to build the Skip Viragh Center for the Arts on campus. The center, which opened in 2011, includes a 1,000-seat theater, art classrooms, music rehearsal rooms and an art gallery. Among the artwork displayed at the center are photographs taken by Father Ralph. During his tenure, he took thousands of photos of school events and activities every year.

“We are who we are as a school because of Fr. Ralph,” stated Chaminade President Dr. Todd Guidry in the obituary. “Our strong academic program, extracurricular and faith-development programs, our financial stability, our world-class campus, our deep embrace of the Marianist Charism, and the loyalty of our faculty, staff, alumni, and parents are all a direct result of Fr. Ralph’s leadership.”


Click here to discover job opportunities within our Marianist Ministries across the United States. 

New listings include:

• Archbishop Moeller High School (OH) – President

• Chaminade College Prep (CA) – Assistant Director of Student Activities

• St. Vincent-St. Mary High School (OH) – Director of Advancement

Check Out More Marianist News

Via Latina from the General Administration of the Society of Mary

Sharing Our Marianist Stories podcast from North American Center for Marianist Studies

Justice Jottings from the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative

AMU Newsletter from the Association of Marianist Universities

Region Update #85 from the Marianist Region of India

FatherSide Chats is a web video series featuring Fr. Gene Contadino. Discover new episodes every Tuesday about a variety of topics. Click the graphic to view episodes. Click here to read more.

Follow Us On Social Media


FamilyOnline Submissions

We welcome and encourage submissions of interest to our nearly 3,600 subscribers. Please send them to Theresa Petry.


Stay in touch with the Marianist Province by downloading our new mobile app!

Download your free copy today for easy access to information that supports the work of Marianist-sponsored ministries. Compatible with Apple iOS and Android devices.

The Society of Mary embarked on a journey to expand its communities of faith to America. This voyage led Marianists across the ocean to the Ohio River, arriving in Cincinnati, OH, in 1849 to take the first step in creating a Province in the U.S.A.

Service Work Kicks Off New School Year

About 450 incoming University of Dayton (UD) business students built walls for a Habitat for Humanity of Greater Dayton house during move-in weekend in mid-August.

“At UD, our students embrace the call to serve from day one,” said School of Business Administration Dean Trevor Collier. “Our business students engage in meaningful community work throughout their undergraduate careers—administering microloans through the Greater West Dayton Incubator, managing investments for the Dayton Foundation, assisting with income tax filings, and much more. These experiences help them see their careers as a calling, deeply connected to their communities.”

“Last year’s Flyer Nation Habitat for Humanity Build was a huge success and allowed us to build a home in the Edgemont neighborhood near UD Arena. We are excited to begin working on Flyer Nation Build #2 and hope this continues to be an annual event,” said Habitat for Humanity of Greater Dayton’s Development Director David Mauch.

At St. Mary’s University, about 400 volunteers comprised of students, faculty, staff, and alumni came together on Saturday, August 24, for Continuing the Heritage – a longstanding day of service benefiting an array of local nonprofits.

“Beginning the school year with a day of service sets a tone of community, collaboration and purpose,” said Pete Oviedo, Director of Community Engagement. “It aligns with the St. Mary’s mission to develop leaders who are committed to service and social justice. Service work encourages students to connect with each other and the community in a meaningful way, fostering a sense of belonging and purpose from the outset.”

Some of this year’s volunteer sites included SAISD Book Buddies, San Antonio Food Bank, City of San Antonio Graffiti Wipeout, and St. Stephen’s CARE Center. Since 1997, 24,547 volunteers have offered more than 66,681 hours to organizations that provide much-needed services throughout the area. Oviedo estimates those volunteer hours equate to more than $2 million in economic impact.

Students at Chaminade University of Honolulu (CUH) carved time out of their schedules to dig deep into the campus garden, cultivating a true sense of community as they collaborated to beautify and enrich their environment.

The mission is to empower students to define and deepen their experience through impactful ʻāina-based community building rooted in Marianist and Native Hawaiian values.

They also took time to pause and be mindful during the Fall Spiritual Convocation, also known as “Red Mass,” a longstanding tradition at CUH. One of the pillars that characterize a Marianist education is to educate for formation in faith. “It also affords the opportunity to ask for God’s blessing on our Chaminade ‘ohana as we come together as a community to live and learn,” said University President Lynn Babington.

In The News

Renewal of Vows

The Marianist Sisters in Dayton celebrated the renewal of temporary vows for Srs. Emily Sandoval and Rose Rucoba on Wednesday, July 31st. Fr. Timothy Eden presided at the Mass. Bro. Dennis Bautista and novices Alex Roman and Pepe Gutierrez also participated in the blessing and the following meal. Congratulations, Emily and Rose and blessings on your continuing ministries!

Youth Hostel in India Promotes Marianist Education

In Jharkhand, one of the poorest states in India, just outside the city of Ranchi, the Marianist Sisters run a hostel for girls. Adèle Hostel is where young students are cared for and provided a safe space to live during the school year. The sisters work on a small neighborhood scale but with a larger perspective. Education, concern for others, a well-integrated view of life, and spiritual growth are all essential for quality human relationships, and the dignity of every man and woman is natured. Click here to view more.

50 Years Leading in Faith, From the Heart

By University of Dayton President Dr. Eric Spina 

I have witnessed Fr. Jim Fitz‘s pastoral care in numerous settings — from presiding over Baccalaureate Masses before thousands to sharing tenets of the Marianist philosophy of education with new trustees. He provides thoughtful reflections and blessings at groundbreakings and building dedications. In times of sorrow over the death of a student or colleague, he offers words of solace and support. In times of joy over the beginning of a new academic year, he personifies the inclusive hospitality of the Marianists who welcome and respect the gifts that all bring to our campus.

Not every administrator wants to live next door to college students, but living in community is meaningful to Fr. Jim. He shares a house with other Marianists in the heart of the student neighborhood, where his religious community hosts weekly spaghetti dinners and conversations with students. That ministry spills out into other parts of the neighborhood. As co-advisers for various Marianist Student Communities over the last several years, Fr. Jim and my wife, Karen, enjoy sharing a bowl of ice cream or a potluck meal with students as they encourage them to explore their faith and follow their dreams.

In Fr. Jim’s world, no dreams are impossible if you have faith. Click here for the full article.

Marianist Ministries in Action

Sisters Celebrate 60 Years in Africa

by Sr. Clémence Nabede, FMI

As part of celebrating the 60th anniversary of the presence of the Marianist Sisters in Africa, a new ministerial commitment became a reality. In the land of Burkina Faso, the sisters assumed the responsibility of managing the Lycée Sainte Eugénie. The diocesan school is located in the central-eastern region of Burkina Faso, in the province of Boulgou, and the beautiful city of Tenkodogo.

Saint Eugénie Secondary School was founded in 2017 by Fr. Athanase Guiri. In a context where the schooling rate for girls remains low, the main goal is to provide human and spiritual formation, offer an integral education to the students in the light of Gospel values, and develop a better society.

Youth ministry is one of the mission’s priorities besides conducting the school – inspiring hope despite great economic and security challenges. Click here to watch a video.

