b"we express what God calls us to do as a whole better than working in campus ministry and advancement. Atwhat we can do individually. 26 years old, he is excited about what his future holds.FOR INFORMATIONNo one wakes up one day and decides to suddenly Right now, I can't think of anything better for me ON VOCATIONS,pursue a life of religious service. Instead, those who to do, Bro. Chicago said. visit marianist.com/become Marianists hear the calling at different parts Bro. Joseph, who also professed first vows in spring, vocations.of their lives.first met the Society of Mary at Marianist High SchoolGod sends us candidates who have the gifts to do in Mokpo City, South Korea. He was set on the paththe mission, Bro. Dennis said. Its less about what to the Marianists during a pilgrimage about Blessedprofessional credentials or experiences they have, but Chaminade, which included stops in Bordeaux, France,more of are they willing to commit themselves toand Saragosa, Spain. The pilgrimage also visited Rome,do this? where he had a profound experience praying on theBro. Memo attests that personal background is just Scala Sancta, or the Holy Stairs. He felt no pain butas important as committing to Gods call. Practicing law his knees started bleeding as he crawled up the stairs.allowed him to interact with people in his neighbor- After obtaining his university degree in chemistryhood and help those in need, an ideal imprinted on and education, Bro. Joseph completed his mandatoryhim at a young age. two-year military service and then came to the UnitedGetting to know the Marianist brothers living in States in 2020. It was during this time he studiedQuertaro also showed Bro. Memo how their work alongside Bro. Chicago and Bro. Memo at the Marianistmakes a difference in the community. Building on Novitiate. He has since returned to his communitythose relationships, Bro. Memo became a Marianistand ministry in South Korea.aspirant in 2019 and now resides at the QuertaroBrother Joseph Choi, SM,Marianist Community. Serving the Community (below) professes first vows inHe still serves his neighborhood but in a newReceiving his calling a little later in life, Bro. Memo Seoul, South Korea.capacity. Its never boring, he jokes. still uses his law degree to answer legal questions,Having different thoughts and different minds when he can, for those who cannot afford an attorney. makes us very rich, he said. That's a treasure and a Being a Marianist Brother allows him to continue tobeautiful gift. be a life-long learner of scripture and to be of serviceto the people. Now, Bro. Memo looks forward toA Different Kind of Service connecting with everyone in his community, includingWhat started as a dream to serve people as a lawyer the people he serves and his Marianist Brothers.soon became a mission to serve in the name of God. I know that I have the support of my brothers, andFrom the moment he arrived at St. Marys Univer- its important they know that they can count on me,sity, Bro. Chicago was surrounded by community. He too, he said.\x01 did work-study with university ministry and joinedthe Chapel Choir, to name a few of his activities. Nathaniel Miller is managing editor of Gold & Blue, a mag-He also participated in Casa Tuesday, where students azine published by St. Mary's University in San Antonio.visit the Marianist brothers at the Casa Maria Community on campus to pray and sing. A connectionwith Marianist Father Jim Tobin helped strengthen hisconnection with God.During Mass one day, Bro. Chicago had a profoundexperience listening to the words of Consecration in theEucharistic Prayer. He described it as watching everythingfade away until it was just the priest at the altar withJesus there and the host. I couldn't shake that experience.After graduation in 2020, instead of applying for law school, Bro. Chicago applied for aspirancywith the Marianists, spending time in the Stonemill-Kiefaber Community in Dayton, Ohio, before returningto Casa Maria at St. Marys. After professing first vows, Bro. Chicago is now atSt. John Vianney High School in Kirkwood, Missouri,marianist.com/donate 11"