b'As Provincial of the Marianists, I am once again overwhelmedTHANK by the kindness and generosity of our donors. Your gifts haveenabled us to care for senior Marianists and sustain formationof brothers, as well as support ministries such as the MarianistEXCEL program in our sponsored schools and the PartneringYOU! with the Poor program in India and Eastern Africa. I am encour-aged and inspired by your gifts, especially during these difficultand challenging times in our world. We are so grateful to YOU!This past year, we lost an integral member of our MarianistMission team: Marianist Brother Jim Brown passed away onOct. 15, 2023. Brother Jim was a person of deep faith, gratitude,and prayer. He was a vowed Marianist for 63 years and spent34 of them ministering and accompanying families at the Marianist2023 MISSION ADVANCEMENTMission, first on the development staff and later as director ofREVENUE AND FUND ALLOCATION legacy giving. Brother Jim viewed his ministry with profound2% 2% gratitude. He was truly grateful for donations and gifts given, andhe never tired of expressing it to our donors. We thank Brother9% Jim and Our Blessed Mother for his life, friendship, and love that Donations he shared with all of us.Wills and Legacy Gifts In gratitude,Net Investment86% Income Grants Rev. Oscar Vasquez, SMProvincial 2023 MARIANIST MISSIONREVENUEDonations $ 13,751,110 YOUR SUPPORTWills and Legacy Gifts.$ 1,500,585Net Investment Income$ 376,029A Year in ReviewGrants$ 279,914TOTAL.$ 15,907,6385,5364% NEW DONORS14% IN 202388%Ministry Support Established in 1960 and located in 553Dayton, Ohio, the Marianist Mission Fundraising Managementhelps support the ministries of 194and General priests and brothers of the Marianist DONORSProvince of the U.S., 105 Lay Marianist IN THE communities in North America and PILLAR the Marianist Sisters. SOCIETYFUND ALLOCATION 1,636 DONORS AND 228,237Ministry Support*.$ 14,056,545Fundraising$ 1,177,749 ORGANIZATIONS IN THE PRAYER REQUESTSManagement and General.$ 673,344 CHAMINADE SOCIETYTOTAL.$ 15,907,638 WITH A GIVING TOTAL OF 136,391 *Including but not limited to: vocations, eldercare, Eastern $ 26,720,825 PERPETUAL Africa, India, EXCEL (formerly MUSP)LIFETIME ENROLLMENTS 22 Call 1.800.348.4732'