A Marianist Moment

Making Marianist Connections in Camino

Michael Christiansen and Toni Mesina

Former National Coordinator for Marianist LIFE Toni Mesina participated in a pilgrimage this summer to the Camino de Santiago, also known as the Way of St. James. The Camino de Santiago has many different route options, from a 74-mile walk to a challenging almost 500-mile trek and even a 621-mile adventure that leads to the shrine of St. James the apostle in the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral in northwestern Spain.

This UNESCO World Heritage Site has long united people across the globe, serving as a dynamic crossroads of cultures. Its rich blend of traditions, languages, and stories creates a mosaic of exploration and global connection. For Philadelphia resident Mesina, one connection was unlike any other, for she met a fellow Marianist from the United States on her spiritual journey.

She started her expedition in Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, France, climbing the Pyrenees on day one and hiking more than 500 miles in 37 days. In the last two weeks of her travels, she met Michael Christiansen, who graduated from Chaminade High School, a Marianist college preparatory high school for boys in Mineola, Long Island, New York. He had started his devotional venture in La Puy, France, walking more than 1,000 miles.

“We both laughed at the coincidental randomness of it all. We ended up hanging out with a solid group of international pilgrims and finishing together. It was great,” Mesina exclaimed. “The Marianist world gives you family wherever you go!”

From the Archives

Lost Larynx But Not Gift Of Gab

Bro. Walter Hausfeld (1897-1981) had his voice box removed in 1961 while teaching at a school in Cleveland, OH. But this Marianist Brother didn’t let a thing like that silence him. He was described in his obituary as “a self-made optimist.”

He spent the greater part of his life teaching in various schools of the Society of Mary, from New York to Pennsylvania and Ohio to California. When his voice became hard to hear, he started using a loudspeaker in his classes at Purcell High School, where he taught mechanical drawing.

Hausfeld mastered the esophageal speech method to retain his oral communication ability. An article published in the Catholic Telegraph in 1964 focused on his health hardships and perseverance, which earned him the reputation of “a great talker who would not be denied the gift of his tongue.”

If you’d like to see images from the archives, visit and “like” this Facebook page.

Pray With Us

Please join us in prayer for these members of the Marianist Family.


Bro. Gerard “Jerry” Anthony Sullivan, 93, died on Aug. 3, 2024, in San Antonio, TX, with 73 years of religious profession.

Bro. Jerry was a beloved teacher, substance abuse counselor, pastoral associate, retreat leader, and prison chaplain, as well as a grateful friend of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). He thought of his life in the Society of Mary as “an incredible adventure,” once writing that “I get on my knees every night and thank Mary and God for the wonderful gift of my vocation.”

Click here to read his full obituary.

Click here to see pictures of Bro. John through the years.

Each year, the Society of Mary recognizes brothers and priests who are marking milestones in their first profession of vows or priestly ordinations. Thank you to our 2024 Jubilarians! The FamilyOnline highlight concludes this month, but you can find them all hereBelow is a picture from the Jubilee celebration in Dayton, OH, this month. Click here to see more pictures from the event.


50 Years of profession

I first met the Marianists in Kalamazoo, Michigan, in 1970 when I needed a place to stay while attending Western Michigan University. At the time, I was discerning the diocesan priesthood, but the experience of prayer, community, and ministry in the community and the example of the brothers’ lives changed everything. Click here to read more.


50 years of ordination

Fr. Robert Bouffier entered the Marianist Novitiate in Rose Hill, VA, in 1966 after graduating from Chaminade High School in Mineola, NY. He professed his first vows in August 1967 in Charlottesville, VA, and graduated from University of Dayton in 1970. Fr. Bob finished his MA in theology in 1972 and went on to study theology at the Boston College-Andover Newton Joint Doctoral Program. He was ordained a priest in November 1974. Click here to read more.


50 years of ordination

In the book of Proverbs, we read: “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”    Marianist life has given me a vision. It is a vision expressed well in the opening chapter of our Rule of Life: “Our goal is to be transformed into His (Christ’s) likeness and to work for the coming of His kingdom.” (article 2). In whatever I have done as a Marianist religious, the vision and dream of God’s kingdom have been the inspiration for my ministry and life. Click here to read more.


25 years of ordination

It has been a joy to serve the Church and the Society of Mary as a priest these past 25 years.  Celebrating the sacraments, preaching, accompanying youth and young adults on their faith journey, and being with people in their most joyous times and in their most vulnerable times have been a gift to my life. Serving as a Marianist priest in schools, parishes, positions of leadership and in the missions allowed me to share the gift of our Marianist Charism in various cultures and different languages. Click here to read more.

Good to Know

Solidarity Walk in St. Louis

The Archdiocese of St. Louis Immigration Task Force and St Louis University are hosting a Solidarity Walk and Mass in honor of the World Day for Migrants and Refugees. The Mass will be on September 29, 2024, at 2:30 p.m. at the Cathedral.

The Marianist Province of the U.S. is a proud sponsor of this event. The Catholic Church has been celebrating World Day of Migrants and Refugees since 1914; this will be its 110th celebration. The Archdiocese reminds us as Catholics that it is important to stand in solidarity with our migrant and refugee brothers and sisters, and we believe this event will be a public way to show support.

There is no need to RSVP. Bring one of your community members and/or a friend to the walk and the Mass celebration with Bishop Rivituso. Click the picture for more details.

Embark on a Marianist Encounters Journey

The entire Marianist Family and ministries are invited to a transformative weekend at the Marianist Encounters Conference in Dayton, OH, at Bergamo Center, Mount Saint John, Oct. 3-6, 2024. This immersive gathering will deepen the commitment to Pope Francis’ calls to action through the Global Compact on Education and Laudato Si’ initiatives.

Registration is open! The program includes:

  • Field trips & site visits to Marianist ministries and dialogues on justice themes
  • Tours of Mount Saint John’s 100 acres of natural areas and sustainability features including the solar farm
  • Plenary talks, workshops & breakout sessions led by experts from Marianist ministries
  • Prayer, reflection, and networking

Join us as we encounter Mary’s spirit of hope and renew our commitment to promoting justice, the integrity of creation, and global education.

Learn about the Marianist Family Encounters Project goals, view conference information, and register here. For questions, contact the co-chairs: Bro. Jesse O’Neill, SM or Sr. Leanne Jablonski, FMI.

Marianist Women’s Summit and FMI (USA) 75th Anniversary

The Marianist Sisters invite you to a “Marianist Women’s Summit” and the celebration of the 75th anniversary of its USA Foundation from Oct. 25-26 in San Antonio. The summit will provide an opportunity for lay and vowed women in the Marianist Family to visit, pray, and converse about Mary’s Magnificat call in our lives.

The event will take place at the Marianist Sisters’ Our Lady of the Pillar Community on Friday and at St. Mary’s University School of Law on Saturday. The guest speaker will be Dr. Neomi De Anda, a theologian and Lay Marianist who serves as the Executive Director of the International Marian Research Institute and is an Associate Professor in Religious Studies at University of Dayton.

All attendees must register. The final registration date is Oct.1, 2024. Refunds for cancellations will be issued up to Oct. 10, 2024. If you would like to register online and pay by credit card, please visit tinyurl.com/marianistwomenssummit or use the QR code.


