b'A Messagefrom the ProvincialDear Friends of the Marianists, to serve, and that nucleus has grown into more than75 vowed Marianists who are committed to educatingAs young religious brothers in formation, we read in and serving the poor, including 1,000 students at the writings of Blessed William Joseph Chaminade, St. Joseph Chaminade school in Bangalore. The founder of the Society of Mary, that we are called to Marianists teach in English and help educate studentsbe Marianists.from all walks of life and all socio-economic groups. Its like Jesus told the Apostles in the Because of this growth, India has become an Gospel of John: It was not you who chose autonomous Region of the Marianists, now independ-me, but I who chose you(John 15:16). ent of the Province of the U.S. This is a wonder and For me, its been humbling to receive a sign of Gods providence and love.that call and to assist the Blessed Virgin In May, I was blessed to attend the official ceremonyMary in bringing other disciples to her recognizing The Region of India. During this visit, Son, Jesus Christ. I was impressed by the young Marianist Brothers I can sum up the feeling in one wordexpressing their dreams and desires for the future ofwow! Marianist religious life. I was amazed, excited, andThe invitation continues, whether to our humbled by their desire to serve the Blessed Motherssenior religious who have served so gener- mission of bringing Christ to the world.ously over the years or to our young brothers The Province of the U.S. will continue to assistjust learning about Marianist life and ministry. our brothers in India with formation and educationRegardless of our ages, we follow the call opportunities. Plus, we will continue to assist themof Blessed Chaminade to address the needs in supporting the poorest of the poor through ourof the world in our time. Partnering with the Poor program, made possibleWe address these needs in various ways: because of your generosity.Father Oscar Vasquez, SM One way is by an individual directly ministering to Im thankful that men around the world continuethe poor. Brother Guillermo Pea Contreras, who to follow the vision of Blessed Chaminade and the callprofessed vows in June, will serve at our chapels in to be Marianists. And Im thankful for your generosityQuertaro, Mexico, and will work with migrant and and prayerful support of our brothers. Whether youunderserved families. A lawyer before entering the are helping us care for our senior brothers, educateMarianists, he prepared for this ministry by spend- our youngest brothers, or support our brothers ining part of his Novitiate helping in a legal clinic at Mexico, India, and Eastern Africa, I say with mySt. Marys University, providing legal assistance to deepest gratitude, Thank you! residents on San Antonios West Side. He shared thathe believes this is a good way of continuing to use United in the Marianist Charism,his law degree and skills. As a group, the Marianists have been helping ourbrothers in India establish their ministry in the worldsmost populous countrymore than 1.4 billion. In 1980, Rev. Oscar Vasquez, SMfour Marianists from the United States went to India Provincial2 Call 1.800.348.4732'