b'I met Santosh about nine years ago while teaching In his goings and comings, Santosh often meetsEnglish in India. He had a knack for picking it up people poorer than himself, including people withoutquickly. Since then, Ive enjoyed his company immensely, homes and children who scavenge for plastic, metal,whether visiting his family home or taking short trips and other marketable items. As often as possible, hewith him. He is now in his late 20s. buys something for themfruit, cookies, blankets,He lives with his parents and two siblings in a and other items.small, two-room house with a stairwell to the roof, For years, weve spoken regularly. We talk aboutIve visited his egg no air-conditioning or windows, on a crowded, busy what I call the trials and tribulations of being poor.stand on severalstreet. They share beds, and the multi-purpose bed- People take advantage of the poor, who get sick moreoccasions. A person rooms also serve as the kitchen and dining room.often than those with money; theres never enoughmay order a hard- Santosh helps support his family, partly by tutoring money for the necessities of lifelike food.boiled egg or an younger students. He rises early to start his tutoring When we talk, mostly, I listen, and there is a commonomelet. If someone classes before 7 a.m., then tutors until about 6 p.m. thread to his conversation: This is my lot in life; Imhas no money,Often, he does not have time to eat during the day. making the best of it because I have no other option.Santosh provides an After a long day of tutoring, he opens his egg stand on He has taught me a lot over the years. In additionegg free of charge. a main thoroughfare. He closes his egg stand around to feeling sad because of Santoshs lot in life, I feel9:30 p.m., goes home to eat a simple meal, and then proud to know such a man. Our backgrounds havegoes to bed. little in common; I have much more education thanIve visited his egg stand on several occasions. A he does. I am wealthy in comparison to him andperson may order a hard-boiled egg or an omelet. If his family. The inequities and injustices that he andsomeone has no money, Santosh provides an egg free many others like him suffer anger me, yet he neverof charge. seems angry; just resigned.PHOTO BY SUPARNA HAZRA/SHUTTERSTOCKA roadside store in India offers eggs for omelettes or egg toast. 16 Call 1.800.348.4732'