Click here to discover job opportunities within our Marianist Ministries across the United States. 

New listings include:

• Archbishop Moeller High School (OH) – President

• Chaminade College Prep (CA) – Assistant Director of Student Activities

• St. Vincent-St. Mary High School (OH) – Director of Advancement

Check Out More Marianist News

Via Latina from the General Administration of the Society of Mary

Sharing Our Marianist Stories podcast from North American Center for Marianist Studies

Justice Jottings from the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative

AMU Newsletter from the Association of Marianist Universities

District Update #85 from the Marianist District of India

FatherSide Chats is a web video series featuring Fr. Gene Contadino. Discover new episodes every Tuesday about a variety of topics. Click the graphic to view episodes. Click here to read more.

Follow Us On Social Media


FamilyOnline Submissions

We welcome and encourage submissions of interest to our nearly 3,600 subscribers. Please send them to Theresa Petry.


Stay in touch with the Marianist Province by downloading our new mobile app!

Download your free copy today for easy access to information that supports the work of Marianist-sponsored ministries. Compatible with Apple iOS and Android devices.

The Disconnect to Reconnect

Most teenagers can’t fathom not having their cell phones in their hands, making TikToks, posting on Instagram, or getting streaks on Snapchat for an entire day, much less a whole week. But Marianist Summer LIFE is all about a different kind of connection.

“Being in a space centered around God for a whole week without phones and no connection to the outside world was one of the most refreshing and powerful experiences I have ever had,” said Weston Grabow, a senior at Chaminade College Preparatory in St. Louis.

This year’s LIFE program centered around a song titled What a Friend by Matt Maher with lyrics like “What a friend we have in Jesus” and “His heart is my home.” Program Director Erica Duarte explained that the “theme helped us weave together the ideas of friendship with Christ, our communities, and ourselves. We then tied them to the pillars of the Marianist Charism.”

Dorothy Hansen, a LIFE moderator at Central Catholic High School, was thrilled to see her students absorb these ideas and excited that they want to share them with their classmates. One Central Catholic senior, Nikolai Aleman, put it this way, “One of my main takeaways was realizing that God is our friend. I learned that our relationship with God is to be made like a deep relationship with a great friend.” That realization and many others “were life-changing,” he said.

When Christopher Shaver, a math and theology teacher at Chaminade-St. Louis reflected on his experiences with students at Summer LIFE sessions; he couldn’t help but be moved. “I loved seeing the joyful energy of the students as they sang and danced and became one unified community,” he said.

Shaver served as a LIFE moderator for Session One, which took place June 16 – 21 in Occidental, CA, and as a Coordinating Team member for Session Two, held in Dayton, OH, from July 11-16.

Quite a few Marianist Brothers participated, too. In Session One were Frs. Peter Heiskell and Marty Solma; Bros. Peter Sennert, Chicago Schuller, Mark Motz, and Brandon Alana. Session Two included Fr. Sean Downing, Bro. Mark Motz, Novices Alex Roman, Pepe Gutierrez, and incoming Aspirant Paul Pruski.

“Students frequently commented about how much they appreciated the opportunity to get to know, spend time with, and learn from our Marianist Brothers,” said Duarte.

While the theme and participants for each year’s LIFE program change, one thing remains the same. “I say this every year, but it is so true. Watching the next generation love God, want to grow in their faith, and build faith-based relationships with others is powerful,” exclaimed Hansen. Sometimes, you just have to disconnect to make meaningful connections.

Click here to see more pictures.

In The News

New General Council for the Society of Mary Elected

Superior General, Fr. André-Joseph Fétis (FRA), Fr. Pablo Rambaud (ESP) Office of Religious Life, Bro. Dennis Bautista (USA) Office of Education, and Bro. Abora Jérôme Balakiyema Office of Temporalities (Togo)

At the General Chapter of The Society of Mary, held in Rome this month, Fr. André-Joseph Fétis (France) was re-elected as Superior General. He and the three elected assistants listed below will compose the new General Council.

Fr. Pablo Rambaud, (2nd term) Assistant General for Religious Life (Spain)

Bro. Dennis Bautista, Assistant General for Education (USA)

Bro. Abora Jérôme Balakiyema, Assistant General for Temporalities (Togo)

Join us in congratulating these members of the new General Council, and let us pray that our Blessed Mother guides them in these leadership roles.

Click here to read the announcement regarding the election from the 36th General Chapter and learn more about each member.

New Office of Sponsorship Coordinator

The Marianist Province of the U.S. is pleased to welcome DeDe Barth to its Office of Sponsorship. In her new role as Coordinator, DeDe will assume the responsibilities of the Marianist LIFE Coordinator and offer support to formation programs.

DeDe most recently worked as the operations manager for the Sisters of Saint Mary of Namur in Fort Worth, Texas. Prior to this role, she served as the Director of Campus Ministry at Nolan Catholic High School, where she developed a passion for the Marianist Charism and, specifically, for the mission of Marianist LIFE.

In her 15 years with LIFE, she’s obtained vast and varied experience, along with her perspective as a theology teacher, campus minister, and Mission Integration Team member.

Stanley, Meet Chaminade

Florida Panthers forward Matthew Tkachuk (’16) posted a photo on social media of himself and his brother Brady Tkachuk (’18), who plays for the Ottawa Senators. The two are seen on the steps of their high school alma mater, Chaminade College Preparatory in St. Louis, bookending the Stanley Cup, which the Panthers won this year.

Tkachuk had the Stanley Cup for an extended amount of time, taking it to several of his hometown hotspots, such as the Budweiser brewery, St. Louis Children’s Hospital, his elementary school Villa Duchesne, local police and fire stations, and an Italian eatery, where toasted ravioli may or may not have been dipped in marinara from Lord Stanley.

To see more pics from Tkachuk and Stanley’s St. Louis visit, click on NHL.com and Florida Hockey Now.

Embark on a Marianist Encounters Journey

The entire Marianist Family and ministries are invited to a transformative weekend at the Marianist Encounters Conference in Dayton, OH, at Bergamo Center, Mount Saint John, Oct. 3-6, 2024. This immersive gathering will deepen the commitment to Pope Francis’ calls to action through the Global Compact on Education and Laudato Si’ initiatives.

Registration is now open! The program includes:

  • Field trips & site visits to Marianist ministries and dialogues on justice themes
  • Tours of Mount Saint John’s 100 acres of natural areas and sustainability features including the solar farm
  • Plenary talks, workshops & breakout sessions led by experts from Marianist ministries
  • Prayer, reflection, and networking

Join us as we encounter Mary’s spirit of hope and renew our commitment to promoting justice, the integrity of creation, and global education.

Learn about the Marianist Family Encounters Project goals, view conference information, and register here. For questions, contact the co-chairs: Bro. Jesse O’Neill, SM or Sr. Leanne Jablonski, FMI.

Marianist Ministries in Action

Missionary Priest Drawn to Marianist Education

Fr. Balentine Bawel Talang (LL.M. ’24) was ordained a priest with the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate in Bangladesh in 2010.

