b'Learn more about the Marianists at marianist.com.I nsideTHE GIFT OF MARY 4In the final part of a series, Marianist Father James Heft highlights the Blessed Mothers roleas the first of all believers. GENEROUS HISTORY .6Father Oscar Vasquez, SM Marianist Mission annually honors faithful donors for their lifetime giving with engraved bricksProvincial at Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto.Brother Bernard Ploeger, SMAssistant ProvincialBernadette McCaffrey Groner FAMILY IN NEED 10Communications Director Ohana O Malia Marianist Lay Community helps former Marianist parish in Maui provideDave LueckingEditor pastoral care after devastating wildfires.WritersFather James Heft, SMBrother Lawrence McBride, SM TUTOR, EGG MAN AND FRIEND .14Kathleen Nelson Marianist Brother Lawrence McBride learns lessons from his friend Santosh, who makes lifePhotographersJohn BauerSid Hastings better for himself, his family and students. Kathleen NelsonJulie WallingContributors DEPARTMENTSMarian Library, University of Dayton Provincial Letter. 2Graphic designJean Lopez, Lopez Needleman Graphic Design, Inc. Marianist Table. 18Copy editingJane D. Palisch, JP Marketing Communications In Remembrance.20Front cover: Mike Sheppard of Oheil Site Solutions 2023 Annual Report21cuts out blank pavers at Our Lady of Lourdes Grottoat Mount Saint John near Dayton, Ohio. The blankswere removed in preparation for new bricks honoringfaithful donors to the Marianists. Photo by JulieWalling.ALIVE Vol. 21, No. 2Summer 2024ALIVEis published three times a year (Spring, Summer,Fall/Winter) by the Marianist Province of the UnitedStates, 4425 West Pine Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63108.For feedback or story ideas, please contact the editor,Dave Luecking, at [email protected]. For changesto your mailing address or to subscribe, please [email protected]. The Society of Mary(Marianists) is an internationalRoman Catholic religious congregation of priestsand brothers. The Marianist Province of the UnitedStates comprises about 200 professed brothers andpriests serving in the United States. The Provincealso includes communities and ministries in Ireland 4 18 21and Mexico. In the United States, it sponsors threeuniversities: University of Dayton in Ohio, St. MarysUniversity in San Antonio, and Chaminade Universityof Honolulu, as well as 18 high schools/middle schools,three parishes and four retreat centers. The congre-gation has been present in the United States since1849 when the Marianists came to Cincinnati.Blessed William Joseph Chaminade founded theSociety of Mary in 1817.Subscribe Now!For a free subscription to ALIVE magazine, email [email protected] and writeALIVE subscription in the subject line. Provide your name, address and phone number.Printed on recycled paper. marianist.com'