b"Marianist EXCELEXcellence in Character, Education and LeadershipPHOTO BY JULIE WALLINGStudents Jaki Bryant (left) and Jaslene Rice (right) confer with Jamar Mosley, the director of the Marianist EXCEL Program at Purcell Marian High School in Cincinnati.WHAT IS EXCEL? education, and leadership sets these students on a path forThe Marianist EXCEL Program strives to promote Excellence in success in the future. Our focus is on maximizing the potentialCharacter, Education and Leadership by providing spiritual, of these gifted students who come to our schools.academic and social support to help develop young students intoMarianist Leaders of tomorrow through the Marianist tradition. HOW TO HELP?Your donation helps our dedicated teachers and counselors workWHERE IS EXCEL OFFERED? with EXCEL students to provide growth spiritually, academicallyThe Marianists operate this program at: and socially. Your gift will provide the Marianist Catholic edu- Purcell Marian High School in Cincinnati cation and enrichment that the young men and women in the Villa Angela-St. Joseph High School in Cleveland program need and deserve. Your donation is an investment in Central Catholic High School in San Antonio the bright future for a Marianist student and future leader. St. Mary's High School in St. LouisTO MAKE YOUR DONATION, OR FOR MOREWHY HELP? INFORMATION, VISIT marianist.com/EXCEL.Your support affords students the opportunity to attend MarianistCatholic high schools. This programs emphasis on character,"