To continue their dedication to a peace and law ministry, the Oblates determined that a younger priest should study to become prepared to carry on this work. So, they decided that Talang should further his studies by concentrating on international law. A fellow priest working in peace and justice for the Oblates in Washington, D.C., suggested Talang consider studying international law at St. Mary’s University School of Law.

“I decided to come to St. Mary’s University to study law because of the ideals of the Marianists who established the University,” said Talang, who arrived in San Antonio in July 2023 to begin the LL.M. in International and Comparative Law. “The elements that characterize the Marianist approach to education spoke to me, especially educating for service, justice, and peace. I knew this was the right place for me.”

The area’s appeal grew even stronger for Talang when he discovered San Antonio’s warm weather, like that in Bangladesh, and friendly people — including the welcoming Marianists he has lived with on campus. “The atmosphere, professors, and students all create a family spirit,” he said.

After finishing his St. Mary’s coursework in July, Talang hopes to complete a law internship in New York City before returning to Bangladesh. “I wanted to learn about treaties and international law,” he said. “As a member of an indigenous community in Bangladesh, we find that people are struggling with their rights and even their existence. I wish to continue doing peace and justice ministry when I return home.”

A Marianist Moment

Pilgrimage to Fatima and Lisbon

The 2025 Marianist Pilgrimage trip focuses on Fatima, the world-famous Marian shrine located in Portugal. It is where three children, Francisco, Jacinta, and Lucia, began to see apparitions of Mary in 1917. Our Lady’s appearance was preceded by an angel, who appeared to the children several times in 1916. The Blessed Virgin appeared between May and October on the 13th day of every month at Cova de Iria. She delivered messages from God, with the overriding message being that all humanity return to God and make reparation for their sins.

Would you like to explore Fatima firsthand and experience Marianist moments? Only a few spots remain for Fr. Tim Kenney’s anticipated pilgrimage to Portugal from March 23 to April 2, 2025.

The trip includes three nights in Lisbon at the Hotel Tivoli Avenida Liberdade Lisboa, a seven-night Douro River cruise, daily mass by Fr. Tim Kenney, lodging, many meals, ground transportation, and much more.

Click here for a full itinerary and reservation details.

From the Archives

Mary’s Vocation

In today’s world, a religious vocation is not a common path. The Marianists have forever encouraged people of faith to follow their calling. A vocation is an integral part of sharing the Marianist devotion to the Blessed Mother and helping others answer the call to serve the community and the Church.

Pictured here is a different kind of vocation poster in 1983 — about Mary’s vocation. It highlights a quote from Blessed William Joseph Chaminade, “Some persons complain of the pompous praises given to Mary; they have not known the gift of God in this miracle of His omnipotence. How great is the vocation of Mary, through whom God gives Jesus to the world!”

If you’d like to see images from the archives, visit and “like” this Facebook page.

Pray With Us

Please join us in prayer for these members of the Marianist Family.

Date unknown

Bro. John Richard Lemker, 91, died on July 4, 2024, in Centerville, OH, with 72 years of religious profession. Bro. John was a beloved teacher, religious formator, and acclaimed photographer whose images appeared in prominent publications such as Time-Life Books and International Wildlife, as well as anchoring Gallery St. John at Mount Saint John in Dayton, OH. He considered his work “behind the lens” a form of prayer.

Click here to read his full obituary.

Click here to see pictures of Bro. John through the years.

Click here to see a collection of his photographic artwork.

Each year, the Society of Mary recognizes brothers and priests who are marking milestones in their first profession of vows or priestly ordinations. Thank you to our 2024 Jubilarians! The FamilyOnline highlight will conclude next month, but you can find them all here


60 Years of profession

Bro. Roger Bau was born in Milwaukee, WI, on Sept. 1, 1945. He attended Holy Redeemer Grade School and St. John Cathedral High School. He went on to graduate from St. Mary’s University with a B.A. in History, Notre Dame University with an M.B.A. in Not-for-Profit Institutions, and Loyola University with a Master’s degree in Pastoral Studies. Click here to read more.


60 years of profession

Thank you, Lord, for helping me to choose to remain a Marianist religious, a member of a community of men as part of the larger Family of Mary, consecrated to her, calling others to work together to bring life. With Mary as our model, we are helped to carry in us the care and tenderness that welcomes and heals, the courage to “Do whatever He tells you,” and the faith and endurance to stand at the foot of the cross. Click here to read more.


60 years of profession

Looking back on my 60 years as a Marianist, the one word that keeps coming up is ‘CHANGE.’ Change in the World, Church, Society of Mary, The Province, Community, Ministry, and Self. The only thing that did not change was the Lord’s love for me. There were times when I questioned this love, but Mary would remind me that Her and the Lord’s love was there. Click here to read more.


60 years of profession

The brothers at Archbishop Riordan High School in San Francisco were my inspiration for joining the Society of Mary. Their commitment to the students was part of it, but the fraternity they showed us in their life together, and the masculine, religious tone they gave to the school were what convinced me that I wanted to join them. It is the Society that taught me how to love scripture and has sustained me throughout the years. And it is the Society that taught me to love Mary and appreciate the power of her presence and meaning in the church. Click here to read more.


60 years of profession

I became impressed with the Marianists while a student at Cathedral Latin School. They were a very happy community of Marianists. I can remember them standing on the porch of the Marianist residence laughing. I was thinking of joining the Marianists when a brother encouraged me to do so. I joined a group of students who talked with the Marianists about joining. The rest is history; I went to the novitiate in July 1963. I know I still have a lot to learn and a lot to share with my brothers. I am extremely grateful to Mary and to my brothers for all I have learned through my years as a Marianist. Click here to read more.


60 years of profession

“Now there are varieties of gifts but the same Spirit, and there are varieties of service but the same Lord, and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone.” That quote from Corinthians sums up much of my life as a Marianist. I’ve been blessed with many opportunities and experiences these past 60 years.

I look upon the experiences and ministries in the past and realize that each one brought unique and gifted people with whom to work. I was blessed to have so many generous people as colleagues. I think the Society of Mary mirrors the quote from Corinthians, we have many gifts and a variety of ways of using them for the ministry of the Church. Click here to read more.


60 years of profession

What attracted me to Marianist life? The Marianist Brothers and Priests who taught in my high school inspired me to live this life. I liked how they went out of their way to help others, treated everyone as equals and lived a strong faith and community life. They were the teachers who were really alive at the school. They made me and everyone else feel important and worthwhile. I liked how they prayed, lived in community and were very happy with their lives. As I celebrate this 60th year of my Marianist profession, I am so grateful for my Marianist vocation and for the many brothers, family and friends who helped, challenged and walked with me to live this sacred and wonderful Marianist life each day! Click here to read more.

Good to Know

Christmas in July?

Why might Fr. Chris Wittmann sing Christmas carols in the middle of July? The Hawaii Catholic Herald highlights the answer in a one-on-one interview.

“There are many different moods in music. There is a reason why we have minor tones in Advent or Lent. Advent is the season of longing for Christ’s return. Lent is more of a penitential season, but it also has the mood of the Psalms. There are also joyful seasons like Christmas and Easter. I do sing certain Advent or Christmas songs all year long to myself,” admits Fr. Chris.

