b'Theology of MaryMARY, A GIFTFROM GODBy faith, the Blessed Mother is the first of all believers(Second of two parts)By Father James Heft, SMThe Marianist Rule of Life describes the nature of theSociety of Marys mission, spelling out in the firstchapter the theological foundations of the Society the Marianist understanding of the Blessed Mother.This column highlights the sixth through eighth articlesin Chapter 1.(Each article is in italics, with phrases in boldfacefor emphasis, followed by a comment.)Article 6Like the beloved disciple, we accept Mary as a preciousgift of God. Moved by Jesus love for His Mother,we dedicate ourselves to her so that the Holy Spirit,in whose action she cooperates with a mothers love,may form us more fully to the image of her Son. Byour alliance with Mary, we seek to assist her in hermission of forming in faith a multitude of brothers forher first-born Son.The fourth commandment tells us to love our parents.Jesus obeyed it. He loved Mary and Joseph, despitesome misunderstandings (Jesus at 12 years old in the The Annunciation by Masolino da Panicale, Print reproductionTemple: Did you not know I must be about my Fathers on wood. Courtesy of the Marian Library, University of Dayton.business? Mary and Joseph were really upset!) Being room, the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles,sinless does not mean never getting angry. But Jesus, we and the Church was bornthe feast of Pentecostread, continued to be obedient to them. Fathom that! (Acts 1:14). More than any other human being in history, Mary When those tongues of fire descend upon them (forknew the power of the Holy Spirit to change lives, them the first time, for Mary the second), they are sentbeginning with her own. She could have been angry on a missionnot just sitting around being holy.As Mary Rose to Heaven She with those who had abandoned her Son, but after Why be formed more fully into Christ? For the sakeWas Surrounded by Roses and Jesus rose from the dead and ascended into heaven, of mission. People who think they have a mission butLilies by Holly Schapker, Oil she stayed with them, praying for their transformation neglect to embody it convince no one. They need to goon canvas, 2017. Courtesy of in the Spirit. And there she was, with them in the forth, not as individuals, but as members of commu-the Marian Library, Universityof Dayton. upper room, praying for the outpouring of the Spirit, nities of faith. We form alliances (a word the Frenchabout which she already knew a lot. In that upper Marianists use to describe the work of the Marianist4 Call 1.800.348.4732'