b'English as a second language for most of the would later note that he developed a drinking Santa Clara Department of Corrections as anext 18 years. He also spent a year earning problem at this time. prison chaplain. a masters degree in business administration In 1985, while at St. Thomas Moore High During his time at the Marianist Retreatfrom St. Marys University. School in Milwaukee, Bro. Jerry entered an Center in St. Louis in the 1990s, Bro. JerryIn 1972, Bro. Jerry left Peru to teach at alcohol rehabilitation program. He recalled joined Residents Encounter Christ, a ministryAssumption High School in East St. Louis, that the spirituality of Alcoholics Anonymous offering retreats to incarcerated individuals.Illinois. He then joined the Marianist Apostolic enhanced his recovery. In 1987, he undertook In 2003, he took on a prison ministry posi-Center in St. Louis, where he served for eight a chaplaincy training program with a focus tion in Charlotte, North Carolina, before years. In 1980, he began a three-year pastoral on drug and alcohol rehabilitation. He then retiring from active ministry in 2007.\x01assignment in Veracruz, Mexico. Bro. Jerry served for several years in California for the)ROORZ\x032XU\x031HZ\x03%URWKHUV\x03RQWKH\x03$GYHQWXUH\x03RID\x03/LIHWLPH6XEVFULEH\x03WR\x030DULDQLVW9RFDWLRQV\x03RQ\x03RX7XEH\x03WR\x03VHHQHZ\x03YLGHRV\x03RQ\x03WKH\x030DULDQLVWIRUPDWLRQ\x03SURFHVV\x03DQG\x03IROORZWKH\x03VWRULHV\x03RI\x03\\RXQJ\x03PHQGLVFHUQLQJ\x03UHOLJLRXV\x03OLIH\x116XEVFULEH\x03DW\x1d2878%(\x11&20\x12#0$5,$1,67\x1192&$7,216'