Click here to discover one of his favorite Christmas hymns and read the full article that explores keeping body and soul healthy.

One Great Family

“One Great Family: Marianist Fraternity and Inclusion” is a new three-week online conversation group utilizing the documentary “Renewal, Fidelity, and Community: The Society of Mary General Chapter of 1981” (produced by NACMS) to provoke discussion about the roles of fraternity and inclusion in our lives. Participants will watch the documentary before the first conversation and will revisit small portions of it, in addition to reading short articles during those three weeks.

Sessions will be held on Zoom from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. (ET) on the following Tuesdays: Sept. 10, Sept. 17, and Sept. 24. The cost to participate is $15. Registration is available through the NACMS online bookstore and must be received by Thursday, Sept. 5.


Click here to discover job opportunities within our Marianist Ministries across the United States. 

New listings include:

• Archbishop Moeller High School (OH) – President

• Mother Seton Academy (MD) – President

• Chaminade College Prep (CA) – Assistant Director of Student Activities

• St. Vincent-St. Mary High School (OH) – Director of Advancement

Check Out More Marianist News

Via Latina from the General Administration of the Society of Mary

Sharing Our Marianist Stories podcast from North American Center for Marianist Studies

Justice Jottings from the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative

AMU Newsletter from the Association of Marianist Universities

District Update #84 from the Marianist District of India

FatherSide Chats is a web video series featuring Fr. Gene Contadino. Discover new episodes every Tuesday about a variety of topics. Click the graphic to view episodes. Click here to read more.

Follow Us On Social Media


FamilyOnline Submissions

We welcome and encourage submissions of interest to our nearly 3,600 subscribers. Please send them to Theresa Petry.


Stay in touch with the Marianist Province by downloading our new mobile app!

Download your free copy today for easy access to information that supports the work of Marianist-sponsored ministries. Compatible with Apple iOS and Android devices.

Do Not Be Afraid To Say “Yes”

Sophia Bair

“Just like Mary, do not be afraid to say, ‘yes.’ Have courage because you never know what doors God may open for you,” advises 23-year-old Sophia Bair.

Sophia said “yes” to participating in a year-long service project through the Marianist Partners in Urban Leadership, Service and Education or PULSE program, which has inspired her to pursue pediatric medicine. “I was drawn to participate in the PULSE program because I was introduced to the Marianist Charism during my time at University of Dayton (UD). I have been inspired by the mission ever since. I believe our faith requires us to take action,” she said.

PULSE is a Marianist-sponsored post-graduate initiative that matches volunteers with non-profits for a one or two-year commitment. “I wasn’t apprehensive to commit to a whole year of service, but my parents certainly were. They were concerned I would lose interest in returning to school as I planned to continue to medical school after my year of service, but in reality, this year helped solidify my desire even more,” Bair stated.

Sophia and two other volunteers doing music therapy for guests

The pre-medicine UD graduate from Indianapolis just completed her “gap year” by volunteering at the St. Vincent de Paul Gateway Shelter for Women and Families. She reported that the most challenging part of her volunteer work was also the most rewarding, “It is difficult to work in a homeless shelter and meet people oftentimes on the worst days of their lives. But, I had the opportunity to meet so many incredible people, and it was a privilege to be with them and hear their stories.”

Bair is heading to Michigan State in the fall to begin medical school. “Because of my PULSE experience, I want to be a pediatrician who serves homeless children,” she said. Adding, “This year of service has been one of the best experiences of my life. I am eternally grateful to this program and the Marianist family for their constant support. “

Next month,  three other young adults will begin their journey with the PULSE program for the 2024-2025 year. If you or someone you know is interested in participating, please click here for more information.

In The News

First Vows Celebration for Guillermo “Memo” Peña Contreras

Bro. Guillermo “Memo” Peña Contreras professed First Vows in the Society of Mary (Marianists) on June 8, 2024, at Capilla de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe (Chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe) in Querétaro, Mexico. Director of Novices Bro. Dennis Bautista and Assistant Director of Novices Fr. Tim Eden presented Bro. Memo as a suitable candidate for the profession of vows after a period of formation and discernment. His vows were received by Provincial Fr. Oscar Vasquez, who was the principal celebrant, with Assistant for the Office of Religious Life Fr. Tim Kenney concelebrating.

Born in Corregidora, Querétaro, Mexico, he excelled in school and received a law degree from Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro in 2013. While practicing law, one day, he was invited to join prayer in a chapel at a Marianist community that he’d walked by a thousand times before on the way to his grandmother’s house. During Holy Week of 2019, he decided to join those Marianist Brothers.

“The Marianists are always very close to people, especially those in need, the poor, and the sick from schools, communities, and parishes. Marianists are always willing to help, to listen, or to give some of their time to hear others. Working as a brother is not just working like any other job. Working as a brother is showing that all that we do is for God and our blessed Mother,” said Memo.

Memo will begin his service at the Querétaro Marianist Community.

Click here to read more. Click here to view photos from the ceremony and celebration.

Service Awards

Sr. Grace Walle, FMI, was recently honored by the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative for more than 20 years of service on the Anti-Death Penalty and Restorative Justice Issue Team.  She has also served on the MSJC Steering Committee for 14 years.  Bob Stoughton, one of the first Marianist volunteers, was also honored for more than 20 years on the issue team, many as chair.  Lay and religious Marianists from the Dayton, OH, area attended the awards event along with leaders from Death Penalty Action and local members of Ohians to Stop Executions.


Serra Immortal Awarded to Provincial Council Member

Congratulations to Fr. Tim Kenney, Assistant for Religious Life of the Marianist Province of the U.S. He was one of three alumni from Junipero Serra High School in Gardena, CA, honored at an awards luncheon as a Serra Immortal. The school describes a Cavalier Serra Immortal as an alumni, coach, administrator, or dedicated supporter who, after leaving the school, excelled in their chosen field and promoted the school’s advancement. It is someone who inspires both current and future Cavaliers to dream of achieving the same distinction.

“Fr. Kenney is an example of an alumnus who has made exceptional accomplishments in the education field. Through the years, Fr. Tim has given exceptional service in local, state, national, and world affairs, which has made a positive impact on society,” said Serra Alumni Association President Brian Cooper.

Some of Fr. Tim’s family and friends who attended the ceremony included province employee Kathy Cooper, Marianist Brother Fr. Ted Ley, his brother Kevin Kenney, sister Theresa Kenney Martinez, Lay Marianists Marty and Doloris Procaccio, Marianist pilgrimage participants Terry O’Neill and Diane Lawrence, as well as Tom and Ellen Celaya and fellow ’73 graduate Michael Lievans.

Marianist Ministries in Action

Let’s Taco ‘Bout  It

Affiliates of the Ahava and L’Esperance Lay Marianist Communities (MLCs) in Dayton, OH, gathered to reflect on prayer and God’s presence. Members Marianne Cipolla-McCulloch and Caitlin Cipolla-McCulloch hosted the event at their Miamisburg home.

A taco bar was enjoyed by all as conversation flowed, centering on the North American Center for Marianist Studies (NACMS) podcast featuring Fr. Quentin Hakenwerth. A key idea emphasized in the discussion was Fr. Quentin’s challenge to observe the importance of prayer and to consider ways their vocation as Marianists can help them heed the presence of God in their lives.

