b"Donor SpotlightLOVINGthe BLESSED MOTHERMelba Fisher has dedicated a lifetime to assisting Marysmission of bringing Christ into the world By Dave LueckingR Fisher and her family were introduced to the etired for 20 years now, Melba Fisher of San Antonio is still a regular visitor to St. Marys Marianists through her brother, the late MarianistUniversity, where she worked for 41 years, and Father Joseph Uvietta, who graduated in 1947 fromto the Marianist Residence on campus, where she Central Catholic High School in San Antonio. He often spends time with her big brothers. entered the Marianists in 1949, professed first vowsI never really left St. Marys, she said, with a in 1950 and was ordained in 1961.laugh. I love St. Marys! As was his parents' desire, he also had wanted to pur-She loves the Marianists, as well. And most of all, sue Catholic education in high school. Providentially,BECOME PART OF she loves the Blessed Mother, the heart of the Society they chose Central Catholic, which is a Marianist-spon-MARYS MISSION: of Mary, and her mission of bringing Christ into the sored school and has been since its founding in 1852.If you would like to support world. Shes been contributing to that mission forThe first Marianist he ever met was Brother Paulthe Marianists and their almost 80 years. Novosal, who became his mentor and a close familyministries, please visitmarianist.com/donate or The Blessed Mother, she took me on her shoulder friend, said Fisher, who is eight years younger thancall 1.800.348.4732. when I was a young girl; Ive always felt so close to Fr. Joe, the eldest of five siblings. her, said Fisher, who is 85 years young. My mother Bro. Novosal later hired Fisher to work in the libraryhad a great devotion to the Blessed Mother, too, that at St. Marys University, also sponsored by the Marianists,became solidified when she met the Marianists. in 1963. Thus began the blessing of working withThat first meeting was in the 1940s. Marianist brothers, priests and sisters in all kinds ofI grew up with the Marianists; theyre my family, capacities, both in her official duties at St. Marys andshe said. Ive been totally immersed with the Marianist her unofficial avocation of spreading the MarianistCharism since I was a little girl. I caught the Marianist Charism to students, faculty, staff, and administrators.spirit, hopefully passed it on and live my life according After starting her career in the library, she advancedto the Marianist Charism. to primary roles in the newly created office of the6 Call 1.800.348.4732"