b'nemembranceI R he earned a masters degree in physics atFor the complete obituaries, visit marianist.com/obits.Father Joseph Donald Maryhurst in Kirkwood, Missouri. He Cahill, SM, 95, died entered the Novitiate in Galesville,The Ohio State University. He received June 18, 2024, in San Wisconsin, and professed first vows there a National Science Foundation grant thatAntonio. He had been in 1960. He was ordained Jan. 20, 1973, at allowed him to photograph geological for-a vowed Marianist for Our Lady of the Pillar Church in St. Louis. mations in Arizona, Colorado, and Utah. 74 years. Fr. Don was Fr. Cris earned a bachelors degree in Bro. John moved to Kalamazoo, Michigan,a dedicated priest English at St. Marys University in Sanin 1972. Inspired by the scenery of Michigansknown for his sense Antonio in 1963 and a masters in education Upper Peninsula, his avocation for photog-Father Joseph Donald of humor and desire in 1969 and a Master of Divinity in 1972 from raphy grew. His photographs in Michigan,Cahill, SM to express Gods love Saint Louis University. Colorado, and Texas, among other locations,in his preaching.He taught Latin and English at St. Josephs appeared in the publications of The Sierra Club,Born Aug. 5, 1928, he attended HolySchool in Victoria, Texas, and Don Bosco Time-Life Books, International Wildlife,Redeemer Grade School and High School High School in Milwaukee. He ministered Harrowsmith magazines, and in many text-in Detroit, where he first encountered the as a teacher and chaplain at St. Michael books. He considered photography a formMarianists. Fr. Don entered the Marianists in High School in Chicago, Nolan Catholic of prayer. 1948, professed first vows in Galesville, High School in Fort Worth, Texas, and While in Kalamazoo, Bro. John taught atWisconsin, on Sept. 24, 1949, and earned a Chaminade College Preparatory in St. Louis. Hackett High School for 10 years. He earnedbachelors degree in history from St. Marys He also was assistant vocation director for a masters degree in religious education fromUniversity in San Antonio in 1952. He pro- the province, a campus minister at St. Marys, Boston College in 1979 and taught scripturefessed perpetual vows in Galesville on July 16, pastor at Holy Rosary Parish in San Antonio to adults for the Diocese of Kalamazoo from1955, and was ordained in Fribourg, Switzer- and pastoral associate at St. Josephs Parish 1983 to 1999. land, on June 11, 1961. in Sykesville, Maryland. That year, Bro. John was assigned to theFr. Don taught and ministered at seven Fr. Cris also ministered for 16 years in Marianist Novitiate in Dayton, where hehigh schools through his ministry: St. Marys Mexicoas a pastor, teacher, and chaplain worked as a religious formator to bring novicesin St. Louis, Central Catholic in San Antonio, in three cities. He also served in formation into Marianist life. It was thrilling, a signSt. John Vianney in Kirkwood, Missouri, at the Marianist Novitiate in Quertaro. from heaven to be called to this work, heMcBride in St. Louis, Nolan Catholic in Fort A highlight of his ministry was meeting later said.Worth, Texas, St. Thomas More in Milwaukee, Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta and givingand Bishop McGuinness in Oklahoma City. her communion when he celebrated Mass Brother GerardHe spent 18 years over three stints at Vianney attended by the Missionaries of Charity. (Jerry) Anthonythroughout his ministry.Sullivan, SM, 93,Fr. Don earned a masters degree in Brother John Richard died Aug. 3, 2024, inguidance and counseling at Texas Christian Lemker, SM, 91, died San Antonio. HeUniversity in 1970 and later became a hospital July 4, 2024, in Center- had been a vowedchaplain. Fr. Don also served as an assistant ville, Ohio. He had Marianist for 73 years.pastor at Holy Rosary Parish in San Antonio been a vowed Mari- Bro. Jerry was aand St. Marys Parish in Fort Worth, but the anist for 72 years. Brother Gerard Anthony teacher, counselor,bulk of his work as a parish priest took place Bro. John was a Sullivan, SM and prison chaplainat Our Lady of the Pillar in St. Louis. beloved teacher and whose recovery fromBrother John Richard religious formator alcohol addiction provided motivation andFather Christian Lemker, SM whose acclaimed perspective to help others in recovery. Aloysius Crisphotography appeared Born Oct. 3, 1930, in St. Louis, Bro. JerryJanson, SM, 83, died in many prominent publications.attended Chaminade College Preparatory,Sept. 14, 2024, in San Born Oct. 3, 1932, in Covington, Kentucky, where he met the Marianists. He professedAntonio, with 64 years he first encountered the Marianists at Covington first vows in Galesville, Wisconsin, in 1950 andof religious profession. Catholic High School. He professed first vows in earned a bachelors degree in social studies atFr. Cris was a beloved Marcy, New York, in 1951, earned a bachelors St. Marys University in San Antonio in 1954.teacher, pastor, degree in physics at University of Dayton He professed perpetual vows at GalesvilleFather Christian Aloysius chaplain, campus (Ohio) in 1954, and professed perpetual vows on July 14, 1956.Cris Janson, SM minister, and voca- in Dayton on Aug. 15, 1955. During scholasticate, Bro. Jerry taught attion director.Bro. John then taught physics and math Marianist-sponsored schools in Texas. He thenBorn March 6, 1941, in St. Louis, he met at Cathedral Latin School in Cleveland until served at McBride High School in St. Louisthe Marianists at St. Marys High School in 1962. He next taught at Purcell High School for two years. In 1956, he took on missionthe mid-1950s and finished high school at in Cincinnati for 10 years. During this time, work in Peru, where he taught religion andMemorial: To make a memorial donation in the name of a Marianist, please visit marianist.com/donate.22 Call 1.800.348.4732'