Caitlin, who was recently named the NACMS Program Administrator, described it as a “fruitful meeting that brought together two MLCs at different ages and stages of life.” Click here to listen to the podcast and, perhaps, create your own prayer challenge.

A Marianist Moment

Marianist Women’s Summit and FMI (USA) 75th Anniversary

The Marianist Sisters invite you to a “Marianist Women’s Summit” and the celebration of the 75th anniversary of its USA Foundation from Oct. 25-26 in San Antonio. The summit will provide an opportunity for lay and vowed women in the Marianist Family to visit, pray, and converse about Mary’s Magnificat call in our lives.

The event will take place at the Marianist Sisters’ Our Lady of the Pillar Community on Friday and at St. Mary’s University School of Law on Saturday. The guest speaker will be Dr. Neomi De Anda, a theologian and Lay Marianist who serves as the Executive Director of the International Marian Research Institute and is an Associate Professor in Religious Studies at University of Dayton.

All attendees must register. The final registration date is Oct.1, 2024. Refunds for cancellations will be issued up to Oct. 10, 2024. If you would like to register online and pay by credit card, please visit tinyurl.com/marianistwomenssummit or use the QR code.

From the Archives

Celebrating 175 Years of Marianists in America

With Mary as their model, the Marianists arrived in the U.S. in 1849, in Cincinnati, Ohio, to begin building communities of faith. That makes this year – the 175th anniversary – a milestone to celebrate! See the images below for background on the first U.S. Provincial and the start of what is now University of Dayton. If you’d like to read more on Fr. Meyer and the joys and struggles of founding the Society of Mary in the United States, the North American Center for Marianist Studies has a book available. Click here for more information.

If you’d like to see images from the archives, visit and “like” this Facebook page.

Pray With Us

Please join us in prayer for these members of the Marianist Family.

Date Unknown

Fr. Joseph Donald Cahill, 95, died on June 18, 2024, in San Antonio, TX, with 75 years of religious profession. He was set to celebrate his jubilee this year. You can read his bio here.

His obituary is forthcoming and will be posted here as soon as possible.

Click here to see more pictures.

Each year, the Society of Mary recognizes brothers and priests who are marking milestones of their first profession of vows or their priestly ordinations. Thank you to our 2024 Jubilarians! We will highlight them over the course of the next few months in FamilyOnline. Click here to see pictures from the Jubilee celebration in Cupertino, CA, earlier this month.


70 Years of profession

I was born on September 7, 1935, in San Francisco, CA. I attended St. John the Evangelist Grade School, Archbishop Riordan High School, and Saint Mary’s College. I earned a master’s degree from UCLA and a PhD from Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh. I am thankful to God and Mary, my family, my nurturing home parish, and fellow Marianists. To all who made this unfold — I am most thankful! I am most grateful to have been called to be a Marianist religious brother in a society founded by Blessed William Joseph Chaminade for the glory of God and the honor of Mary. Click here to read more.


70 Years of profession

Thinking back over these years, I’ve come to realize how important “family” has been throughout my entire life. I was born an only child but into a large, extended Irish-American family. I don’t think I was ever very conscious of being an “only.” We actually referred to our family as a “tribe” – parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and numerous cousins. We belonged to each other. So, family was important to me from the beginning. What has been most rewarding has been living in community and working side by side with men and women committed to embodying the spirit of Jesus and Mary in their lives and in the lives of others. That, for me, is what Marianist priesthood is all about. Click here to read more.


70 Years of profession

I have enjoyed my life as a Marianist. My life as an active Marianist could be seen as a life as a teacher, a counselor, and a coach. My life as a Marianist is a constant backdrop to this life. When I began teaching, I was more interested in “doing the job.” Over time, I discovered that being a Marianist, I took in more than the students I taught, counseled, or coached and all whom I met. Finally, is my life as a Marianist. When I retired from working in high schools and moved to Cincinnati, I realized more clearly my life as a life of service to the people with whom I work and to my community. Click here to read more.


70 Years of profession

I was born on February 21, 1936, in Smithton, IL. My formal education included Saint John the Baptist Grade School, Maryhurst Postulate, Marynook Novitiate and St. Mary’s University, where I earned a degree in History.  A neighbor’s family had a son who was a Marianist whom I admired. I entered the postulate at Maryhurst, which led to the novitiate. I was always interested in things scientific and technological, and I enjoyed providing for the physical needs of the community and institution wherever I was assigned. It has been a fulfilling life dedicated to the advancement of the kingdom of God. Click here to read more.


60 Years of ordination

I was born and raised in Braddock, Pennsylvania. I professed my first vows in Marcy, New York, in 1952 and was ordained in 1964 in Fribourg, Switzerland with 24 other Marianists from other Provinces of the Society of Mary. My service includes ministry at high schools, University of Dayton, the Provincial Council and the International Marian Research Institute. There are so many graces we have received in these many years. “What can I ask of the Lord? I will take up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. I will say my vows to the Lord.” Psalm 116:12-14. Click here to read more.


60 Years of ordination

As a grade-schooler at St. Norbert parish in Pittsburgh, I greatly admired our associate pastor. This led me to choose the priesthood as my vocation, and I entered a high school seminary. Having failed freshman algebra, I had to retake it in summer school. It was available at North Catholic, where I met some impressive Marianists. As they say, the rest is history. I am profoundly grateful for having been called to the Marianist life – a life of ministry and service flowing from faith and Fr. Chaminade’s charism. The motto I chose in the novitiate was “Behold your Mother.”  Click here to read more.

Good to Know

Now Accepting Seed Grant Applications

Do you have a project that needs additional funds? The Visitation Marianist State Community may be able to help. The community of vowed Lay Marianists provides grants in the following categories:

  • Strengthen Marianist Lay communities and networks
  • Assist in building the Church
  • Impact the faith and involvement of young adults in the Church
  • Social justice, including economic justice, environmental justice, and human rights

Grants are intended for special projects, not for general operating funds. Grant proposals must be sponsored by a member of the Marianist Family. For more information or to request an application form, click here. Applications are due by August 31, 2024.

The Ripple Effect of Family Spirit

Linda Muller never planned to attend St. Mary’s University (StMU). But with three degrees (B.A. ’86, B.B.A. ’86, M.A. ’03), a wedding, eight children and a 30-year career, currently as Director of Enterprise Systems and Services at the university, Muller is happy with God’s plan.

On the last day of orientation all those years ago, the Houston native made the long drive to San Antonio on a whim. Already packing up for the day, the staff took one look at Muller and took her to the cafeteria to get something to eat before helping her settle in.

“From that moment, I was sold on St. Mary’s,” Muller said. “When people arrive on campus, they are our family, whether they’re here for one day or whether they’re here for four years or 30 years. Family spirit is the foundation of everything at St. Mary’s.”

Her promotion of the family spirit earned her a spot as one of the 2024 Marianist Heritage Award honorees for showcasing faithfulness to the University’s Marianist heritage.

Click here to discover how StMU played a role in meeting her husband and just how many of her children decided to become Rattlers too.


