b"A Messagefrom the ProvincialMy Dear Partners in Mission, called to follow the vision of our founder, BlessedWilliam Joseph Chaminade.I have the awesome privilege once again as the Blessed Chaminade called us to serve the peopleProvincial of the Marianist Province of the United of God and to do whatever he tells you. This isStates to write and say, Thank you. what our Blessed Mother says to the servers at theThank you for your generous financial Wedding Feast of Cana. We are all called to bringsupport, your prayerful support, andothers to her Son.your companionship on the journey.The second part on the message is important becauseAs I have shared with you in the past,vowed Marianists have always worked with the young,to make the production deadline for ALIVE and one can use the word young in many ways.magazine, my letter is due by what seems to Young as in children, young as in youth (high school-be a long time before you have the oppor- aged), young as in young adults (university students),tunity to read it.and young as in the entire people of God. Yes, thatsIn the Gospel of Sunday, the 27th week a huge group! But this is the awesomeness of the callin Ordinary time, we hear two very distinct of our God. Whatever our ages or positions in life,messages. The first is about the importance we are called to become like children in how weof relationships, and the second is about love others, in how we accept God, and in how webecoming like children. open our hearts and minds to change the world. These two messages should resonate with Blessed Chaminade called us to accept all peopleall members of the Marianist Family, but in and join hands to serve our Blessed Mothers Missionparticular, for the members of the Society of to bring others to Jesus.Mary. They are important because they help Thank you again for the many different ways youFather Oscar Vasquez, SM to affirm and guide our approach to life and our help us make Blessed Chaminade's vision a reality,lifes mission. one day at a time.When I first joined the Society of Mary, I was trulyexcited because, in becoming part of the Marianist United in Marys Mission, Family, I saw myself as adding to my family. TheMarianist Family encompasses Marianist Sisters,Marianist Brothers and Priests, and Lay Marianists. Rev. Oscar Vasquez, SMWe all have our unique vocations, but we are all Provincial 2 Call 1.800.348.4732"