Click here to discover job opportunities within our Marianist Ministries across the United States. 

New listings include:

• St. Vincent-St. Mary High School (OH) – President

• Mother Seton Academy (MD) – President

• Chaminade College Prep (CA) – Assistant Director of Student Activities

• St. Vincent-St. Mary High School (OH) – Director of Advancement

Check Out More Marianist News

Via Latina from the General Administration of the Society of Mary

Sharing Our Marianist Stories podcast from North American Center for Marianist Studies

Justice Jottings from the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative

AMU Newsletter from the Association of Marianist Universities

District Update #82 from the Marianist District of India

FatherSide Chats is a web video series featuring Fr. Gene Contadino. Discover new episodes every Tuesday about a variety of topics. Click the graphic to view episodes. Click here to read more.

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FamilyOnline Submissions

We welcome and encourage submissions of interest to our nearly 3,600 subscribers. Please send them to Theresa Petry.


Stay in touch with the Marianist Province by downloading our new mobile app!

Download your free copy today for easy access to information that supports the work of Marianist-sponsored ministries. Compatible with Apple iOS and Android devices.

Graduates of Resilience – Commencements of Hope

One of the characteristics of a Marianist education is Adaptation and Change. Many 2024 university graduates had to begin their college journeys adapting to an environment of social distancing and virtual learning while developing skills to create positive change.

Commencement speeches everywhere included the challenges students faced. However, at Marianist institutions, the focus was on how fear and adversities did not define them; they only strengthened them with God’s guidance.

Director of Campus Ministry Fr. Chris Wittmann thanked God as he addressed the audience at Chaminade University of Honolulu’s (CUH) invocation. “You blessed and carried them through a world pandemic that took some of their loved ones and changed their education, through devastating fires on Maui, a typhoon in Guam, news of war, devastation, and division.”

The CUH commencement ceremony honored almost 600 graduates. The Commencement Speaker, Executive Counselor for the Asian Pacific Islander Health Forum, Dr. Kamanaʻopono M. Crabbe, told them, “Each one of you represents not just academic success but a journey of determination, resilience, and hope.”

That message echoed through the University of Dayton Arena (UD) as graduates received medals depicting Blessed William Joseph Chaminade. Provost and Executive VP of Academic Affairs Dr. Darlene Weaver asked students to don their medals, saying, “In Chaminade’s ever-inspiring example, we entrust you to go forth living humbly, acting boldly, and working imaginatively and prayerfully to build community.”

UD conferred a record 1,805 undergraduate degrees this spring. Hogan VanSickle was among the 177 UD School of Law graduates almost eight years after a near-fatal car accident left her with quadriplegia. The health care and systemic challenges she faced inspired her. “My accident was a catalyst to pursue a career in law. As Ruth Bader Ginsburg aptly noted, ‘So often in life, things that you regard as an impediment turn out to be good fortune,’” VanSickle said.

UD President Dr. Eric Spina reiterated that notion, “I hold much hope in my heart for your class. Educated at this Catholic Marianist university, you have internalized a moral compass that will guide you to work for the common good and make a difference in the world. “

St Mary’s University in San Antonio, TX, celebrated 565 new graduates in two commencement ceremonies. Its School of Law awarded 281 law degrees where convocation presenters spoke to the challenges students faced and how the Marianist Charism helped them overcome and flourish, selflessly helping those around them.

Dean of St. Mary’s University School of Law Dr. Patricia Roberts told the graduates, “In the face of adversity, you embodied the Marianist pillars of community, mission, and inclusivity. Your class amassed over 17,000 hours of law and pro bono service, positively impacting communities across our region and the nation. Our Catholic Marianist values call us to lead lives of service and to use our gifts to uplift others.”


Chaminade University of Honolulu
University of Dayton
St. Mary's University

Congratulations to all graduates! May you continue to carry, lean on, and use the fundamentals of your Marianist education throughout your lives.

In The News

First Vows Celebration for Chicago Schuller

Bro. Chicago Joe Schuller professed First Vows in the Society of Mary on May 18, 2024, at Queen of Apostles Chapel in Beavercreek, OH. Director of Novices Bro. Dennis Bautista and Assistant Director of Novices Fr. Tim Eden presented Bro. Chicago as a suitable candidate for the profession of vows after a period of formation and discernment. His vows were received by Provincial of the Marianist Province of the U.S. Fr. Oscar Vasquez.

Fr. Jim Tobin was the first Marianist I ever met. His gentle and prayerful presence helped me as I was rediscovering my faith in God and prayer with Mary. Fr. Larry Doersching reminded me that the brothers are normal guys called to do grand things for Mary’s mission. Without his guidance, I would not be here today. And Bro. Mike Sullivan taught me what it means to be a man who builds community. These men of great faith helped cultivate my calling,” said Schuller.

Bro. Chicago will be assigned to the Maryland Ave. Community in St. Louis. He will serve in campus ministry and institutional advancement at St. John Vianney High School.

Click here to read more. Click here to view photos from the ceremony and celebration.

Lay Community Commitment Mass

The Flor de Fe Marianist Lay Community (MLC) celebrated its commitment Mass on Sunday, April 28, 2024, in the Assumption Chapel at St. Mary’s University. Flor de Fe is Spanish for Flower of Faith. A member of the group suggested the name because he saw their MLC as a place where their faith can continue to bloom. One member of the group, not pictured below, is Madeline Emke. She made her commitment on Sunday, May 5.

L to R: Bro. Dan Klco, SM, Irene Urbina Zuniga, Doug Weller, Mary Sommer and José Chaman (a member of the Sub Tuum MLC who assisted in their formation)
Back row, L to R: Bro. Dan Klco, SM, Andrew Villarreal (aspirant), Arty Cantu, Paula Ferradas Hiraoka, Fr. John Thompson, SM Front row, L to R: Suzy Ibarra, Eliana Villarreal, Irene Urbina Zuniga, Doug Weller, Mary Sommer and José Chaman

Chaminade University Awarded $1.5 Million

The U.S. Senate passed the second half of a bipartisan government funding bill that included $31.8 million in new congressionally directed spending, also known as earmarks, secured by U.S. Senator Brian Schatz (D-Hawai’i), chair of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development. Chaminade University of Honolulu was awarded $1.5 million,  which will be used to build the capacity of the Higher Education in Prison program to expand it from male prisoners only to include incarcerated women as well as a bachelor’s track. Click here to read more.

Marianist Ministries in Action

“Singing is Praying Twice”

At St. Anthony School, a Marianist-sponsored K-12 Catholic school on Maui, the Marianist Doxology is being sung to a new tune.

Senior Rob Ryane Gonzales, who lends his musical talents to his parish by playing piano for Masses, decided to harness his hymn and harmony skills and provide instrumental accompaniment for a daily school prayer as part of his senior project.

“I looked at the use of sacred music in the Catholic Chuch and evangelizing and sanctifying the faithful. So, part of my senior project is I took one of the pieces we usually sing during lunch prayer. It’s the last part of the Marianist Doxology, but we never had actual sheet music to go off of, so I worked with our parish music director to write out a piece and have it played on the piano so we could have instrumental music to sing with,” explained Gonzales.

The sound is striking a chord with students! Click here or the play button in the red box to hear from the impressive young composer himself as he comically explains why it’s a melody in the works but believes singing is like praying twice.

He created a YouTube channel for his works, including the Marianist Doxology. You can check it out by clicking here.

From the Archives

Did You Know?

Bishop Fulton J. Sheen (1895-1979), among the most well-known churchmen of the 20th century – garnering the cover of Time magazine in 1952 – was taught by the Brothers of Mary. He graduated from Spalding Institute in Peoria, IL, in 1913. The Marianists staffed this school from 1899-1933.

An extraordinary communicator, Fulton began the “Catholic Hour” radio program in 1932 and, from 1951 to 1957, hosted the highly acclaimed television series “Life is Worth Living.” Fr. Lawrence Monheim, S.M. (1905-1985) presented Sheen with the Marian Library Medal in 1953, the same year he won an Emmy Award—the only time an Emmy was given to a religious program in prime-time TV.

On his show, he mentioned the “daily three Hail Marys” he remembered from the Brothers of Mary in high school, who he described as “excellent teachers, given to discipline, yet much beloved.”

If you’d like to see images from the archives, visit and “like” this Facebook page.

Pray With Us

Please join us in prayer for these members of the Marianist Family.


Each year, the Society of Mary recognizes brothers and priests who are marking milestones of their first profession of vows or their priestly ordinations. Thank you to our 2024 Jubilarians! We will highlight them over the course of the next few months in FamilyOnline. Click here to see pictures from the Jubilee celebration in San Antonio earlier this month.


80 years of profession

I was born on September 2, 1925, in Brooklyn, NY. I have three brothers and one sister. I professed my first vows on August 20, 1944, at Marianist Prep in Beacon, NY. I was blessed to serve in many schools before I retired in 2008 to the Cupertino Marianist Community in Cupertino, CA. I learned quite early in life that I would not be able to do everything for everybody but would be able to do something for somebody. Click here to read more.



75 years of profession

I was ordained on June 11, 1961. There were four of us: me, Don Cowie, a Japanese Marianist, and a Spanish Marianist, who went to a nearby German diocese to be ordained with their ordination class. I returned to the United States and celebrated my first Mass at my home parish, Holy Redeemer in Detroit, with my family present. In all my ministries, I continue to know that there is no end to God’s mercy and that He never gives up on us. It has been a blessing. Click here to read more.


75 years of profession

I first met the Marianists during my freshman year at Don Bosco High School. The school was just opening, and I was the sixth student to register. I had all Marianist teachers and was impressed by their cheerfulness, happiness, and caring attitude toward the students and each other. This was impressive since they were temporarily living and sleeping in empty classrooms with bedsheet partitions. I was very impressed by what they were doing and how they were doing it. I could see myself doing this. In my junior year, I became a postulant in St. Louis and, a year later, went to the novitiate in Galesville, Wisconsin. Click here to read more.


75 years of profession

As a senior at Purcell High School, I was approached about a vocation to be a Marianist. God gave me the grace to devote my life in service to Mary — doing her work — which has been a challenge ever since. I accomplished this by serving as a teacher in the United States and in the missions. In living out my religious life, I have found the need for a solid prayer life which, with God’s grace and Mary’s help, I have tried to do.  I thank God for all the graces he has given me, and I pray for Mary’s help to continue to cooperate with them. Click here to read more.


75 years of profession

I first met the Marianist brothers at a very young age, they taught at my grade school, Immaculate Conception, in Washington D.C. Of particular influence was Bro. Joe Weber in eighth grade. I probably also developed a special devotion to the Blessed Mother at that time. When I asked my parents if I could go to the Postulate at Mount Saint John in Dayton, OH, they were very supportive. After seminary in Fribourg, Switzerland, I learned to love the Church in a special way because of my years of service at the Vatican writing letters to various bishops regarding Vatican II. Click here to read more.


75 years of profession

Bro. Leo Slay came from a family that had been in the restaurant business since 1911 and has been actively engaged in food service in the Society of Mary since 1949. He’s been a consultant for all types of food service operations, has organized and directed numerous culinary institutes and workshops, and has served as a food service director at Marianist schools. Bro. Leo says, “I believe there is no better way to be happy than to be of service to others.” Click here to read more.

Good to Know

Dedication of Blessed Chaminade Bust on Maui

On April 17, 2024, Fr. Roland Bunda blessed a bronze bust sculpture of Blessed William Joseph Chaminade at St. Anthony of Padua Church and School on Maui. He was accompanied by the ‘Ohana ‘O Malia Marianist Lay Community, Oahu Lay Marianists, Monsignor Terrence Watanabe, Parochial Vicar Fr. Ese Ese “Ace” Tui, and other guests.

When the Marianist priests and brothers left Maui on June 30, 2021, Most Rev. Bishop Larry Silva dedicated a perpetual area in the church courtyard, including a glass enclosure, to commemorate the 138 years of pastoral care to the parish.

Provincial Fr. Oscar Vasquez commissioned a bust sculpture of Blessed Chaminade by Emeterio Valderrabano Garrido in Mexico. The local Marianist Lay Community then researched an appropriate pedestal to enhance the statue and secured the expertise of sculptor Tim Garcia. He created a harmonious balance of shape and form to let the natural beauty of Maui influence his work. The finished product is a wooden pedestal clad in marble, showcasing two commemorative plaques with the Marianist logo and dates. Click here to see more pictures.

MLC-NA Member Meeting

The Marianist Lay Community of North America’s (MLC-NA) annual Member Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 14, this year.

This is an opportunity to learn more about upcoming initiatives, ask questions, and hear from other Lay Marianists. This year’s meeting will also feature an opportunity to hear from candidates for the Heads of Office for Temporalities and Spirituality, both of which are up for election this fall.

While MLC-NA’s Member Meeting will focus on the affairs of the lay branch, the meeting is open to all who wish to attend.

Click here for the Zoom link. The times are as follows: 3 pm Eastern | 2 pm Central | 12 pm Pacific | 9 am Hawaii

Join Us!

Click here to discover job opportunities within our Marianist Ministries across the United States. 

New listings include:

• St. Vincent-St. Mary High School (OH) – President

• Mother Seton Academy (MD) – President

• Chaminade College Prep (CA) – Assistant Director of Student Activities

• St. Vincent-St. Mary High School (OH) – Director of Advancement

Check Out More Marianist News

Via Latina  from the General Administration of the Society of Mary

Sharing Our Marianist Stories podcast from North American Center for Marianist Studies

Justice Jottings from the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative

AMU Newsletter from the Association of Marianist Universities

District Update #79 from the Marianist District of India

FatherSide Chats is a web video series featuring Fr. Gene Contadino. Discover new episodes every Tuesday about a variety of topics. Click the graphic to view episodes. Click here to read more.

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FamilyOnline Submissions

We welcome and encourage submissions of interest to our nearly 3,600 subscribers. Please send them to Theresa Petry.


Stay in touch with the Marianist Province by downloading our new mobile app!

Download your free copy today for easy access to information that supports the work of Marianist-sponsored ministries. Compatible with Apple iOS and Android devices.